Getting Client Results: Your Direct Path to Income

At the end of this video, leave a comment to download your “Self-Assessment Quiz”!

To get instant access to the handout download, leave me a comment below letting me know:

WHO you are, what you’re PASSIONATE about and WHO you want to help?

What are the BIGGEST problems you’ve encountered when trying to HELP people and follow your dream? (I want all the juicy details!)

If you can’t fix these problems, or get past these blocks... what will happen to your dream of helping others (in the next 6 months...or year?)

Click Here To Comment Below

542 thoughts on “Getting Client Results: Your Direct Path to Income

  1. Karen

    I am retired, but would love to work with people using EFT. I have had trouble with institutions that have a narrow focus and don’t respect energy therapy. I love seeing people be empowered. if I can’t find a way to do this outside corporate systems, i will get by but not feel I have lived up to my life purpose.

  2. Anne Miserlian Baker

    Hello Margaret,

    I’m a real estate broker. I have my own company and have NEVER wanted this for my career. I’m not a born sales person, but rather a Helper. When short sales were a thing I was in my element because I was able to help people leave their homes with grace. They Needed my help. Now I also manage residential real estate and I find that work more fullfilling but I’m toooooo busy and don’t make enough money. I’m completely drowning and totally believe this is due to my familiy paradigm around money.

    I’m drawn to transformational healing and am hoping to apply my life’s purpose of helping people to the real estate industry. As a broker, I can help agents, landlords, tenants, buyers and sellers. I think there is a way to integrate your blue print into my industry and really help. I’m excited.

    Example, just yesterday, I sat with a seller who wants to sell his home for the sole purpose of getting out of credit card debt. I think I can help him keep his home, with the 2.25% interest rate on his loan rather than sell his home and come out even. But, I don’t have the tools, yet, to help people in this area. Rather than helping people walk away from their homes with grace, i would like to help people (who want to) keep thier homes and earn more money. I’m not sure how that looks yet, but I think its going to be beautiful.

    Thanks so much for your teachings, Anne

  3. Tony Fell

    After years of running around in circles, and ending up back where I started, albeit in more debt it’s time for me to get off the merry-go-round and take a different path. Roger Bannister shattered the 4 minute mile back in the 50’sb when everybody else said it was impossible, funny thing is, countless others followed suit in breaking the 4 minute mile too after Bannister did! Everyday, I see people running around on the same merry-go-round getting nowhere fast. What a beautiful thing it would be, to do the work, trust the process and become a shining light for others, and then help to guide them to their own personal power and achievement. In Gratitude, Tony – United Kingdom.

  4. Cristina

    Hi Margaret!
    I’m certified in Reiki,sound healing,chakra healing and took the first steps in the EFT,but I struggle to get the clients.So I don’t make many plans for the future.

  5. Audra

    I am new to this but am intrigued on helping people in a powerful way that’s rewarding for both the client and myself

  6. Andrea Doggett

    Hello I am an EFT Practitioner I would like more structure and the ability to charge higher prices. i want to increase my confidence. I want to replace my current ncome and help people get great results. Due to religious beleifs I choose not to use hynosis.

  7. buba

    I am newly qualified CBT therapist which is my career change as at last I decided to follow my passion. I am passionate about helping people with trauma to discover life again and enjoy life. From the video I discovered I am a helper and made all the mentioned mistakes , struggling to get clients, keep them and get paid. used all know to me resources to solve it but i am at that level of helper unfortunately and started to doubt myself and if I ever made a living and if it was worth changing my career

  8. S

    I am therapist and expert in trauma and attachment, wanting to shift to coaching and supporting people in a more effective and efficient way.

  9. Arcelyn

    Hello, I’m Arcelyn I’m passionate about coaching and helping people I wish I can learn from you.

  10. Rachel

    I’m Rachel and I want to help women in business find their confidence and value particularly in my current field of business. I get so much satisfaction helping people.

  11. Linda

    Hello my name is Linda. I am passionate about helping people to shed the conditioning that’s getting in the way of living a life they love. Thank You Margaret.

  12. Paula Jennings

    Thank you for sharing your experience and wisdom Margaret! It’s comforting to know that I am not the only one struggling to attract clients consistently.
    I am a certified transformation coach, yoga & meditation teacher, energy & sound healer. I am passionate about guiding women in transition release negative patterns so they can reclaim their joyful peaceful & fulfilled life. I am at stage 4, having made all of the mistakes while building my business you highlight in the video. I have exhausted my resources & if things don’t shift in the next 6 months I may have to close my business & go back to corporate.

  13. Julie

    My name is Julie and I am interested about the coaching program. I believe that healing is my life purpose.
    Thank you !

  14. Cammie Evans

    I am about 70% through tapping certification and am unsure how to develop a thriving, full-time coaching business. I have been doing lots of free sessions while I am learning and have zero confidence in expecting or asking for payment.

  15. Aisling Duffy

    I am loving the book and alternative modalities to helping people. I trained as an RTT Hypnotherapist and love the idea of adding an extra layer that can help people along the way that they can really take with them and use.

  16. Angie Fiore

    Hi, I’m Angie. I’ve only recently come to the realization that I am a Helper, so your question, ‘Are you a Helper?” really struck me. The older I get, the more I realize that I don’t mind not getting the spotlight, or having to be known, but love helping others achieve their goals. Not only that, someone recently told me that God saw my bologna sandwiches….lol…meaning that He loved the very practical ways that I am able to help others…I see what needs to be done and do it, and it’s usually things that others don’t want to do, or don’t think of doing. Another person said I was like a seeing eye dog, guiding people to an end or goal that they cannot see themselves, or I can see ahead what is necessary and prepare for it. Kind of strange analogies, but they make the point. I guess I don’t really have a ‘modality’ that I’m aware of and honestly I’m at the beginning of this realization and truly wondering if this is something that can be done beyond just ‘helping’. But I am curious enough to search this out!

  17. Janet

    I am gong through the book: Tapping Into Wealth and decided to click on the offer at the bottom of the video of Video 7, but am not getting sound?? The book is awesome!!! The Sarasota County Library system ordered the book and I was notified when it was in their system. Someone else is already behind me to take it out, so I cannot renew it. So worth it to get my own copy!
    Thanks Margaret!! I am presently enrolled in an online Health Coaching Program through HCI, Health Coaching Institute, and got stuck. Now I think Tapping will definitely help me get unstuck. and move forward. My passion is helping people feel their best and be financially wealthy for the rest of their lives!! Then they can follow their calling and be excited about life and HAVE FUN dong it. (smile-smile)

  18. Michelle Kenny

    I would love to learn more about the coaching program. Please send me additional information.

    Thank you!

  19. Anu Keski-Saari

    I am a musician, pedagog and visual artist from Finland! I have found a method that has changed my view to my potential and I am eager to start my own coaching to share this hope and tools for transformation with others. My plan is to be able to quit or shift to minimum hours in my current teaching job that is draining and eating up the time and energy from my art during the next 12 months, and focuse completely on my own ocoaching practice and my artistic work.
    My problem has always been the lack of self confidence, fear of not being taken seriously, and need to seek for acceptance from the outside. I have failed so many times and tried again and failed with my dreams in different forms, that succeeding and living my dream feels often distant to me. But I think I am finally on the right path now.

  20. Adrian Ortega

    woooww!!! el EFT es genial lo use para quitar algunas impreciones en mi vida y tambien para el dolor de cabeza, pero no sabia que podiamos quitar los traumas relacionados al dinero este libro es Genial Gracias por cada palabra de animo que nos brindas y en especial tu fabuloso exito!! Bendiciones Margaret Lynch

  21. Meniyka

    I’m an artist and coach. I’m passionate about transformation and living life to the fullest. I help folks struggling with old patterns get unstuck and breakthrough into greater confidence, joy and clarity.

    What are the BIGGEST problems you’ve encountered when trying to HELP people and follow your dream? (I want all the juicy details!) Consistency and doing the work. Many people just seem to want a quick fix.

    If you can’t fix these problems, or get past these blocks… what will happen to your dream of helping others (in the next 6 months…or year?) I will have to find another source of income, but I can help people in other ways such as through my art etc.

  22. Julie

    I am an artist who is passionate about helping people to become more creative and less stuck. I have been to hell and back on more than one occasion and know a lot about shifting vibrations, but I’m worried because I don’t have an actual modality.

  23. Claire

    I’ve benefited from complementary therapy and I’d like to earn a living helping others in the same way. I’d like to attract clients but the thought of constantly posting on social media leaves me cold. I know I can help others and benefit from earning an income doing it!

  24. Daniela

    Hi, my name is Daniela.

    I am a certified Complementary Therapist, and I’ve been struggling to attract clients. I have such love for helping people and such a desire to share my knowledge and skills with others, that it becomes frustrating and sad for not being able to do it. I always feel like I am one step from achieving financial stability and success, but it just seems that it is getting harder to reach that step, rather than easier. I so what this to work out because I can’t imagine myself doing anything else.

  25. Amanda Bridges

    Hey there Margaret! I am a retired primary school teacher and I have been retired for almost 10 years, which I have loved (being retired), but my income has been only 60% of my full time income – I have wanted to find another career that I COULD DO WITHOUT STRUGGLING to figure out what I could do to help others (and NOT depending on having 23 FIVE YEAR OLDS to be my “clients”) – I have tried MANY OTHER business opportunities over the last 10 years to grow wealthy WITHOUT having the success of paying off my credit cards or covering my bills every month because I’m at the “beck and call” of the Dept of Social Services with my family group conferencing business and I have to WAIT on referrals ALL THE TIME – I have also known about tapping for a long time, almost as long as I have been retired, but never felt drawn to it until now when I could become an ACTUAL coach to help others with their “issues” and learn from YOU after watching your video and reading the first few chapters of your book “Tapping into Wealth” – I have ALSO wanted to make $10k OR MORE a month to be able to set my own schedule and go on vacations when I want and HAVE my clients BEGGING for me to come back and work with them some more and KEEP PAYING ME FOR MY “EXPERTISE”……. Thank you so much for the video I just watched and it seems to “check all of the boxes” that I WANT to learn how to do AND have clients WHO PAY ME WELL for MY expertise and my time and have a NEW CAREER at age 61, AND HELP PEOPLE SOLVE THEIR PROBLEMS IN THEIR LIVES!! 💜✅👍🏻💟💓❤️💚💕💙🥰💝🎉

  26. Josie

    I am interested in becoming a helper because I think this is my calling in life. I would like to help women (mainly) but also men who need to overcome their fears, frustration, anxiety and what ever other emotional distress they are experiencing. As an esthetician I am particularly great at listening to people. My experience with women while taking care of their beauty treatments has shown me that more often than not women like to share how they feel. I am very new at tapping but I strongly believe that it works. I have already experienced some of the benefits of tapping. Painful childhood memories that I carried with me all my life as well as some weight loss. I would love to learn how I could be coach! Learning how to present this wonderful gift of tapping to better other people’s life would be amazing!Thank you for putting this program together!

  27. Riley

    I’m only getting one handout and not the entire program when I click continue. How do I get the rest of the program?

  28. Tamar Drushka Hewitt

    Hi Margaret
    Thanks for the lovely, enlightening video here.
    I’m an artist and an entrepreneur. I’ve been working with women in recovery from alcohol and drugs for a number of years now and you got my attention with “Transformative Life Coach”… I’ve been working on a certification (with Christian Mickelson) . Watching people transform, getting to be a part of that process absolutely lights me up – it’s my passion, for sure.
    To see people make big shifts and hep them achieve things they didn’t even believe was possible … YES!

    Who are the people I want to help? Excellent question; primarily women who know they are capable of so much more. Who yearn for something…
    How to get them the results they want?
    How to find those people who are willing to pay (“When people pay, they pay attention”) ?
    What are the principles, guideposts ROADMAP to get them there?

    The [lack of a ] clear roadmap and KNOWING is what’s been holding me back, from building a successful coaching practice.
    I know know intuitively that I don’t want to go down the unsuccessful “helpers” path you describe here. So looking for the roadmap.

    Not solving this would leave me in a spot I’ve been for several years now and I know it’s time to make a decision and move forward. I know that it requires a decision, a commitment to make my dream become a reality. Not solving it leaves me in a place where I am not creating the kind of income I KNOW is waiting there for me.
    I’ve felt this calling for so many years; I know that when I do make it happen, I’ll likely say “Why didn’t I do this sooner?”

  29. Riley

    Hi! I’ve commented a few times here and it doesn’t seem to be going through so fingers crossed this one goes through!

    I want to teach other people EFT and help them improve their lives. So many people don’t process the trauma they go through. I’ve always had a great way with words and I want to take this next step.

  30. Valerie

    I’m Valerie. I put my hypnosis business on hold to help my husband open a retail store. I am ready to start working with clients again, this time to help women overcome blocks that are holding them back from achieving the success they want and living the life of their dreams.

  31. Marlene Rosana

    My name is Marlene Rosana. I am a nurse practitioner and functional medicine practitioner. I focus on helping women who are experiencing nagging symptoms and help them balance their hormones naturally. I struggle a lot with that as I keep telling myself that I am not good enough and I do not know enough to help them appropriately to the extend of them getting results. Maybe it is connected to the fact that the women I have worked with in the past were not very committed. I also have blocks about money and feel like I don’t want to charge my worth. I am afraid that if this continues, I might sendup giving up altogether and I don’t want that because I truly feel a calling. I also realize that finances is a big issue for everyone/women and is a great source of stress. I am adding a financial component into my program and would like to use tapping not only for health but also for finance.

  32. Marvin Vallejo

    My name is Marvin Vallejo I have try for year to unblock money issue I am so frustrated I have read your book and it makes so much sense and I want to take you course please send me more information

  33. Jane C

    I just recently got certified as a RTT (Rapid Transformational Therapy) Practioner, and a Life Mastery Consultant. I have a deep desire to help others, especially women, Take Hold of the Reins to life they truly love, and, to clear their blocks and limiting beliefs that are holding them back.

    I am also interested in adding EFT. I want to attract clients who resonate with me, and Not ‘sell’ in the way that was part of the training I received.

    I am just getting started and want to do it in the right way.

  34. Kavitha

    Hi, I’m a Business Coach and help women turn their passion into online coaching business. It’s only 2 years since I ventured into online coaching. My previous business of handmade chocolate gifting was not successful. Though I got few clients, and I’m able to give results to my clients, I’m struggling to get clients consistently and raise my prices. I’m not attracting my ideal clients. After reading your book Tapping into Wealth, I understand that there are lot of inner things I need to address in myself, and probably that’s why my life, my business, my career, finances are all not what I really want to be. This is a make or break situation for me. Either I earn consistently or live the life of a failure the rest of life. Inspite of being a bright student, I am unable to make a good living, and that’s shattering my confidence and self worth. Sometimes I feel if I”m unable to help myself out of this situation, how am I going to help my clients.

  35. Cami

    My name is Cami. I’m PASSIONATE about helping women who have or are going through a domestic violence situation to help them not only get back their confidence in themselves but also to help them get their money stories strong.
    The reason is because I have been in that situation and felt as though I able to leave because I had no money to care for myself (among others). It was so scary and disheartening.

    Even after I was able to get out, I’ve still had so many bad money paradigms. I want to help these ladies keep from falling into that trap and/or set themselves up to care for themselves and their family without feeling like a burden.

    If I’m not able to do this in 6 years, honestly I don’t know. I can’t imagine not doing this even though I have no idea how to get there at this point.

  36. Vladimir

    Hi, my name is Vladimir.

    I am new to this so have not had the opportunity yet to have problems. I am passionate about helping people reach their goals and hopefully i can use the skills provided to help others reach the freedom they would like.


  37. Brittany

    Hi I’m Brittany and I’m a wealth consciousness business coach. I help women in male dominant industries get out of their own way and use their voice assertively to generate 5-6 figure months. The problem I run into is women who can afford my services actually seeing that they need my expertise!

  38. Marianne Hommel

    Hi Margaret
    My name is Marianne and I’m passionate about EFT and helping people overcoming their limiting beliefs and living the lives they dream about.
    I would like to start my own coaching business, my biggest challenge is that I am on my own, having to figure out everything on my own. So when you talk about a coaching model I can follow, in spite of modality, you have caught my attention.
    BR Marianne

  39. Jackie Johnson

    I am Jackie Johnson, money coach, I am passionate about helping those in my profession to manage their money better. The biggest problem I have encountered so far is convincing people to invest in themselves and work with me. And to find new clients/leads.

  40. Bill

    I’m excited at the possibility of helping others but I really want to get my act together first. The people I want to help first are my friends and family.

  41. Karina R

    I’ve just starting EFT training as I love it and feel already passionate about it and would love to help people with this technique.
    However, It’s not the only technique I’ve learnt these past three years..I’ve actually trained and learnt so many holistic modalities but unfortunately did get not even one paying client. I offered free sessions hoping to make myself known but with no results.
    I do believe that EFT and other holistic therapies can help people. I just don’t know how to do it and feel powerless now.
    Many many thanks

  42. Sarah Bartlett

    Hey Margaret, your video 1 all sounded pretty familiar! I’ve trained to level 3 (but not completed) as an EFT Practitioner and also Reiki Master as the tools i took forward from my own self healing journey. I did this self work full time for 3-4 years and found my path again to help others having started out as a Social Worker out of college then getting disillusioned and side stepping out. However I needed to help myself first and that journey continues of course. Since then i’ve been doing pretty much what you outlined in your video 1.
    I want to help people who are willing to step outside the mainstream models and take responsibility for healing themselves in a committed whole mind and body way. My passion is to help people experience and be empowered to heal themselves from the inside out = hence my business name.
    My biggest problems have been attracting clients, feeling like i had a clear structure to work with clients (esp when i was doing NLP prior to EFT and which lead me into doing EFT which improved that),and networking to attract clients but also to build a professional network/referral base around me. I recognise much of what you cover, the struggle as you describe it in getting clients when i am not into ‘selling’, also the struggle in networking when i put energy into it and get very little engagement with the community at large or other health and wellbeing practitioners. I have been working through my own blocks (including working through your book) and I am seeing clients part time but not a constant steady flow. I aspire to a waiting list! I had to get a part time job but they aren’t open to me brinigng EFT into it even though it is perfect for dealing with the anxiety and depression clients which is the majority who come there. It leaves me frustated!! I’ve struggled with my confidence through out but have overcome that to an extent as i got more regular and some longer term clients and i have been able to put my pricing up. I am currently feeling less confident in my modaility as i refine my practice further and take on new training in EFT. I want to be able to work independently with enough clients that i don’t need the part time job for some steady but low income and i would like to be contracted by an agency to do what i am good at potentially also including delivering workshops and earn great income so i have choices in my life. If i can’t get to this next fully successful stage with a steady flow of clients who do my marketing for me through word of mouth, i will continue to limp along the slow hard way building my practice and spending to0 big of a proportion of what i earn trying to develop myself, my skills and business further and struggle to find any paid roles where i can actually use my skills also.

  43. Sofia

    Hello! I am Sofia, I am a certified lifecoach, mindfulness instructor and have taken some courses in EFT. I am passionate about learning people these wonderful tools! My background is that I have been working with accounting for 10 years and after a really deep fatigue, I realized that I had to change direktion.

    I have started my business and I had a really big vision when I first started. Since I did face all the dangers that you talked about in the video I am now facing some insecurity about what I really want to focus on. I realize that I need to make up my mind about what my niche is supposed to be, since I feel it is quite unclear. And I really need to figure out how to reach out to more clients.

    And I need to speed things up.. or else I have to go back to accounting again, and that is freaking me out…

  44. CT

    WHO you are, what you’re PASSIONATE about and WHO you want to help?

    Coach helping heart-centred entreprenuers build their businesses

    What are the BIGGEST problems you’ve encountered when trying to HELP people and follow your dream? (I want all the juicy details!)

    Reaching the right people

  45. Mario

    I am Mario, and I am passionate about supporting people to meet their financial and spiritual goals. I am a CPA and have been working in Corporate America as a Chief Financial Officer for 20 years.

    My biggest problem right now is to make time to make the transition from Corporate America to Transformational Coach. I have a family and cannot afford to significantly cut my income for a long time.

    If I do not address my transition issue within the next year, I may have to go back to Corporate America.

  46. Ebru

    Hii Margaret,
    My name is Ebru. I am a HIH certified instructor and currently being trained in EFT by EFTUniverse to become an EFT practitioner. My passion is helping parents to become present with their children and stay connected to themselves and their kids. EFT is a wonderful self-help and first aid tool for all parents and children. Would love to gain the clarity you were talking about in the video. The clarity about the structure of sessions, which tool to use, pinpointing the root of a presenting issue with confidence and results

  47. Isaura

    Hi Margaret, I am a spiritual life coach and I help women to ditch their 9-5 job, discover their soul purpose and create a thriving business.
    I really love your book Tapping into wealth!
    I’m looking for some powerful tools to help create haha moments for my clients.
    I already have clients and they are thrilled by the results but I want to have more consistent clients

  48. Adrienne Matt

    WHO you are: Money Coach
    What you’re PASSIONATE about: Helping people find *their version* of financial freedom
    WHO you want to help: Women (erm, need to niche this a bit)
    What are the BIGGEST problems you’ve encountered when trying to HELP people and follow your dream? People come to me for advice all the time. Thought maybe I could get paid for it. 80-90% of the time, people follow my advice!
    If you can’t fix these problems, or get past these blocks… what will happen to your dream of helping others (in the next 6 months…or year?) Although I have mastery at my craft, I’m rather bored with it and fairly sick of the industry. So this is a game-changing pivot 3rd-career pivot for me.

  49. Sandra Mohabir-McKinley

    Fellow coach told me about EFT so I got Margaret’s book, Tapping Into Wealth, and it is helping me to understand so much about how I interact with money. On a personal basis, I get money and somehow it disappears and I find that I’ve got very little to show for it. I’m doing a year-long coach training program with the intention of becoming a coach. My fear is that I won’t get clients because I won’t know how to tell them what I can do for them or because they won’t want to pay me. I feel uncomfortable asking for money. I know that this comes from my childhood but I need to figure out how to overcome it. I am hoping that I get some answers with EFT particularly as I’m 62 years old and this is becoming tiresome!

  50. Brianna

    Hi, I work in the holistic skincare and wellness industry. I am ready to step fully into my power to provide fulfilling results for myself and my clients. I have a deep calling to help others with their journey.

  51. Carolina Senic

    I have been practicing EFT for a couple of years and experienced huge shifts in my life. Would like to become a practitioner and help others to change their lives but don’t know where to begin, feeling stuck.

  52. Qhawe

    Who am I? I am a thought of love in form. I have never been born & I will never taste death. I am infinite & eternal. I shine forth as a Sunbeam to the sun. I am the effect of Gods love. & I stand before you to love you. I am passionate about fulfilling my function, my function is healing. I want to help people with chronic diseases, people who want to lose weight, teenagers who want to have direction and women who want to experience multiple orgasms.
    Biggest problems would be getting result I expect, seeing other peoples lives transformed because of my work. Sometimes I am the one who holds myself back, my parent & lack of finances.
    Without all the blocks in my work. I think I will be having successful clients who are progressing and delighted with the help I am will to provide.

  53. Oxana Chizitcaia

    Hi, Margaret.

    I am doing Craniosacral Biodynamics. Also I love create things like macramé decorations etc. I also do Coaching And Massages. I love to heal people through the touch. But also through the voice. I love to sing And use right words in the right time.

    The biggest struggle Is that I do not have clients which come back for more even though they tell me how awesome And helpful IT Is.

    I think I give Up And find some job where my soul Will appear less And less And Once die. Because I didn’t fight for my Dream and soul. Even though IT Is really hard.

  54. Jane Leigh

    Hi, I’m a Life Coach and Psychic, with training in Hypnotherapy, EFT, and a multitude of energy healing modalities. I am amazing at guiding and working with my clients to get them the desired result, but I just can’t get enough clients to return a lucrative income. I have had the exact problems that you describe, the biggest being that I can’t concisely tell people what I do.

    I know without a shadow of a doubt that my purpose is to be a ‘Way Shower’, to impact multitudes of people, in being and bringing the change the world is seeking, and it is now time for me to move forward boldly.

    I look forward to your assistance in this quest.

  55. Mallika

    Hi, I am Mallika, a Mindfulness Coach. I am passionate about helping people achieve Inner Peace with Mindfulness and Meditation. However, in my experience I have realised that Financial Stress is the biggest struggle people constantly go through and unless those emotions are not resolved, it’s difficult for them to come to the place of peace.


    Hello, Adv. Tilaksingh Gautam here wants to help lots of people to transform their life in order to free from time, health and money problems.

  57. Ziza

    Hello, I am an artist and I am really looking forward to helping others heal their subconscious blocks, as tapping has brought me a lot of amazing results and benefits. I am still working on healing myself, but I would love to share these things with other people, as well. My biggest problems are related to the financial paradigms that I have inherited from my parents and I am working to rewrite them right now, as I feel this is also hindering my ability to help others. If I am not able to solve this problems, I know my dreams will be crushed and I definitely cannot accept a life lived through somebody else’s reality.

  58. Zing Teo

    Hi Margaret, thanks for this video. Simple and Informative. I would like to learn more about how to be healper.

  59. Leia

    I’m really enjoying the design and layout of your website.
    It’s a very easy on the eyes which makes it much more enjoyable for
    me to come here and visit more often. Did you hire out a
    designer to create your theme? Outstanding work!

  60. Molly

    Margaret I’m reading your book Tapping Into Wealth. Well! I work as a librarian in Wheatland, Wyoming. Getting ready for the 2021 Adult Summer Reading program, and I’ve decided to depart from the national collaborative SRP plan to go with my own idea for an EFT Tapping program. I’ve been using tapping for a year now to relieve sciatic nerve pain, release anxiety, establish better health habits etc. My plan is to retire from the library in January 2022 (the month I turn 69). So, I just set an absolutely Outrageous income goal for my retirement years, because I want to spend my time helping others and helping myself become the artist I’ve always dreamed of being. Frankly, Yes! Your formula for an Outrageous Goal scared me to Pieces! But Maybe…there’s a way…right in front of me… to make this truly work! for me and my family. I’m excited to learn more about this training.

  61. Jennifer

    Hi Margaret, I am training to become an EFT practitioner and have training in hypnotherapy. I work with a visualising technique developed specially for children. My goal is to work with children and women so that they can believe in themselves and have the life they wish for. I am working part time and my biggest problem has been to get new clients. I have been working for 3 years,have helped a lot of people, but have only made enough money to pay the rent of my practice. Deep down I have this feeling that the good things in life are not meant for me and that I will never be successful independent and free. It feels like a destiny that I have been fighting all my life,so far without success. If nothing changes I don’t known how long it will take until I give up on my dream of making a career as an Eft practitioner and of the dream of ever being successful, independent and free.

  62. Rayhanna

    Hello, Thank you for this opportunity. I think for me having the success then losing it is becoming frustrating because it seems to be like running on a hamster wheel. The harder I try the more financially lower I go so I give up on myself as I don’t see results but have to keep going because I have kids that rely on me. And I know that I create my outer world, so I am so grateful I came across the book Tapping for Wealth as I believe God is answering my prayers thru the book. I love helping people with their health and mindset but I can’t help others if I can’t help myself. Thank you

    1. Don

      I am an unemployed school counselor. I would like to be a helpless helper. I would like to counsel counselors to help them experience the greatest level of success that they can. The challenges that I’ve experienced have been in asking for money and coming to a proper price to charge. I’m not a sales person and don’t like to ask anyone for money for any reason even if they owe it to me. My background is in Pranic healing and Pranic psychotherapy.
      But I also find challenging is following up with clients. Sometimes I jump in and don’t get the results that I expect. I realize that most of the times that it takes multiple sessions however these are not lined up in the beginning and may never come to fruition.

  63. Irene

    I’ve studied and practiced numerous different modalities for years. I’m constantly sought out by friends, family, coworkers, and random people for advice, hugs, and just to feel better. It can sometimes feel draining because I love helping them, but I’ve also struggled because it can be so time consuming and leaving me lacking financially. I’m highly intuitive and tend to read people very well. I feel strongly about pursuing a career where I can help people, work anywhere, and thrive financially. I know I have the ability… yet I feel doubt in where to begin, what to say, how to put it all together, etc. I sort of follow where the energy leads me for each specific person… so I’ve often wondered how I would describe what I do when I don’t know what I do until it comes up. I’m passionate about helping other Empaths to find that balance within so that they aren’t “run over by others” the way I had been and still sometimes encounter.

  64. gerri raniere marchese

    Hi Margaret,

    Growing up I always felt deep down in my soul that I needed to help others, a true caregiver at heart. In 2018, I had a Reiki Session done and my Reiki practitioner became a dear friend of mine and became my Reiki Teacher. So now I am a certified Reiki Master. I know I have this gift, everyone tells me, how amazing I am and the energy they feel when I work on them, but I just don’t have the confidence within myself to do Reiki sessions. After my mom passed, I have this hole within me and feel disconnected. I need to get that connection back and to finally work my way out of hiding. Also I started with tapping for my anxiety and it’s really helping so I am also interested in becoming certified in EFT, I know there are so many people who can benefit from knowing this, but I need to get rid of everything that’s holding me back. So blessed having you in my life.

  65. hilde

    Hi, i am a practitioner EFT and Matrix Birth Reimprinting. I would like to reach the young mothers who suffer from a post tramatic birth.I also can help those who had problems with their own birth, because a lot of believes are formed at that time.I am at stage 3. I am eager to learn stage 4.

  66. Brit Undheim

    I reley want to step up and add a new modality as coach and terapist, to reach further IN with a deep and effectiv modality. Children, Youth and ordinary grown up people to feel free, joyful and happy and healthy

  67. Patricia

    I am a coach and I am a healing practitioner too. I will love to have more clients and help more people.

    I payed a “certification” a few months ago but it wasn`t actually that, I lost my money on the guy and never got the certification diploma, was working with him for about 8 weeks, but then he disappeared with my money and can´t find it. So I am very skepticall, and distrustful, but I still want to help people, I am now finishing my ontological coaching certification with a real school after the bad experience and want to persui my dream an move forward.

    I watch your first video and sounds great!!! Thank you

  68. Ana

    After seeing your video I realize I´m clearly struggle in stage 3. I´m committed to help and I know I can do it, however I cannot depend only in therapy to have the life i want to live.

  69. Patricia


    I am really passionate about helping others in any area they are stuck or struggling with. I thing all of us are capable of living the life we dream of, and get out of pain. I am an ontological coach just about to get my certification, I am a reiki practitioner, have several consciousness courses, know abut emotions and illness, something about biodecodification, and really will love to help others to be: healty, wealthy, succesful, fulfield, and live wonderful lives in an integral whole way.

    I am just recovering for let´s say a swindle of a guy a found on the internet, I signed in on a free finance webinar, that took me to a $200 USD finance course, and after that I was offered to pay to get a certification to replicate the course, getting al the tools, know-how, manual, and even a landing page and web page to get it all together and working on. I was working with the guy 3 times a week on one on ones for an hour for 2 months after that “I was supposedly ready” to give the free webinar and then do all the rest, then he just disappeared, didn´t train me anymore, and here I am trying to start over on gaining clients, and with still the debt that all left behind. So I am still hanging on to my dream of being a serious coach that truly helps other change their life, but kind of distrustful of paying money again to be in the same place and starting over. I am still paying the money I invested on my credit card, with very low income, very few clients, or none some weeks.

  70. Emily

    I am a therapist and I’m most passionate about teaching people how their minds operate with beliefs that shape their lives and giving them solutions. I have a lot of training and tools to help them change those beliefs including hypnotherapy.
    The people I really want to help are mums – especially new ones for creating a happy family dynamic, and also older who’s kids have grown up who left their dreams on the table. I also love working with 18-24 year olds.
    My biggest problems are with charging enough and I get really tired spending so much time with people doing theray the way I do. So I don’t even want to sell it.
    The consequences are I am in dire straits financially and keep getting run down with the stress and therefore not working enough anyway! So the next six to twelve months look gloomy unless I change….including with my fear of technology!
    Thank you. Tapping has really proved remarkable for me and the few clients I have used it on.

  71. Lottie

    I would love to use tapping to become a coach but would like help with finding a structure so we are not flitting from tapping session to another but have a clear goal and path.

  72. Charlotte

    I was a school teacher for many years then pivoted to digital marketing to fit around my young family. I am passionate about tapping, it has helped me personally so much and I would like to help others discover and use tapping too. I am at the beginning of my journey to become a practioner or coach but I can see the potential pitfalls that Margaret shares in her video. My friend’s eyes glaze over and I can hear I am not explaining EFT well. I have done some free sessions for friends and as Margaret says for a few sessions, they are enthusiastic but then it withers. I am not clear who I would like to help but after reading Tapping into Wealth – I love Margaret’s approach and style and know she is the right person to help me navigate this journey. Everything she says makes so much sense and from the first page, I had ah-ha moments. I want to help people have these moments too!

  73. Sher

    I am attending the 3 day seminar Margaret is conducting. I would like to pursue further tapping and the coach training…not sure how to do that.

  74. Pat McKissic

    I have been a psychiatric nurse since 1994 and a psychiatric nurse practitioner since 1995. I’m passionate about psychology and the needs of the chronically mentally ill and my dream is to provide community mental health housing & services for this population. I would also love to have a wellness center for clinicians to have access to ways to manage their stress. I started a real estate investment agency in 2018 & a digital marketing agency last year, but I keep self-sabotaging and hitting roadblocks to actually doing the work to become successful. I feel stuck! I’m at an age when most of my peers are retiring, but a couple years ago I filed bankruptcy as a result of my chronic history of not understanding how to manage my finances. I’ve had a negative relationship with money which I now believe is a result of the trauma of my parents divorce when I was about 5 years old. I had weekend visits with my father, who remarried, and my mother would typically insist that I ask my father for ‘more’ money which I was always afraid to do. I rarely lacked for anything I wanted as a child, but anything involving money has always been a major stressor for me. Even as an adult, I have depended excessively on others to provide me with what I want and I have not learned how to manage money properly. I purchased Gary Craig’s original EFT course in the early 90s but until recently had not really attempted to use it. I was extremely excited when I found Margaret’s ‘Tapping into Wealth’ book last week! I believe this is the breakthrough I’ve been searching for all my life (no exaggeration)! 🙂

  75. Cindy Wallace

    I am a practising clinical hypnotherapist, I have had several long term clients who have transformed their lives immeasurably. I have recently been doing some courses online involving tapping and again have achieved incredible results. During this, I realised that I have based my whole business on aiming to help those at the lower income strata and have invested heavily in working with charities who paid me not very much for my time and talent, which for the end user, was free. These end users, didn’t show up or were disinterested and not engaged in the idea of changing themselves, they wanted me to make changes on their behalf without any reciprocal effort from them.
    Now I have had that epiphany and I want to change what I do, change my target market and actually start making not just a living, but earning enough to have fun in life.

  76. Sher

    I love the work I have done for years as an advanced practice nurse in mental health…inpatient, community mental health and now private practice.for over 30 years. It is time for a change.,,,ie. more tapping, less long term therapy work.
    Creating,receiving new clients is an issue now and better understanding how to make the above transition. I would like a coach/coaching program and would like more info. about all of this program.

  77. Heidi

    I am a life coach and an Ayurvedic health counselor. I find that sometimes people get stuck with processing their emotions and even after they are aware of their patterns, have a hard time sustaining consistent change. I’m looking for a modality like tapping that can help people move past these blocks so that they can get the results they want with more ease.

  78. Eduartina

    As a life coach I am passionate about helping people with letting go on their limiting beliefs, processing their emotions and following their soul calling. All of the above came from my personal experience in my life and I truly believe that is my life purpose. I felt the calling to help other people since 2007 and I took steps to learn about life coaching, certified practitioner on 2 holistic therapy and soul healing I got the experiences you describe: gave freebies, explained about the modalities I found and got the result of people telling me that “‘I live in a bubble and that real world is not like this”. Thus I became unsure what to do and how to explain better.
    I can see that my practice will pick up in the next 6 months as I get to live my dream of sustaining people to transform their lives.

    1. Angela Protain

      My struggle is with selling. It feels uncomfortable, every single client I’ve had thus far has been by referral so that’s great but not enough to sustain a business.

  79. Shamara Polkowske

    I’m shamara and I’m a life coach!
    I really help people re discover their true identities, so they can start acting from that identity instead of limiting ones.

    Would love to join!

  80. Karol Adam Krysinski

    Fear of being judged, that’s something I stumble upon when I design my ideal practice. 🙂

  81. Diana

    I am health coach and myself have struggled with money and unhealthy habits in the past. Now that I would like to show my way out of all this bad patterns people dont’t take me serious, specially my family and closest friends.

  82. Jessica

    Hi Margaret. I’m definitely at Level 1 and don’t know yet who I’m meant to help, but I’m absolutely certain that I’m being called to be a coach. My biggest problem right now is getting started, and the consequence of not following this dream is a continued life of lack, struggle, and drifting…feeling like I’m wasting my intelligence and blessings.

  83. Cristina

    I’m a therapist and I really want to help others. But I still have money blocks, due to past issues. I need to work on me so that I can give me best to others.

  84. Terje

    I am Terje, from Estonia and I am started my path on this field to become the best coach in my country to help people to think more postively and help themselves to change them a better version of themselves.
    I have been passionated to help people all my life. In my dayly work, when someone is coming to me and is upset abaouth some problem, I like to calm them down and then they can find the solutions by themselves. After that, I feel such strength, self-confidence.
    English is not my first language and due of that Im scared to comit in to some paid course. In My country there are no free courses where I can learn become coach and learn some interesting things like NLP, EFT and Hypnotist. Even thow I will learn how much I can.

  85. Laura

    I am an NLP/EFT practitioner, I also am a certified life coach and strategic interventionist. I loved your book. And would love to learn more.

  86. Julie D’Angelo

    Hi, my name is Julie, I’m from Woodbridge Ontario 🇨🇦❤️
    I am a Integrated Energy Therapist, I’m studying Mindset Coaching as well! I have Ben in the beauty industry forever but my passion has always been into energy, crystals, moon cycles, intentions, making candles using crystal, herbs and making Crystal suncatchers, anything to do with manifestation!
    This would be perfect to add as I love to help people and feel my low self esteem and this covid issue has
    completely took a lot from me that I’m developing fears for my future!
    I’m pretty positive but times it’s hard to remain that way when everything falls apart at once!
    I love seeing how this will improve my life as I started
    tapping and feel a shift! ❤️

  87. Cheri Dion

    Hello Margaret,
    I am Cheri Dion and I am a certified Emotional Eating and EFT coach. I just finished my certification and am getting my business launched. I am interested in this tool as I definitely want to avoid the pitfalls that you mentioned in the first video. Thank you so much for your work and all that you do.

  88. Danijela Strauss

    I am a fertility IVF Coach (certified fertile mind-body therapist) helping women struggling with infertility. I struggle finding my voice and authenticity sharing my message out there


    I just completed a health coaching course but I have not started working with clients yet. When I start taking on clients I want to be well prepared so I can attract the right clients and make this a profitable business.

  90. Marz

    Hi Margaret, I help women who are struggling with anxiety around their life and work. This usually shows up with them attracting dysfunctional relationships and job insecurity.

    I myself have collected many qualifications as a coach including NLP, CBT and others.

    My background is teaching and I have been working as a coach for the last 3 years. My biggest challenge has been consistency in building the business.

    If I’m unable to build this as a sustainable business I feel that I would be failing those who really need my help.

  91. Heidi Haugen

    I am an educator; school district coordinator, teacher trainer and instructional coach. I have a side business in wellness coaching where I use the modalities of Reiki, Therapeutic Touch and Quantum Biofeedback. I’m in the process of retiring from education and will move to expanding my wellness coaching business to full time. I want to become certified in EFT but also plan to become more intentional in my business approach.

  92. Catherine

    Hi there,
    I’m Catherine and I’ve been experimenting with healing modalities for 15+ years, having been a practitioner at one point.
    I worked with a coach a year or so ago and am pushing through my self-doubt to earn credentials in a few healing modalities I’m passionate about and plan to start a healing practice by the end of this year. Self-doubt has held me back dramatically in the past plus I’m really not sales-y at all, super private and even avoid social media.

  93. Ang T

    Hello, I’m Angie, a youngster with a heart to change the world. I am looking forward to creating great things. The thing that’s stopping me is literally having the right strategy !

  94. Anne-Marie Lussier

    working in corporaate world, I tried many times to start a coaching business to just abandon it few months later. This is heart wrecking every time, Self-esteem is really low but I want to give it a last try.

  95. Alvin Green

    I am a natural skin restoration professional. I help people naturally recover from skin trauma so they can live comfortably & confidently.

  96. Joyelle

    Hi! My name is Joyelle and I have been a massage therapist and esthetician for about 18 years now and I earned my yoga certification about two years ago. I have always been on a journey to find the best way to help the people that enter my life.
    I want to take the next step in my life and open my own Day Spa and Soapery with classes and workshops. I no longer want to allow my fear and lack of confidence to hold me back.

  97. Mary

    I’ve been coaching for a number of years and I’m attracted to your systematic approach. Would love to coach sales people and business owners!

  98. Cristina Teixeira

    Hi Margaret. How can I have acess to the quizz? Thanks- Thanks for eternity for all teaching that been transforming my life in TIW program.

  99. karen hall

    Hello I passionate about helping people get unstuck and be their best selves. My problem is to know what to say. thank you!

  100. Valentina

    Hello Margaret!
    I don’t have yet clarity on the kinds of clients that I want to work with, but I want them to reach their goals in life plus to help them to reach emotional freedom (so that their intrinsic motivation won’t be overpowered by the distractions and conditioning). It’s great that you are an engineer. I am a Mathematician and an EFT practitioner and Laughter Yoga Teacher. I struggle with deciding whether to choose a niche and to know what are the next steps to do in my newly started business. Thank you!

  101. Dawna

    Greetings Margaret,
    I work with women who are experiencing an emotional roller coaster of emotions and want to feel more peace and calm in their life. I’m a holistic coach and want to work with more clients than I currently have.

  102. Nelly

    Hi Margaret, thank you for the book!
    It is so pinpointed, because I am TFT-Practicioner, one must look at the right emotions to create change!
    Therefore your book is really really helpful on a deep level!

  103. Najma

    Love this ❤️ Thank you so much for all you do Margaret. You have absolutely been truly inspiring in my journey of becoming confident and overcoming limiting beliefs. Thank you so much 🙏 Your book Tapping Into Wealth is definitely something I recommend to anyone who wants to start seeing a difference in their life. It is part of my daily mantras 🥰
    I can’t thank you enough – you are awesome 😎

  104. Yasmin Gadhia

    Hi, I am Yasmin from India. I am very much interested in counselling and helping people to solve their problems and live fulfilled life. But I do not know where to start. Wealth tapping book I read is really really very helpful to me and can be helpful to many others. I really want the ways through which I can help maximum people and also I can earn enough money so that I need not do all the work which is not align with my this purpose. Your four steps are very exciting and I really want to know more about it. Thanks..

  105. Ruwaydah

    Hi Margaret

    Whilst I’ve done several courses in the alternate healing field, I have never been able to get a business off the ground because of having to have a regular income to take care of my kids and keep a roof over my head. I hope things can be different now, but I must admit I have imposter syndrome when it comes to providing a service.

    I want to make a difference in people’s lives, help them heal and then for them to be able to heal themselves.

    Looking forward to the handbook.

  106. Connie

    Hi Margaret, My name is Connie. I love your content and style. I am a voice and presentation/stagecraft coach. I help speakers and singers undo the vocal and non verbal habits that are holding them back, vocally and on stage. I want to move away from coaching singers and focus more on speaking clients. This is my 20th year of mostly local singer coaching. I want to offer my services online, offer bigger packages and–although I have a small reputation as a ‘voice fixer’ 🙂 I want to really uplevel my skills with your Results and Commitment model–I love that!
    Thrive is my favorite word and that is what attracted me to your work.
    Thank you.

  107. Helena

    I have found my Why : help other people get better with an efficient simple modalities. I just need to take a leap of faith to make a living out of it and clear my blocks.

  108. Natalie

    Hello, My name is Natalie. I have worked in health care most of my life but feel like my real calling is coaching and transforming people’s life. My biggest obstacles are confidence and money. If I don’t overcome these obstacles I will stay stuck where I am now and never fulfill my potential.

  109. Bethany

    WHO you are, what you’re PASSIONATE about and WHO you want to help?
    Bethany. I am passionate about supporting other people in their journey heal the root causes for their money trouble in order to achieve long lasting financial results.
    What are the BIGGEST problems you’ve encountered when trying to HELP people and follow your dream? (I want all the juicy details!)
    I have had trouble in the past getting my own financial and spiritual foundation secure enough to help others.

    If you can’t fix these problems, or get past these blocks… what will happen to your dream of helping others (in the next 6 months…or year?)
    I will be successful. I have already taken the first steps to healing my self through a personal development program.

  110. Mas

    I am guiding people in saving gold. I find so many who wants to save gold but reluctant to do a small steps into it. They want but they refused. I also want to guide myself to be better in this field

  111. Giuly

    I have been a massage therapist for almost 20 years and only at the start of this year completed a degree in chiropractic with the intention of being able to offer my clients more complete holistic healing as well as giving me the opportunity to work smarter and not harder to my retirement in 20 or so more years! I feel that I have reached level 4 as a massage therapist, I work when I want to, I love what I do, I have regular clients, I don’t market myself as all my new clients are referrals from my existing ones. I love working with anyone aged between 20 and 80 who need body work done. I also love being able to give clients simple, easy, non time consuming exercises that they can do at home to help themselves feel better, move better and be better. My biggest personal blocks are that I always ask at the end of their treatment if they are feeling better – the seeking approval that what I have done is right for them ( you would think that after almost 20 years I would know that I do help and be confident in that in myself by now! ). I feel that this personal block limits my earning power.
    As I am reletively newly graduated as a chiropractor, my confidence in my skills is quite low. I am currently observing and learning from a chiropractor at the moment to help increase my effectivity and efficiency. This chiropractor is looking to hire an associate at the end of the year and I really like the atmosphere, people and support at this workplace. How can I make myself look and feel confident in becoming a good chiropractor and make the chiropractor feel confident that I am the right person for him to employ?

  112. Raven

    I’m Raven. I have a passion for alternative methods for healing, mainly focusing those who suffer from anxiety, depression, and ptsd since I myself suffer from these. My fear is that I have not gotten to a point in my own personal development to help people with theirs and that will affect my business.

  113. Adela

    Dear Margaret,

    I am Adela, and I come from Croatia. I studied to be an architect, but it is not what I want to do in my life. I am a very intuitive person and I have many things I like, or am good at. My biggest problem is not knowing how or what to choose for me to do. Teaching, writing, singing, helping others, working with children, cooking, design, interior… those are some of the things I am really good at, but I do not know what to choose (usually I choose sth and stick to it for max 3 weeks and then let it go)… so I feel very confused and I think I have very low self esteem. I know deep inside that I have many talents, I just do not know how to use them. I started using EFT and hope it will help me clear some of those blocks. I would really like to be self employed, have my own business of helping people etc, because I would not like to work in the system. As I mentioned earlier, I live in Croatia, and my fear is – Croatia is not a big market place as America for this kind of stuff. People do not give money for this kind of things.
    I would very much appreciate to come in contact with You dear Margaret, and Your help.
    Thank You for Your wonderful work and wonderful energy you shine out.
    Kind regards,

  114. Tracy Reed Williams

    What is tapping? I’m looking for something to help me remove my blockage with success, money, manifesting, and fear. I need help bad!

  115. Hannah

    Hi I’m Hannah, I’m a Mama and a coach and I’m passionate about teaching women to connect and love their own essence and heal from the negative self talk and self judgement that has been stealing from every area of their life.
    The biggest problem that I have encountered in my coaching is my own block of low self value, it gets in the way of expanding my business and really growing and impacting the amount of women I would like to be impacting. It also holds me back from feeling bold and I have trouble clarifying what I do in a way that attracts clients.

    If I do not overcome these blocks in 6 months I see myself really not growing, feeling like a fake and ultimately hiding.

  116. Wanda Carter

    I am a Transformational Partner utilising clinical hypnotherapy, NLP and Quantum Consciousness, plus a number of more esoteric modalities that I have picked up along the years. I have struggled with finding my niche, which I believe I have done now for the moment, but it is really my lack of confidence and consistency that is holding me back.

  117. Florencia Mena

    I am a stay home mom, just came out of a 15 year old Corp life and I am passionate about Human Resources, helping people accomplish their best version of themselves. That was my dream since I was 8 years old, and clearing has been an amazing experience and what really makes me joyful to help people with. I actually feel I am a “Inner Shit Cleaning Expert”, and help people to reverse engineer their life from how they want to feel all the way on what their action plan will look like in their here now to live that way every day.
    I think I want to help ANYONE and struggle committing to a niche. I tend to fill in the spaces because I might feel I am not enough to offer a valuable process. My imposter syndrome is strong and I am afraid of not making it and not being able to make a means on my own and have abundant unlimited financial freedom for the rest of my life.
    I will pay my debt, be absolutely happy doing what I am already happy doing but in an effective way that serves others and myself and leave legacy

  118. Aaron

    I’m stuck in a job that I’m really good at, pays pretty well, and I find ridiculously petty…. I need to increase my level of contribution and reward. Your offer may be more aligned with my purpose. I’d love to know more. Thanks for all you do!

  119. Emília Rocha

    I´m a energetic healer, I’m addicted in learning, I love everything about mind body and spirit. I want to help live in a more free way, to help them to find the roots of their problems and solve them more easily. My biggest problems are that I spend more in my trainings than I ever get to charge, It’s not easy for me to charge when I enjoy it so much and It’s so easy for me to see what’s needed. I only charge what I need but it has been stoping me from growing.

  120. Jozette Gordon

    Hi Margaret, thanks for everything you offer!! I am an artist, entrepreneur, and healer. I’ve been running two successful businesses in fashion design and performance art for about a decade now, but recently I’ve felt more called to explore my healing practices and discover how I can serve others. I have suffered from chronic pelvic pain for 13 years, and I’ve managed to heal myself almost completely using EFT tapping, meditation, and other inner work. I’ve also healed my money mindset and began seeing financial success in my businesses. I’m passionate about helping people live beautiful lives without the limitations of physical pain or lack of finances. I’ve realized how many illnesses are deemed “incurable”, and it’s so sad because people simply accept their fate of being in pain forever, but I know that there’s more options and that helping people tap into the root cause of their chronic pain is possible and can help them be pain free! I’d say my biggest problems so far when trying to help people is my confidence and being able to truly find my voice. I’ve been creating some videos and getting some good feedback, but I want to be sure I’m showing up authentically and really being effective. I am unsure of how to help individuals yet with their specific ailments, and I feel like I want more well rounded training to go with my personal development t and experience before I can really put myself out there and claim to be a healer. I want to fix these problems that are holding me back because if I don’t, then my dream of having even more freedom, passive income, and helping people transform will be put on hold or never come to fruition. I do feel this is my calling and would be very fulfilling! Thank you 💙

  121. Kristina Vince

    Hi .. I am a life coach and healer. I am just starting up my own business with clients. I have been a business owner before, but not as a life coach and healer. I am not a sales person, and that energy dos not resonate with me. I belive that the clients that are meant to get my help will come. Still, a part of me are afraid I will need to styggel.. so something is blocking hehehe.. Thank you!

  122. Galina St George

    I am a natural health practitioner and life coach. I am passionate about what I do. I come across a lot of people suffering from anxiety and am very keen to help them. My biggest problem is marketing myself and attracting new clients to my practice which doesn’t help with the bills. I would like to learn about helping people overcome their emotional issues and help myself as a result. I’d like to see myself working in a thriving practice doing the work that is both fulfilling and financially rewarding.

  123. CC Hamilton

    I’m passionate about helping people or animals in whatever way I can. I was a pet nutritional consultant before COVID-19. I got so discouraged in what I was attempting to do that I really began to hate my job and just wanted out of there. Be careful what you ask for because you might get it. I’m working in the major pet stores now but doing something different. I don’t have to talk to people anymore although sometimes I do. My job is to load bags onto shelves and straighten up and make sure that everything is in the proper place. This isn’t what I want to do and in one store in particular I get treated like a non human or someone who just doesn’t fit in or appreciated. My hours have literally been cut in half and my dog walking jobs have been cut down to two or three clients a week because people are either home or not taking trips where the big money is because I also did house sitting as well. I used to have three jobs but now I see my bank account going down instead of up like it was. I don’t have any family so I feel like I’m working without a net. Many years ago I did take a long course where I traveled to learn how to be a EFT consultant but it turned into more of a nightmare than anything else and I was sorry I made the decision to go.If I can’t get past these blocks I’m not sure what will happen to me because there isn’t any end in sight with the COVID-19.

  124. Gwendolyn Atwood


    I’d love to feel confident about creating an online business in coaching. I’ve done some training in professional/clinical EFT and love the modality. Very open to what Margaret is teaching, could definitely use a good coach myself.

  125. Dr. Gwendolyn Coke Atwood

    Amazingly compelling video, Margaret! Really glad to have found you. So, who am I? I’m, of course, eternal spirit 😀 (this is a smile, not a mask) appearing in this present lifetime as “me.” I’m a woman who is still young, so young I no longer tell my age so people don’t pigeonhole me. I’ve raised three amazing kids, the youngest of whom is now 18 yo, also 20yo and 23yo. I’m such a wounded empath, you could say, that alas I had two super~destructive marriages, with two narcissist exs, Alas, those disasters are really just the tip of the iceberg of what I’ve had to overcome and heal to get to where I’m at now. Now I’m really poised to come out into the world, to do my best work. What I’m passionate about most, probably, is helping children, especially our youngest children, to have a voice that is heard, even when they cannot yet speak (the etymological meaning of the word “infant”). To help infants, who are fundamentally just like us “grown ups” only completely helpless and wholly dependent upon their caregivers, I want to reach those caregivers, mothers, particularly, of course, but also fathers and others who support mothers in doing what mothers do best. I want to help mothers to break through all the truly wretched cultural programming that tells them they have to do “this” or “that” in order to “train” their newborn to “do this” or do “that,” all of which is other than what the infant is already doing. So completely crazy, our culture! I have so much to offer in this area, and yet, I’ve been hiding out forever, it seems, because I’m so incredibly sensitive and I’ve been so truly gruesomely wounded in the past. Alas I have good reason to fear, even now, because what I want to deliver to the world is … not the usual, not the mainstream, not aligned with what many parents believe they “must” do because because because… “or else” or else or else… etc. I do have my doctorate from Harvard in psychology and I specialized in working with children and adolescents back in the day, before my kids were born. I was very very good at it. But I knew in my bones that what I was learning wasn’t really helping very much. Just a little, if that. Some of it, actually harmful. For sure, what I learned in school or experienced as to that kind of healing didn’t help me much, although it did help, somewhat; alas some or even much of it harmed me, for sure. I’ve always been really deeply intent on healing, wholly, fully, as completely as possible, not just me and my children, my immediate circle of concern, naturally, but also really helping others to heal, as fully as possible. I’ve come a long way and I still have a ways to go, for sure, as thus far, I’ve been hiding out and that will never ever work in the end, of course, although the incubation period is important for healers. So, I’m ready now to fly. I believe with you that transformation can be fast, much much faster than we’ve been led to believe by the old models proferred by the old system that is now, of course, collapsing more rapidly and fully than ever before. Definitely time for that to go, imo. :D!!! The biggest problems i’ve encountered, as I say, have been my being so paralyzed with fear until very recently that I’ve simply not dared to take any risks of putting myself out there. I did do a live training in clinical EFT with Naomi Janzen back in February 2020, just before the sh-t really hit the fan. I haven’t committed to certification, mostly because of money issues, bigtime money issues. (No child support from ex for ages and ages, a monster professional litigator, he, you’ve surely heard the sad tale a million times before. I now understand the empath/vampire things so much better than ever before, thanks to Christiane Northrup, primarily. My father was gone by the time I was four yo~~huge trauma there, too; it was suicide; he was a Harvard doctor in residency~~and I never had any other father to show me anything, so putting myself out there in the world has felt especially scary for me. Haven’t had a professional coach, either, to do the brass tacks with me. So you can see, of course, how much I need something like what you’re offering. I’m on self-employed “PUA” at present, so need to take possession of my financial power for ownership of my life. I need to have a home for my kids and me, for them to come back to, as they fledge from the nest and for me to have some fundamental security, as I’ve never had (at one level) in this lifetime, even though I come from a milieu and a family background of people having a lot of money, by the numbers. But, for the most part, alas, it’s been in the context of major league scarcity mentality all around. So, clearly, a seemingly endless amount of old, toxic emotional crap remains to be cleared. If I don’t clear it, of course, fear and even terror of loss of life (not one but two suicides in my family in my lifetime) will continue to plague me. Consciously, I really believe in myself. I’m a wonderful person who truly deserves every blessing in life, as do my kids, just for starters. Alas, I’m only too familiar with the strength of unconscious beliefs and how terribly they can sabotage the best intentions if they aren’t addressed very skillfully, I believe mind/body modalities are really the only way and that’s why I like clinical EFT so much. (I also have recently learned about Havening and sense that may be best for working with new moms.)

  126. Evangeline Spence

    I am passionate about helping women gain their health. Connecting the dots of things that may seem separate, but are connected in some way.

  127. MarieHelene Roussel

    I love this presentation. I am a certified EFT practitioner, Functional nutrition and lifestyle practitioner and Bioenergetic Nes Health practitioner, and i am struggling to create a successful virtual clinic no matter how many wonderful modalities I have and can use! I am grateful to your work and getting your download. I am good at what i do but not good at selling myself

  128. Winifred

    I’m a life and spiritual coach. My passion is to reconnect people to their life’s purpose and energy potential that they have told themselves isn’t real or “what people” do in “real life”. I’m just getting my business going and am looking to incorporate some other new tools in this process.

  129. Jackie Johnson

    I don’t yet have credibility in this area – of being a coach. I am very well known in my real estate business but people are wondering about my financial coaching and what qualifies me to do this work. I was about to start down the path of giving stuff away for free and attending networking groups. so glad I came across you.

  130. Hilary

    Loved this video, I have fallen into a few of the traps mentioned. The basis of my work is helping people (especially women) discover and resolve their limiting beliefs or harmful patterns, etc by getting to the root of it so that they can live fuller more empowered lives. I feel apprehensive in the marketing and sales areas, makes me cringe. I have three young children and a husband who is unable to work, sometimes it feels like a lot of pressure and like I don’t have time to get my business off the ground because I’m pulled in so many directions. I am aware that’s part of a story I tell and feed into in order to keep myself small and hidden 🙈. Looking forward to these videos.

  131. Megan

    Hey! I wanted to know more about tapping. My partner and I are wanting more wealth in our lives and we already decided we would dive into tapping for it. So I was intrigued by your program.

  132. Sue Tushingham

    I am a master’s level counselor with a small practice, but would like to grow it. I work full-time as a peer educator, but part-time now due to covid. I am passionate about helping people process through feelings and blocks. I like working with adults, any age. I have had many people tell me I have a gift in working with others. I want to earn more than my current salary, and bought Tapping Into Wealth & am working through the book.

    I have fears about really being able to have a successful, lucrative practice that could really support me. Self-confidence and self-doubt get in the way at times.

    My fears could keep me back from fully pursing this goal and my passion.

  133. Eloise

    I’m a money breakthrough and belief clearing coach.

    I help business women free themselves of stories that hold them back from creating more impact and income in their business.

  134. Sydney Allen

    It looks really different when you start wondering what if I never….
    thanks for shining that light

  135. Ashley Weems Taylor

    Hi! I am an artist, musician and designer. I am in school learning art therapy. I have a skill set that I feel really good about, but am so blocked and stuck when it comes to making money. I am interested in a mentorship or to buy some of your tools!

  136. Maria

    I don’t know how to focus on a specific niche or speciality. I have worked for many years with anyone who crosses my path, but because I work on some many different levels and with many different situations using lots of different techniques and modalities I have studied over the past years, I don’t know how to describe myself or the people I want to work with. I also have difficulty charging, which means I work hard but earn little.

  137. Wanda Carter

    I am a Transformational Partner supporting men over 40 to take back control of their life and achieve their best using a mulit modality approach – hypnotherapy, NLP, coaching, mindfulness. Have lots of different protocol training and after too long, have finally started to trust myself and find the niche I want to work with. I am already financially struggling and if don’t get this up and running I really don’t know – my passion and calling is to serve – I can charge but I need clients to charge!!!

  138. Cheryl

    I’m an energy healer and spiritual coach helping women clear blocks so they can create a life they love.

  139. Coral Bell

    I help conscious women entrepreneurs who are passionate about the work they do, get up and running online, even if they don’t know where to start.

  140. Pamela VanDeursen

    My name is Pam and I’m interested in working with women in the 40’s, 50’s and 60’s who are in transition of somesort – job, divorce, death, empty nest and ready to live into their dreams and dream big. I have a buisiness partner, and we create retreats for women. Our biggest issue has been attracting clients.

  141. Soma Dey

    Hi I have been using EFT for years and it helped me to heal and shift really old trauma and limiting beliefs, i just want to be able to help others heal and live better fuller lives, loving and caring for themselves more. I am a school teacher, a Reiki practitioner so healing and helping others is just in my nature! I am struggling with getting people on board and getting people to notice me and what i do..I would like to cut my hours in my current job and make this my life purpose.

  142. Linda Duncanson

    I provide services to women who have emotional struggles, anxiety and depression. I use a lot of different modalities I’m trained in ..I have some clients in my private practice but my issue is not having a clear path for them to continue on. They feel as if they are better after couple of sessions and don’t come back or give referrals.

  143. Renee

    I am a transformational coach and consultant offering breathwork, Tapping into Wealth and Regenerative Diet. The people I want to help are women and men who want to improve the quality of their relationship with money, with their body, and with their family and larger community – people who want to step into their God-given sovereignty, freedom and power to serve the highest good more than ever before.
    The biggest problem I’ve encountered is taking on too many individual clients at once and losing my ability to hold boundaries and keep up with admin tasks. In that process I also lost some quality in session delivery as I became more stressed. I lost sight of the structure and the big picture to a degree and became inundated with the details of serving too many people.
    If I can’t fix this, I will likely stop doing my business and focus on being an employee until I am able to semi-retire with social security, and then work on building the business at that point.

  144. Katherine Dreyer

    I have taken your TIW course. I am just ending 21 years of working with my husband on our business, and it was fulfilling, but not what I wanted to be doing for the last 5 years! I’m 60 and very passionate about helping people…helping people create a solid foundation of health and financial stability so they can use their vital life energy to expand and soar into their true selves, their full capacity, their deepest nature.

  145. Dawn

    I’m passionate about helping “closeted creatives” love and trust themselves and reconnect to their inner resourcefulness and innate creativity.

  146. Anna

    I am finishing my psychologist degree and already have a small practice. I help women to start their business and overcome obstacles.

  147. Denise

    Hi Margaret, I am passionate about helping people feel better, increase confidence and uncover their inner power. I want to help those who are struggling and do not see how much they have to offer just by being themselves. I have been doing this naturally for a long time and am struggling a little with myself to step out and charge to do this, since this is an innate trait for me.

  148. Csilla

    I help highly qualified professionals to redefine themselved and their purpuse and acheive their goals with greater ease and joy using a variety of modalities such as proactive coaching, Law of Attraction, Access Consciousness, Silva Method, etc. I have gone through all the mistakes regarding advertising my modalities, offering sesscions for free, getting a few paying clients for a few sessions.

  149. Ulrike

    I have been on path of transformation since I was in my teens and I am near 70 now. I am fascinated by the effectiveness of many modalities and have a big case of helper syndrome. But until now I have not reached past the help and hope.

  150. Gabriela Luchsinger

    My name is Gabriela and I am currently enrolled in two modality certifications. I am working towards narrowing my field of focus, presently thinking about creativity (as it pertains to creating children, art, or a fascinating life).
    My biggest obstacle is believing enough in my ability to help anyone so they want to pay for my services.

    Thank you Margaret and team!

  151. Nadir

    Hi Margaret,

    Thanks for the insightful session.

    I am a self-development coach. I work with young adults to overcome their negative self-talk and reframe their thoughts for success orientation.

    My biggest problem is being able to convince people that it is very necessary to overcome negative self-talk in order to become more successful in life. They want more tangible skills like public speaking. They are willing to work on that visceral part but they do not want to ‘think and reflect’ to uncover hidden negative belief systems. And even if they do, they do not want to change as they believe that it would somehow betray their elders in the family.

    If I can’t help them get past these blocks, then I won’t be able to guide them through the life-transformation that they can have. Thereby, I lose credibility as an effective coach.

    1. Laurie - Team Margaret

      Hi Nadir,
      Please watch all the video’s and complete the handouts. Margaret has given proven methods on how to bridge the gap. Thank you so much for joining. To get more of Margaret’s training and to join our FB Community go to (YOU MUST ANSWER THE QUESTIONS TO BE ACCEPTED INTO GROUP)

      We look forward to seeing you there.

      Laurie Johnson
      Client Concierge
      Team Margare

  152. BG Keeran

    Helping individuals overcome limiting beliefs, end self sabotage and realize their true potential with Clinical Hypnotherapy, NLP & EFT.

    Want to go up the value chain.

  153. Jutta

    Technical skills are not enough. If the ability to truly reach clients is missing, the best attempts will mostly fail.

  154. Amy Cassidy

    Margaret. I have watched you for years. Thank you so much for your wonderful sharing. Your passion and authenticity is evident. I am a Tapper and a Personal Trainer. I want to work with seniors in the area of fulfilling last decades-energy work, tapping and exercise. I am paralyzed on so many fronts. This video session is bringing up a big YES to me. Mostly because you emphasized zero sales. Thank you so much Margaret to your and your team for spreading love and healing in the world

  155. Carol

    I’m inspired and intrigued! I work successfully with students and families managing learning disabilities as a private coach. I want to reach a wider audience for great impact for lasting results for all these divergent learners and therefore a better education system. I love to teach. I love to facilitate and problem-solve. I hate selling myself or building “a business” or setting rates. And I hear the voice: Who do you think you are?! – not a question, but a put-down. So: assertiveness and confidence to go out there true to my truth.
    Difficulty: finite time and space to reach students and families; student, parent and teacher blocks to evolving, committed.

  156. Maria Melnikova

    Hi! I’m Maria from Bulgaria. I’m a Laughter Yoga Leader and Meditation Teacher and I use these modalities working with my clients as a Transformation Coach. The biggest challenge for me is to attract the clients interested in long-term work with me instead of the short individual programs.

  157. Saundra

    I am a strong passionate women who wants to help others who have doubted themselves, who have sabbatoge themselves with their inner words and end up with depression, enxiety or other health issues because of it. I am passionate about practicing mindfulness and learning to overcome self-doubt, self worth and self-esteem through meditation, practicing gratitude and staying present. I have take a lot of training and have a coach that I have worked with for quite some time. I can’t seem to find clients, when I do I don’t know what to say or how to really help them. I try the different modalities that I have learned, but can’t seem to really find great solutions for my clients. I hate sales and have a hard time getting out there to even find clients. The consequences of this are that I live my dream in my mind, never fulfilling the need to really help others in their journey of life. I think if I can’t figure this out soon, I will end up giving up on the dream and will not be able to manifest it into reality.

  158. Karen Helton

    Hi Margaret,

    I took your 4 day Chakra Training and left it feeling really fired up! I’m passionate about helping people fulfill their dreams! I’m now living in a rural community where the culture is different from anything I have ever experienced. When I have tried to talk about what I have learned, people don’t trust the process. I have convinced myself that I’m not finished working on “me.” If I give up, I will most likely find something else to do that has nothing to do with helping people.

  159. Amanda Davis

    Thank you Margaret for so simply eloquently sharing your gifts. I am a former president of business development, marketing and sales. I am passionate about expanding clarity, freedom and confidence in Believers to launch their own businesses.

  160. george

    Thank you for your very nice presentation packed with loads of useful knowledge.Especially the ” Danger Zones” and ” Help and Hope” are an eye opening apocalypse to me

  161. Rebecca McLean

    Thank you Margaret! I’m intrigued with a new way of approaching Potential clients That really works!

  162. Maria DePasquale

    I want to grow a steady client population who get amazing results that thrill us both.
    I want to use these gifts to help others and have a steady income.
    Clients come sporadically. Income is a dribble. Clients are excited but there has never been another client as a result of word of mouth. My clients come from a personal discussion or from a workshop.

  163. marth

    Dear Margaret and team
    I thank you for sharing your story and the ways to clear sight. I want to help others to find their hidden patterns that takes them away from doing what they want to do trough art therapy. I have just started a program for a pilot. I now see it can be a danger zone for me. So I love to learn much more.

  164. Linda

    I am a former LMT, but cant physically do the work anymore, but a lot of my best work was the verbal “counseling ” in the session. I’d like to combine that with reiki to reopen my practice but it’s been difficult to show the value of it to attract & build clients. Massage is INSTANT gratification/results, this is the opposite. Your system sounds like an outstretched helping hand! Thanks for rebuilding my hope & dreams!

  165. Celine

    Hello, people tell me I should become a coach. I can feel I do love to show people their next step because I’ve gathered so many insights from my own path, EFT practioner/therapist, research, etc. However, I wouldn’t know where to start and I still lack the clarity and training to get my point across without going over the top!
    Thank you for your videos and joyful approach,

  166. Marti

    Yes … always love hearing why I was drawn to the structure and process of your program where you show one how to take others into the root issues and unravel it .. beyond awareness into solutions! I am passionate about bringing this work to those who have left behind a part of themselves and desire to take their true Light into the world!

  167. Crystal

    Thank you for putting together a great approach,I’m looking forward to the next steps.
    I started doing tapping 3.5 years ago and completed my level 1 and almost my level 2, when I entered a new relationship I thought would be supportive. It has ended up being quite the opposite, and I put his wants before mine. I thought this would only be for a few weeks but it’s been 2.5 years now and I’m trying desperately to rebuild my confidence and get back on track. Tapping is my passion, and I want to help others with his and other modalities, and build the life I’ve always dreamed of.
    Sincerely, Crystal

  168. Erika Valdes

    I want to coach, but I don’t even know how I could. I do intuitive reading and cards but just don’t know how to start

    1. Laurie - Team Margaret


      We love that you are loving this approach thank you for joining we are so glad you are here. Please complete the handouts and stayed tuned for the next video. To get more of Margaret’s training and to join our FB Community go to (you must answer questions)

      We look forward to seeing you there.

      Laurie Johnson
      Client Concierge
      Team Margaret

  169. Anne Baker

    I am a kind ,caring single mum of twin boys.I am passionate about helping people of all ages to create great health, wealth and happiness by reconnecting with their body, mind and spirit, to enjoy life and live life to the full.I qualified in several healing modalities but they are a little unusual so I stuck to the more science based ones McTimoney Chiropractor, which in it’s self is a different more holistic typeof chiropractic.I was doing Ok and then became a single Mum of twins. I was exhausted trying to be a good mum and a good practitioner, I then had a series of heart_breaking losses in my life (lots to share there) which”brought me to my knees”.I have struggled on since. I have wanted to develop my work into coaching but haven’t given the time or felt I had it. The current global pandemic has given me that time. Time to be, created know what’s next. I have given myself permission to follow my dreams at last.I am buzzing with ideas. I would love some support and guidance.After years of believing no one understands me. I’m ready to step forward its now or never.

    1. Laurie - Team Margaret

      Hi Anne,

      This is such an exciting time. We are so honored that you are here and committing to yourself. Please be sure to complete the handouts and stayed tuned for the next video. To get more of Margaret’s training and to join our FB Community go to (you must answer questions)

      We look forward to seeing you there.

      Laurie Johnson
      Client Concierge
      Team Margaret

  170. Martha

    There is Hope at the end of the road… go e through all those experiences. Ríght now almost time to Rake a new road…. i will retire soon thank you.

  171. Kim Plaster

    I’m a retired engineer that is currently caring for my Mom. I have a dream to be a health coach – helping people become the best they can be – mind, body, and soul. It always starts out great, it seems no one wants to commit. They want to be better but aren’t willing to do what it takes. I want to learn how to attract and help.

  172. Sue

    I am a Certified Holistic Wellness Practitioner. I had just reaffirmed my commitment to this path and had signed up to participate in a wellness expo when this virus happened and we had to postpone it. I am also now a professional home organizer just beginning that part of my practice but again, due to the virus I cannot go into people’s homes I struggled to begin before and now I feel totally and utterly deflated.

  173. Theresa Matsas

    I want to help people in care homes with limited communication get out of stress.

    How do I approach Care Homes so they give me a chance. The people I am currently getting advice from say I should try offering free beta testing, I am still putting my modules together.

  174. Jose Chojrin

    The present pandemic makes it indispensable to rethink about how we can help others in order to help ourselves. In my case I am a business consultant. I am keen about this because of my experience and knowledge, and I have found that your lessons are really useful. Thank you.

  175. Sarah Reynolds

    HI Margaret and team,
    My name is Sarah and I am passionate about helping people of all ages and animals to release pain and burdens and access true natures of joy so they can live their healthiest, happiest and most successful lives.Shining our Lights in their purest form.
    I really resonate with all the stages you talk about in this video….I have them ALL in spades. I have also been clearning LOADS of my blockages around my own value, abilities, fears… know them all!!! I am finally ready to REALLY get my business up and running, FINALLY live my passion and help as many people as I can.

  176. Angelique Devlin

    I help clients access their peace and power so that they can stop thinking about that thing they want and actually achieve it, whether in business or personal matters. I have a particular gift of helping women who have been struggling with fertility to reclaim peace and trust in their bodies so that they can conceive and birth their dreams of motherhood.

    I blend numerous modalities, tools, techniques & ceremonies from from my background as a transformational coach, Shamanic practitioner, energy worker, yoga teacher, birth doula, massage therapist & interfaith celebrant

  177. Anna

    I help creative passionate entrepreneurs to attract their best clients with less work by improving their inner game and using the Law of Attraction.
    My biggest challenge is to be consistent with my marketing and complete what I started.
    If I don’t improve it, in 6 month I may be out of money and feel desperate… But I know that it will not happen )))

  178. Alan Ichikawa

    I am passionate about helping individuals and organizations determine what is most important to them and developing and following plans to be successful. Sometimes individuals don’t follow through on their commitments, however that happens more often when I try to fast track people through the process. The more effective I learn to be, the more people and organizations I will be able to help.

  179. jj

    I hope to help teens & young people with health issues as well as victims & observers of domestic abuse. I have gathered a ton of knowledge seeking help for my daughter over the years & having been a victim & observer of abuse. Those I’ve tried to help with health issues don’t want to change their lifestyle or habits, they just want a “magic pill”.

  180. Linda Sauve

    Hi, I’m Linda, a upper level praticitioner in a healing modality. I would seek to attract and captivate more 5 star clients. I’ve been practicing for over 4 years. I only offer premium packages. I close 3 out of 4 prospects on a consistent basis. If they don’t sign up its because they do not fit my ideal client profile or have problems or issues that my code of ethics do not permit me to address. I don’t want to be offering a freebie (pdf or ebook) to lure them to my list. I don’t want to build a list of takers. Thank you for doing this serie. I’ve had a business coach for some time but she never addresses this type of situation. Hope I get a precise plan out of this serie.

  181. Simone

    The name “help and hope model” really summarized in a nutshell the disempowering, low-confidence approach that most of us unconsciously follow. It’s really useful that, by labelling it so effectively, you have brought it to conscious awareness. Am excited to hear what you suggest instead.

  182. Jose Chojrin

    Great value !
    Definitively one of the best videos I have seen.
    The change from the traditional approach to Results and Commitment based on discovering our own and our customers blocks opens new ways of working and helping.
    Thank you indeed.

  183. Juli Madacey

    Thank you for this! I’m a nutrition and wellness coach. I help busy professionals learn how to create a body they love living in and the lifestyle to maintain it.

  184. John

    I’ve been a natural/functional health care provider for many years helping people with their physical pain, health problems and lifestyle-related illnesses. I’ve always had a sense of a lack of confidence and self-worth, which wasn’t as much of a problem when I was an employee at a clinic, but worse these days as I work to start again my own practice. Not fixing these blocks, to a great extent at least, would be terribly disappointing and unfulfilling.

  185. Kylie

    Hi there, my name is Kylie and I have been helping poeple for many years, but cant seem to make a
    good income out of it. I hate selling as well.

  186. Irina

    I have been practicing EFT for a couple of years and experienced huge shifts in my life. Would like to become a practitioner and help others to change their lives but don’t know where to begin, feeling stuck.

  187. Mary Soco Ortiz

    You are always so assertive!
    I’m thinking on making a career change, or adding business coaching to my web development services. So I’m trying to figure out the best path to follow.

  188. Melissa

    Thank you for the information. Getting caught up on video. I really enjoy listening to your presentations as they are full of great information and insight. Thank you.

  189. Lisa

    Hi, I’ve been helping people with chronic pain for many years as a massage therapist. However, for the past few years I have been wanting to work more on the energetic and emotional aspects of healing chronic pain and I just haven’t yet been able to break out of my role as “fixing” physical issues. I want to help people transform their pain on a much higher level. I have been doing EXACTLY what Margaret describes in the first three levels of helping and hoping. It is amazing to hear it spelled out so clearly. If I keep going as I have been I will end up still bumping along, more or less happy, but feeling that twinge of failure for never having been able to pivot my practice into something truly special. Thank you!

  190. Tricia

    I have worked with people in my business for almost 18 years and have seen time and time again how limiting beliefs, negative self-talk and the opinions of others have kept them from achieving their goals and dreams! Through the years, I have somewhat let this happen to me as well. I feel like I have finally found a way to help others as well as myself break through these obstacles!

  191. Adrian Berry

    V. helpful and encouraging presentation…I have got stuck in the past with trying to ‘sell’ a modality rather than knowing how to create the kind of process which you outline here.
    Looking forward to the next videos

  192. Divya

    I am a healer and transformational coach. I get great results with my clients. I lead with my heart and am now trying to find structure and grow my reach and income.

  193. Juliet

    Hi Margaret, I am a passionate student first, a teacher second. I am always open to new approaches and open to ideas that may assist both processes and further
    In regards to your course, how to attract and hold the interest of people…after all what is a teacher without students? In this day and age where there is an overwhelming opportunity for people to try everything and anything – how do you find the right students and then get them to engage and trust in you? It doesn’t appear to be just dedication and content.. I have been teaching now for 30 years and a practitioner for longer….. Hoping to get some clarity with this issue in the cacophany of noise, chaos and distraction that is our world today.

  194. Christine Hover

    I have had similar experiences to the one described in the past and want to learn how to work and be effective in the helping field.

  195. Fiona

    Hi -This sounds like what I need. I am really great at resolving traumas and other issues, and I really know how to help people, but I really struggle to attract paying clients and would really love to be able to do this instead of having a job. I have done sessions for free and totally changed their life eg like victims of sexual assault who were completely free from all of the pain, but exactly as you said, I thought it would translate into more clients and referrals, but it didn’t. So I go around feeling frustrated that I have all of these amazing skill sets and knowing I can really help people but get it to the next level.

  196. Catheryn

    I think I get to technical when helping someone. I start out fine, but somewhere in the message I sense they are not listening. Or they say “ok” and end the conversation. Other times I’m spot on.
    I only try to help those who ask for my thoughts on a situation with truth, what outcome they want, and what is safe, changing for the better, an a truth that they can live with.

  197. Edita

    Hi Margaret, Love your work. I’m new to coaching and modalities so am struggling to take of with the biz and therefore procrastinating.

  198. Irina

    i am now a fulltime mama and have a lot of experience of communication
    with horses and nature , got now my NLP Master and Kinesiology course
    and trained a little bit of hypnosis. I feel I can help people experience changes
    they want. But i am not confident going out to be seen outside of my world.
    I like to transmit my knowledge about deep changes and make them possible
    to happen. I like to transmit inspiration while showing a special free and colorfull way of living.
    I just live this free live, only without to much income. And if This makes me unonfident of me.

  199. Laura

    I’m wanting to help young people who struggle to be comfortable in their own skin, with who they are at heart.
    I’m a Reflexologist and Aromatherapist and recently qualified sports massage therapist so would like to incorporate a new modality into my practice.
    What has held me back? The belief that I can’t help people unless I’m certified to the ears! And that I may not be capable.

  200. Glad

    Hi I am a Licensed Massage Therapist, Esthetician, Energy Worker, Tapping EFT Reiki enthusiast and Marriage and Family Therapist-Intern. I struggle with commitment to myself to really put myself out there. The few clients that I serve seem to think I am excellent at what I do. My current dilemma is passing my National MFT exam. I think fear may be another thing holding me back. At my age (71) I want to tie all of my gifts and talents together to really make a difference in my life as well as the lives of others. Plus not to work so hard with little monetary rewards, even though that is not the sole reason for doing what I do.

  201. Christina

    Hi, my name is Christina and I am a board-certified music therapist and working on my masters in clinical psychology so I can be a marriage and family therapist. I am also a reiki master and working on setting up classes to teach and giving presentations all the time. My biggest issue is that each thing I do requires a lot of energy out of me. Lots of carrying heavy instruments and technology issues. Sometimes I wonder if these big presentations are even worth the time and energy. It takes hours to prepare and do behind the scenes work. The next issue is that all of a sudden everybody wants healing or to have me teach somewhere and all of a sudden I am overwhelmed. The issue is not finding the work, it is sustaining it. I am passionate about building communities and being a source of love within that. I am passionate about connecting to people and just being present with them. I have so much love and light to give, but my poor body is like wait no more! I get stuck between wanting to make money and needing to rest. Wanting to learn and grow, and taking a step back. It’s a difficult balance for me!

  202. Gill

    Hello beautiful Self Loving souls 💜

    I’m Gill Pinnington The Self Love Coach and I help women create a life of self love, emotional freedom and joy.

    I love what I do and I’m clearer than I’ve been for a long time in where I want my business to go and how I want it to support me. I’ve been coaching for 7 years, some of it full time and some part time. I’ve always found it difficult to get clients to commit to the longer term work that most of them need. I get amazing results which always brings referrals but there’s not enough of them.

    Years back I made all the rookie mistakes Margaret talked about so it made me laugh.

    I’m a ‘spiritual nomad’ travelling the world while I coach over Zoom. I want to get to the next level so I have even more freedom and choices.

  203. Michael Wolff

    I have spent 37 years practicing and teaching the Japanese martial art, Aikido. From this I learned how to shift between being in Separation and in Unified Consciousness in order to expand one’s consciousness and to be healed. I’m now an Energy Practitioner, helping individuals to do this in a fraction of the time that it took me.

    My passion is to help resolve the emerging existential threats related to climate change and collectively to co-create Heaven on Earth. To do this, we now have to experience radical individual and collective transformation – both inner and outer. This includes:

    • Clearing Our Blocks
    • Healing Our Individual Core Wound
    • Helping Others
    • Transforming the Collective Field
    • Radically Transforming
    o Our Lifestyles
    o Our Relationships with Each Other; and
    o Our Relationship with Gaia.

    All in all, seven individual and collective steps to co-creating Heaven on Earth!

    In my view, a radical transformation of both individual and collective consciousness is a prerequisite for our making all the necessary lifestyle changes. Making the radical outer transformation requires substantial investment in changing how we live. We all need to change. With respect to radical collective inner transformation, my goal is to train facilitators to train facilitators. My initial target group is towards individuals who want to heal themselves, help others to heal themselves, and to save Gaia. We all need to shift, but initially I am targeting individuals who want to heal, help others and save Gaia, and who also have money.

    The biggest problem so far is that very few people have woken up to the seriousness of the threat of near term extinction through climate change. If they have woken up, most of these have still not woken up to believing that radical inner transformation has to precede outer transformation. My biggest problem right now is finding the individuals who have woken up to both the existential threat of climate and the necessity for radical inner transformation.

    With coronavirus, this is changing. People are just beginning to wake up. If we do not all change now, within the next few decades we will most likely be extinct. So, working out how to persuade individuals to do the inner transformation work now, then to undertake to help others, and then to save Gaia is the critical challenge.

    If my dream to help co-create Heaven on Earth doesn’t materialize, then our children and grandchildren are likely to have short and painful lives. If it does, then together, we will be co-creating Heaven on Earth.

    I would really value your help in making this happen. Thank you!!!

  204. Monica Ford

    I’m Monica. My husband and I are the parents of 6 amazing children. I met Margaret at Ignite 2020, which was awesome!

    I have a passion for families and children. I love kids so much. They are precious and whole. I feel that healthy family relationships can help mend and avoid problems in society. I also have a strong desire to help traumatized and/or abused people, especially as it happened in their childhood and is negatively effecting them now. I wish that all children could have the help that I so desperately needed as a child to overcome such abuse. I want to help people overcome these obstacles to that they can live more fulfilling lives and not suffer so much as a result of these traumas.

    The biggest problems in my way include mediocre self-confidence, overwhelm, managing my time. Although I have improved somewhat in these areas through tapping, etc. I also don’t know at all how to start.

    If I cannot overcome these obstacles the consequences will be that I will be in exactly the same place I am now with slow personal growth and still making only $16K a year. It’s pathetic. I know I totally deserve more. Another huge consequence would be possible missed opportunities to help those out there who need help directly from me. I feel like they’re out there struggling and I don’t know how to reach them or help them.

    1. Margaret Lynch Post author

      Hi Monica! It was so good to meet you at Ignite this year! Thank you for your heartfelt vulnerable share. It is beautiful. The big heart draw to help people and children through their earlier traumas to live their more fulfilling lives…and your own obstacles that get in your way to helping them — mediocre self-confidence, overwhelm, managing time!~. Where to start. I love having you here in our community for this video series. I invite you to stay with us. How else can we support you. We do have a FB group that you might enjoy checking out. Sparkles, ~Kay-Team Margaret

  205. Jo-Anne Landriault

    I am working as a consultant and am successful in providing business solutions to my clients. Unfortunately I am not fulfilled doing this type of work. I have a project that I have been doing for more than 8 years and now am ready to step up in the world. I have developed a coaching program at high level and can’t seem to start somehow.
    I look forward to learn more on how to structure my life coach business for success.

    1. Laurie - Team Margaret

      Hi Jo-Anne
      Wow so exciting getting your life coaching business started. Thanks for joining we are so happy you are here. Stay tuned for Margaret’s next video. Make sure you are completing the handouts they really connect all the video’s. Please also join our FB community to get even more of Margaret’s training.
      See you there.
      To your success,
      Laurie Johnson
      Client Concierge
      Team Margaret

  206. Miki Fox

    Hi Margaret! I’m Miki Fox, The Rebel’s Coach. I help people unlearn social conditioning so they can experience living in alignment with their own values. I’m passionate about connection, writing, brain science, trauma recovery and all kinds of cool shit. The biggest thing that is holding me back at the moment is worrying that I will get TOO BIG TOO FAST. So, although I have those worries, I continue to approach my work with cheerful diligence. Watching this video spurred me on to offer 1 – 1 coaching to a wider audience, outside of my facebook group!!!

  207. Colleen

    I have been on my spiritual path for over 30 years. I am an energy healer, shamanic practitioner, psychic tarot reader, artist, and jewelry designer. Lack of confidence in myself holds me back from success. I have many natural gifts (as we all do) and talents yet am unsuccessful in building a client base. I offer freebies leading to no increase in clients.

    1. Laurie - Team Margaret

      Hi Colleen
      We are here for you as you build your business. Thanks for joining we are so happy you are here. Stay tuned for Margaret’s next video. Make sure you are completing the handouts they really connect all the video’s. Please also join our FB community to get even more of Margaret’s training.
      See you there.
      To your success,
      Laurie Johnson
      Client Concierge
      Team Margaret

  208. sd

    Lovely presentation!
    I felt unsure what to do as a coach – unsure of the kind of
    clients I would attract (if any) and limiting beliefs of failure
    and not making it in the coaching arena.

    1. Laurie - Team Margaret

      We are here to help you navigate through the exciting world of coaching. Thanks for joining we are so happy you are here. Stay tuned for Margaret’s next video. Make sure you are completing the handouts they really connect all the video’s. Please also join our FB community to get even more of Margaret’s training.
      See you there.
      To your success,
      Laurie Johnson
      Client Concierge
      Team Margaret

  209. Nicole

    My name is Nicole. I would love to help people heal their
    Relationship with money. When I talked about this with some of my friends and with my small FB group, everybody said ” no, no talks about money” they all said that they have enough because they are satisfied with less.
    But my vision is that we can live and have money without fear. That we can thrive and live passionately when we use money properly. And this is what I want to share with people.
    I am a bit afraid to start, because the initial refusals, but I am going to do it anyways.

  210. Yvonne

    I am a jewelry designer and an oracle card reader. Fear, being an introvert, as well an a dislike for selling has kept me from my dream goals.
    Thank you

  211. Iuliana Bucurescu

    I am not a coach yet so I am definitely in phase one. I’ve been doing various therapies and coaching sessions for myself for the past 10 years. Now I am considering to use this experience and switch to being a coach because the corona left me with no work (I used to work in tourism).

  212. Lauren

    My passion is to be able to help people who have experienced developmental trauma, depression, anxiety and hopelessness to thrive and live a healthy, happy and fulfilling life. I have had several setbacks and have difficulty attracting and retaining clients. I look forward to learning more. Thank you very much.

  213. Pierrette

    I’ve had so much success doing what I do in the past. (more than 12 years) being a psychotherapist. A doctor even called me a ”Miracle Lady”. I was working elsewhere, outside of my rural community, wishing to come back ”home”. I came back, had my office in the house for 5 years (1995-2000), had lots of success but had to move again.

    I’ve invested in so many trainings and courses. It took five years of misery (five years ago) to start a business I’ve been passionate about. There has been a group of people working in the dark, making sure I wouldn’t be able to work here and they still do. l started to own my business in July last year, as a psychotherapist, coach and naturopath. I feel traumatized, overwhelmed and tired. I am a very resilient person, I believe in what I do, but the confidence is not there anymore. I doubt every decision I do, trying to feel if someone will back-stab me. I need to reclaim my confidence and have a sense of security and power. I feel powerless and it shows with my clients. I don’t know how to sell myself and struggle with technology so much.

    I’ve been passionate about solving emotional issues, so I started my business with a workshop I used to give ”How to manage your emotions”. The groups were small. I gave a second one in September, it was supposed to end in December but ended at the end of March. I pass questionnaires to determine if the group is having more problems with depression, anxiety, anger… It’s been a surprise. All the scores with each participants have been extreme. I also work face-to-face with clients. I feel that I don’t serve them with as much intuition, heart and confidence.

    I worry a lot about money and paying ”the next bills”. The story is so long… I’ve been tricked so much. After 5 years, they had no choice but to accept my project. It was accepted last January, and I had to prove in 10 weeks, that I was in business, receiving clients. My office was ready to go in only in April. I wasn’t able to sign the lease, the owner wanting to put his name on my personal belongings for insurance, no insurance would accept that, of course. I was receiving money with the project in order to pay my bills, it was suspended in May. They told me my coordinator would visit my new office and I would receive my paychecks. I signed a lease in May, but my coordinator never showed up. In the meantime I used my Business and personal credit card till it was topped in September, the interest rates are enormous and I can’t keep up with it. … They owed me more than $12,000 and to shorten the story, they told me (with reasons they couldn’t prove themselves) that the project was terminated for me. There I am with no credit cards I can use, living with only the payments for the sessions. The confinement to my house at this time gives me the opportunity to sleep more. I feel so tired.

    I feel I lack in so many things. I struggle with technology and social media, being scared to ”show up more”. I’m not good at selling myself. I paid so much in marketing for no show, no phone calls. The only way to have clients was to talk to them in grocery stores for them seeing my business card in restaurants and shopping centers, or have another professional referring me. I lack a structure and I don’t know where to begin at this time. I have an opportunity to prepare an hour long webinar with one of my Associations and I’m so scared, I procrastinate, my head goes blank. The good thing here is that I am the only person to make decisions with my business. I need to be grounded more, take care of myself.

  214. Whitney Valentine

    Hello there everyone!

    I just wanted to start by thank Margaret and her team for ANOTHER amazing opportunity to change and grow myself! I’m new to her work, but in JUST ONE MONTH, I’ve seen such profound change in myself it’s UNCANNY! The person that I like to dream about living inside me is starting to break through my outer shell and come into being! And a lot to that change is from the amazing content she had on YouTube, Facebook group, and the IYP group!!! 😱😱😱🤩 I’m staggered and CANT WAIT TO KEEP GOING!
    Who am I? I’m a creator! Currently I’m working with textiles and fashion, trying to transition for a service industry job to use more of my skills and employ myself. But my first love, and passion was a body work modality. In 2012, while working for GM on the assembly like, struggling through soul crushing mindless labor and aches and pains in the body, I started to pursue my passion for pole dancing and burlesque. I love to move and dance, and I was desperately seeking more freedom to move and dance unabashed with my whole self present. But I was full of aches and pains of the body and the mind. At my dance studio one evening, I found a class for The Feldenkrais method of Somatic education that mentioned something about a 6- week series on freeing your hips, and after the first class I was hooked. After a few months of classes I meet with the teacher to find out how I could go more in depth with this method an eventually teach! I signed up for a practioner training program and took off. But I didn’t have the infrastructure to complete my certification 🙁
    The program took place out of state for 3 week intervals and I was trying to navigate how to pay from my training and sustain myself and keep my job so I’d have the income to keep going! My work schedule was ridgid and for me to take the time for training I had to use all my vacation time and apply for an unpaid leave of absence. And my immediate family thought I was a little crazy and I made the mistake of trying to make them my test run. Half way through the program, now jobless and waiting tables, I had to leave, and have regretted it every since. That was 2017. Since then I’m played around with the idea of going back to GM, but I knew that wasn’t what I wanted to do
    I have been playing around with using whatever skills I could see in myself to make money (twitch streaming lol, Uber, helping people edit videos/photos/freelance graphic design, working at the dance studio in trade for classes, busking, making custom costumes, clothing and corsets while waiting tables. Finally I decided this year it’s my finances that’s holding my back from everything that I wanted, and one of those things was finishing my training program! And after reading tapping into wealth I realize just how powerful it is! I want to help people free themselves (and myself) in body and mind, because it’s so painful for me to dress so enslaved by financial scarcity.

  215. Roz

    I help women in midlife who are stressed about life and work not being “business as usual” in our “New Normal”. I coach them in how to stay grounded, make decisions with confidence and land on their feet. I’m a certified, professional life coach now formally launching after 4 years of “dabbling”. My biggest problem is overwhelm with all the moving parts it takes today to launch: creating content for FB, LI and my FB social learning group I’m building, getting involved in specific groups where my people are and posting and DM’ing when appropriate. Learning all the technology is a challenge for me.
    If I am not successful (which is not an option! because I’m committed), I will not feel self-actualized because I believe everything I’ve done in my life so far has been building up to this (educator, college prof, occupational therapist). Feeling fulfilled is important to me as well as being able to augment my retirement income.

  216. Jayamalar Jeyaratnam

    I am not an EFT coach. However I absolutely love EFT. I use it on myself and have experienced tremendous shifts. I am very keen to learn as much as possible and would love to eventually take the training to further empower myself and others.

  217. maria arcara

    Thanks so much! I have had a setback on my path to developing my energy healing abilities, so I’m trying to explore resources that may help me get back on track. Hoping this may help!

  218. Nikki

    Hi I’m a ghostwriter. I’m passionate about using writing as the tool that allows me to connect deeper with my clients. Our initial meeting brings to light all the other things I am, empath, intuitive writer, magnet for strangers freely telling me their deepest secrets without me even asking for it. I want to help corporate women, business/community leaders take a deeper dive into why that next level of success is a dream to them and not reality.

    The biggest problem I’ve encountered was myself first. Still working through that, so my confidence of knowing I had the answer to correct their issue not fix with a temporary band-aid, but I would go hide sometimes.

    They kept coming back because it comes out in my writing, something they couldn’t get somewhere else along with simple conversations and feeling heard and understood. I’ve always felt like I have it in my hands but the exact map to follow consistently is what trips me. The consequences would be patching up a deep wound for them, causing more pain and frustration.

    1. Laurie - Team Margaret

      Hi Nikki
      Thanks for joining we are so happy you are here. Stay tuned for Margaret’s next video. Make sure you are completing the handouts they really connect all the video’s. Please also join our FB community to get even more of Margaret’s training. (you must complete the questionnaire)
      See you there.
      To your success,
      Laurie Johnson
      Client Concierge
      Team Margaret

  219. Diana Ristenpart

    I do TFT as a side business and want to help as many people as I can. The biggest problem I see is that people feel it is “too weird”. I would appreciate whatever help you can offer. Thank you!

    1. Laurie - Team Margaret

      Hi Janet
      Thanks for joining we are so happy you are here. Stay tuned for Margaret’s next video. Make sure you are completing the handouts they really connect all the video’s. Please also join our FB community to get even more of Margaret’s training. (you must complete the questionnaire)
      See you there.
      To your success,
      Laurie Johnson
      Client Concierge
      Team Margaret

    1. Laurie - Team Margaret

      Hi Memory
      We are so excited to be with you as you start your journey. Thanks for joining we are so happy you are here. Stay tuned for Margaret’s next video. Make sure you are completing the handouts they really connect all the video’s. Please also join our FB community to get even more of Margaret’s training. (you must complete the questionnaire)
      See you there.
      To your success,
      Laurie Johnson
      Client Concierge
      Team Margaret

  220. Melanie

    I have been studying and using eft for 7 years and have just completed my certification through eft universe. Everything I have learned is in pursuit of my deepest dream to have a thriving and healthy art career and to help others have the same. I believe with every fiber of my being that the unleashing of our creative forces and disirers is part of the healing of the entirer world… I could go on!
    The biggest block I have got is … I think block to allowing myself to Cartier my conference out in the world and to deeply respect myself… I have been chipping away at this!
    I have dedicated my whole adult life to this journey and the cost of not unfolding and allowing would be devestating. I’m not messing around here. I feel this with my whole heart.

  221. Susan Hagan

    Hi. I’m a new health coach, life coach and energy practitioner. Right now I’m passionate about helping people stress less and just started a facebook group this week: Soothe and Strengthen your System with Peace, Presence and Clarity. I have one paying client who I’m working with at half my expected rate. My biggest issue has really been lack of confidence in getting consistently transformative results and the fear of putting myself out there that goes along with that, so I’ve been procrastinating on even getting this new business rolling (I have been busy with other full time work as well, until just recently).

    1. Laurie - Team Margaret

      Hi Susan
      We know that this is a scary and exciting time for you, Thanks for joining we are so happy you are here. Stay tuned for Margaret’s next video. Make sure you are completing the handouts they really connect all the video’s. Please also join our FB community to get even more of Margaret’s training. (you must complete the questionnaire)
      See you there.
      To your success,
      Laurie Johnson
      Client Concierge
      Team Margaret

  222. Evelyn

    Although it may seem like it is woo- woo. I guarantee you it is not…. I am a Divine Being having a human experience.. I am passionate about exploring what’s possible and creating experiences of emboding wholeness and joy.. The biggest problem I have had in helping people is wanting the help more than the client does… Therefore I’ve been getting in the way and then judging myself for not being capable of helping them….
    For the most part I have learned through struggle that I cannot will them to accept help. I can only help myself…and my perception of them…as part of me..Seeing and allowing the solution to be here and now and allow that to be more real than the problem was…

  223. Jubilee

    Hi Margaret and team!
    Thank you so much for all your wonderful teachings. They’ve really helped me advance through some difficult personal problems even though I’m a Reiki practitioner. I very passionate about helping women recognize where their self-doubt and anxiety is within their bodies and transforming that into confidence and power.
    Even though, I have a broad network I’m struggling with people even wanting FREE 30 min. distance session during this time. Because of so much disinterest over the last year, I’m actually moving towards returning to the 9-5 schedule for a solid paycheck, benefits and 401k plan :).
    I’ve taking many business, marketing and other energy healing classes for what seems like forever!

  224. Melanie Moorehead

    I’m a retired high school English teacher, counselor, admin. assistant and sales rep. who patched the $$ together while being a single parent to 2 kids. I’m passionate about helping women emerge from the “survival” self that got them through the early years and who now want to become authentically who they’ve always known inside that they are, but haven’t gotten the support, haven’t felt “seen”. I’m a “child” of the 1950’s (people think I’m much younger than I am when they see me), so I grew up at a time when women were truly second or third class citizens in a world of very small opportunities. I have counseling experience and 3 years graduate training in clinical and transpersonal counseling. My orientation is Jungian/Psychosynthesis, but my practical issue is like that of many others – money! I have had to reorient myself to coaching vs. therapy/counseling and have been through several coaching programs & thus have several modalities in my tool bag. I haven’t encountered problems helping people in the past, but because coaching is different from therapy, I have spent a ton of time doing self study. I’m still doodling on my drawing board so to speak, figuring out how to bring my spiritual/Jungian orientation into coordination with the pragmatics of working with women on developing self-confidence, earning what we’re worth, and doing it from an authentic, loving, centered place. I’m also interested in developing groups in which women can support each other. I was going to do all this in person until the coronavirus hit. I do have some preliminary sketches for working online via Facebook. I am pretty good at presenting myself in person, can write, can attract people to meet with me, enjoy public speaking and am overall pretty good at marketing, but this stay-at-home stuff due to the coronavirus has meant I have to reorient. I am thinking of starting a group on Facebook for women. I’m not sure how to do one on one work except to start by introducing myself via some free online/Facebook group work. Suggestions? I don’t have an email list so I’m struggling with finding women online who will want to participate and want to grow. I’m held back right now b/c I’m trying to create a clear roadmap for online work that’s both pragmatic problem-solving oriented as well as spiritual. I also am an activist and want to weave my concern for the planet into that aspect of women that I see as earth oriented, sort of our green goddess aspect! If I don’t fix this I’ll be living on the street in my VW camper.

    1. Laurie - Team Margaret

      Hi Melanie
      I am sure your students miss you. We are so excited you are bringing your gifts to so many. Thanks for joining we are so happy you are here. Stay tuned for Margaret’s next video. Make sure you are completing the handouts they really connect all the video’s. Please also join our FB community to get even more of Margaret’s training. (you must complete the questionnaire)
      See you there.
      To your success,
      Laurie Johnson
      Client Concierge
      Team Margaret

  225. Elisabeth Jäger

    I am a mother and stepmother of 5, grandmother of 7, preschool and kindergarten teacher , I am a spiritual healer, art therapist and trager practitioner, consciousness teacher and that tells already about what I am passionate about. I love to see people as they are in their true being and I like to remind them of who they really are, I love to help them find their inner value, their true calling, their love and their light, their strength, they joy for live and their creativity and their connectedness to the devine.
    I have encountered many challenging processes and crises and each time I found it very transformative to surrender to what is given at the moment. The grace being revealed in those moments were very enlightending and had been a break through to new levels of my life.

    I would like to help people to approach their challenges or crisis in life as a chance to change old habits, break free, from what is not suiting their life anymore. I want to help them to get closer again to themselves and their potentials and to invite or to open up to new ways of living and to let themselves in into creative processes.

    My second passion is it to help parents so see their kids with new eyes, to really see them, so that the kids can stay more connected with their inner being, with nature and all beings, that they can stay curious, with inquiritiv mind and exploratory spirit, vital and creativ and live more conscious lives.

    My biggest problems:
    How do I reach people who can see the value in what I have to offer.
    For quite a while a was doing the training to being a Trager practitioner and was not allowed to charge people, now they love to get free sessions, but the most don`t come, when they have to pay. Long time before I was already working as a spiritual healer and I had quite some people to do the work with me, but moving to Swizzerland I find it not so easy to find people and also, I cannot seperate what I am doing, I am rather being connected or in hook-up, like the Trager people call it and in addition I have the methodes I can work with – imaginative, meditative, creative or body work. Mostly it floats into each other.
    I am not a sales person, I would love people just find me and asking for my help and also I love to have time to just be with myself, with my husband who now is retired and with my kids and grandchildren and be able to make my living and organize my work, so that there is time for all of it.

    What is holding me back?
    People are telling me, that they love beeing in my field or beeing touched by me, but I am doubting that I can really help, find the right partner or getting cured of cancer or…..

    If I can`t fix the problem, I have to find ways to get in contact with more people, or to use modern technologie, …. otherwise I have to reduce my live drastically.

    1. Laurie -Team Margaret

      Hi Elisabeth
      Wow what a wonderful and full family you have. Thanks for joining we are so happy you are here. Stay tuned for Margaret’s next video. Make sure you are completing the handouts they really connect all the video’s. Please also join our FB community to get even more of Margaret’s training. (you must complete the questionnaire)
      See you there.
      To your success,
      Laurie Johnson
      Client Concierge
      Team Margaret

  226. Rebecca

    I help service based business owners build their Emotional Intelligence so that they create such raving fans that they now have a new problem…too many clients:)

    1. Laurie -Team Margaret

      Hi Karen
      Thanks for joining we are so happy you are here. Stay tuned for Margaret’s next video. Make sure you are completing the handouts they really connect all the video’s. Please also join our FB community to get even more of Margaret’s training. (you must complete the questionnaire)
      See you there.
      To your success,
      Laurie Johnson
      Client Concierge
      Team Margaret

  227. Tamey Greene

    Hi Margaret. I began coaching back in 2006 after graduating with my master of arts in counseling psychology. I am certified in professional coaching and life coaching 4x over (different programs). I’ve studied hypnosis, NLP, EFT (Dawson’s Energy Psychology Certification and love the Ortners; and your book, Tapping into Wealth – loved it, well done!), Reiki, personal training (previous certification), nutrition, and massage and bodywork. I’m a United States Navy Veteran who’s been teaching for American Public University System for 8 years (psych of combat and psych of disaster). I’ve owned my own brick and mortar business and did very well. I’ve held many positions as an executive assistant for c-suite level executives in start ups to Fortune 100 organizations (Nike) to non-profits, of which I’m currently the Board President. I have been a Membership Director for Chamber of Commerces and associations in the building industry. I’ve worked in multiple industries from health and fitness to cyber security and artificial intelligence. My ‘fun’ jobs have been in the wine industry as everything from general manager, tasting educator, sales, and wine tour driver. I’ve participated in Amy Porterfield’s Digital Course Academy and Marie Forleo’s B-School. I don’t remember much of my childhood except that I did a lot of drugs, drank a lot, slept around a bit, and made some pretty bad choices. I had a lot of fun in my life, with 0 regrets (only learning experiences), and have no idea how I am still alive with all the stupid shit I did! Except that I know I am part of a bigger plan. Spiritually, the Universe keeps telling me to relax and stop trying to control my life plan and allow the Divine life plan. I’m a Pisces/Aries cusp, meaning I’m impatient. I am unsure of why I am writing all this, clearly, it needed to come out. Hell, I don’t even remember what I’m responding to now! I have a business, I have a website, I have a business partner, but I have made some poor money choices and I am tired of being financially strapped. I am ready to access my financial abundance. I know that I part of my purpose is to share my talents, my skills, my experiences, and my knowledge. I ‘feel’ that I am here to empower, encourage, and inspire other amazing women to unleash their own inner badass. I just turned 50 (and I didn’t get a party due to the damn lockdown! lol) I want the second act of my life to be the best. I love your work and your passion. I am grateful for your videos, your message, and your value. Thank you for allowing me to be vulnerable here.

    1. Laurie - Team Margaret

      Hi Tamey
      Wow what a beautiful post thank you for sharing. We are so happy you are here. Stay tuned for Margaret’s next video. Make sure you are completing the handouts they really connect all the video’s. Please also join our FB community to get even more of Margaret’s training.
      See you there.
      To your success,
      Laurie Johnson
      Client Concierge
      Team Margaret

  228. Cedo Josipovic

    my name is Čedo Josipović! I’m doing TRE (Trauma Releasing Exercises). With TRE is possible to help people to get a better connection between mind and body. And learn emotional self-regulation. In this Corona period, I’m trying to establish online education.
    I think I am blocked on stage 3.
    Perhaps, you can help me pass through this obstacle!

    PS: Sorry, my English is not on a high level.

    1. Laurie - Team Margaret

      Hi Cedo
      Thanks for joining we are so happy you are here. Stay tuned for Margaret’s next video. Make sure you are completing the handouts they really connect all the video’s. Please also join our FB community to get even more of Margaret’s training.
      See you there.
      To your success,
      Laurie Johnson
      Client Concierge
      Team Margaret

  229. Christine Zyla

    I am studying and learning and growing in my own personal development. As I have learned, I have begun to share with and offer help to friends and family members of friends who have told me about challenges they are facing. The modality I use the most is EFT Tapping, but I also seem to have a knack for holding compassionate space for people to move towards their own empowering solutions and shifts. I would love to do this for real, and not just dabble in it.

    1. Petra - Team Margaret

      Hi Christine, thank you for being with us! I encourage you to stay with us throughout the training series, as in the next training video Margaret will share with you a step by step formula to craft a simple, yet powerful phrase that you can use to easily explain what you do in a way that captivates your ideal clients! They will resonnate with you and would want to know more about you and your work. EFT is a powerful modality and with your ability for holding a compassionate space for clients,wow! The world needs you right now to offer your gifts. Petra – Team Margaret.

  230. Sara Gelzer

    Hi Margaret, I am a body therapist and help many people with various body treatments eg aromatherapy, manuel lymphdrainage etc
    I would love to do less manuel work and more coaching as l am a good liistner and feel l have already been coaching people.I know l definitely
    don’t charge my true value and l have great difficulty in selling. I find people are addicted to being manuelly touched and treated and l am not sure whether they would be prepared to give this up for coaching.If you have a solution for this l would be delighted to know

    1. Petra - Team Margaret

      Hi Sara, thank you for your share! I`m inviting you to learn more about Margarets framework – her system of how to work in your sessions, so that people feel immediate results, lasting shifts and powerful aha moments, with the use of your modality or without! What matters are tangible in session results for your clients. Once they experience such a powerful session from you, even without your modality, you`ll easily transition into more choaching. You`ll also be able to attract new people, who not necessarily prefer manual touch. So stay with us! More great content is coming your way. Petra-Team Margaret.

  231. Alexandra

    I ‘m passionate about helping womwen to change their poor me mindset and heal their relationship with money. The biggest problems is to make then commit after they star getting more money.

    1. Petra - Team Margaret

      Hi Alexandra, it`s great to have you here with us! Yay for your great results! Stay with us, as Margaret will show you exactly what you need to know in order to consistently wow clients with dramatic results and keep them committed, engaged and coming back for more! Petra-Team Margaret.

  232. Lisa

    Hi Margaret, I’m a bodyworker, energy healer and Akashic Record consultant. I’ve been in private practice for more than 34 years. I developed a strong clientele base for bodywork, but am in the process of building my energy and AR client base. I’m stuck in getting people to work with me more than once or twice, and getting past the freebie model. It’s also an incredibly creative time in my life because I’ve figured out how to do virtual bodywork!!

    I don’t have a website

    1. Petra - Team Margaret

      Hi Lisa, great of you to join us! I invite you to stay with Margaret throughout this training series, as Margaret will show you exactly what you need to know in order to consistently wow clients with dramatic results and keep them committed, engaged and coming back for more! It`s all about a system of work in your sessions, a framework that can be used with any modality. Bodyworker, energy healing and Akashic Record modality goes great with it! Petra-Team Margaret.

  233. Ulrika

    Hi, I am a lifecoach, therapist and healer. I really love helping people change their lives. But I struggle getting clients and the income that I need, so I am so grateful for all your help <3

    1. Petra - Team Margaret

      Hi Ulrike, thank you for being here with us! Margaret does understand your struggle and she has a lot of great resources for you in this training series that will help you understand how to grwo your business! How to attract clients to you, keep them engaged in the process, how to take them on a longer journey with you as their coach with even more amazing results and build a thriving practice. A lot of great teaching is coming your way. Petra-Team Margaret.

  234. Kirsty Walton

    I work full time in a job that is ok but it’s not my passion, I turn up because it pays the bills. I have been in MLM for years and love the products but the passion for the but the the business isn’t there so I struggle to make money. I feel called to help woman with confidence and manifesting their dream life. I LOVE doing this and want to turn it into a business but for the past year imposter syndrome and money anxiety creeps in!

  235. Barbara

    Thank you for your video. I used to be in the field of electroneurodiagnostics, and working in the hospital. I then got sick, and went on my journey to finding natural health. I have regained a lot of my health, especially my emotional health. I have certificates in different modalities, have helped some, but need some more confidence on getting clients, as I am not a social media person, and would really like to know how to really get the attention of a potential client, I look forward to your solution.

    1. Laurie - Team Margaret

      Hi Barbara
      We are so happy you got your health back. Thanks for joining we are so happy you are here. Stay tuned for Margaret’s next video. Make sure you are completing the handouts they really connect all the video’s. Please also join our FB community to get even more of Margaret’s training.
      See you there.
      To your success,
      Laurie Johnson
      Client Concierge
      Team Margaret

  236. Aida

    Hi Margaret
    I left my corporate job To start a business coaching and consulting but struggling to get any clients.
    I’m not good at sales and am struggling to stay positive and focused.

    1. Laurie - Team Margaret

      Hi Aida
      We are here to help you keep focused. Stay tuned for Margaret’s next video. Make sure you are completing the handouts they really connect all the video’s. Please also join our FB community to get even more of Margaret’s training. (you must complete the questionnaire)
      See you there.
      To your success,
      Laurie Johnson
      Client Concierge
      Team Margaret

  237. Marian Sears-Carter

    Hi Margaret,

    I am a physiotherapist specializing in craniosacral therapy and somato-emotional release. I have been working for 30 years and am booked solid in my clinic for 3 months in advance. I am doing great work according to my clients but I want a change. I want to take my work out of the clinic (working on the body while tapping into the mind) and just do the coaching part which I really enjoy. I would love to explore exactly HOW to make this shift as my clients are used to working in a certain way with me. I have an audience already but I will need to shift their approach. Will they want to give up the physical part of their sessions?
    If I can’t “fix this problem” what will happen to my dream? I can certainly continue serving in my present way but I want to open to a more creative, unstructured way of working with others!
    I have done your 7 levels of wealth program and it was amazing!

  238. Jennifer

    I am a hypnotherapist and also I’ve been a hands on healer for YEARS, PLUS my teacher passed her school to me after she retired. It was a goldmine for her, but has never thrived for me the way it did when she ran it. So I put the school on the back burner because it was so difficult to “recruit” people to commit to the transformational three year program and went back to one-on-one sessions and still unable to keep clients coming back and make a living at this. I’m tired and feel defeated.

    1. Petra - Team Margaret

      Hi Jennifer, thank you for being here with us and for sharing some of your struggles. Margaret understand you! That is why she will tecah you in this training series how to attract clients to you, keep them engaged in the process, how to take them on a longer journey with you as their coach with even more amazing results and build a thriving practice. A lot of great teaching is coming your way. So, stay with us. Petra-Team Margaret.

  239. Sydney Walker

    Thanks for your video. I loved it. I want to help people like myself who have had difficult childhoods and trauma and a lot to overcome, but I find in varying degrees, that is most people.
    I have been an acupuncturist for 30 years, started early on that path, but took time off to raise my boys, so in some ways I am level 3 committed but struggling because I am more of a healer than physician and want more fun vs. caring in a disease model. So my message is a bit jumbled when I talk modalities.
    The classical acupuncture model is like traditional healing in other cultures, can release trauma, yet people come with disease issues and I try ti fit into insurance, etc. so there is a disconnect in my message. I really am more interested in healing root causes and subconscious limiting beliefs than understanding the physiology, though that continues to be interesting for my left brain, I am very skilled at right brain work.
    I learned many healing modalities and the most profound for results perhaps is the latest one I’ve learned. But I am at stage 1 and 2 with that.
    I have given it freely with the acupuncture session but without commitment to the work itself. Ok for me proving my modality is great.
    I have made all the pitfall mistakes you mentioned.
    I was about to offer a free set of short trainings and an offer for more in depth work to my email list. Some people are insurance clients, not sure if they would pay for the coaching.
    Perhaps I need to know the pitfalls of that.
    How to define myself:
    Ministry, coach, healer… I kind of like coach since I listened to you.

  240. Owura Kofi

    I have helped many friends and strangers to solve their problems. I’m thinking of starting a coaching practice , however, I don’t know how to attract paying clients.

  241. Lesley Hoy

    Hi. I’m Lesley.
    I have been a helper all of my last fe. My special needs foster children are all in their Mmm d teens now, so it is time to do something else that I am passionate about. I want to coach.
    Being unable to see the whole picture is holding me back from even starting.
    If I don’t change this situation, I will go on being disappointed in myself and will never know how he impact I could have made in someone’s life.

  242. Delsa Waddell

    This is Delsa Waddell from Utah, USA. My passion is helping people overcome their blocks to success in all areas of their lives. I am particularly motivated at this time to help people learn to love themselves. I want to help successful people become more successful through helping them transform themselves into a more fulfilled person who loves themselves and understands how to recognize and overcome blocks to success and happiness.
    Getting clients has been a problem for me. In addition to my coaching business I work as a mental health therapist at a community agency. I use my skills and techniques with my therapy clients, but have not gotten many coaching clients. I also am not sure the best ways to balance my time between coaching and counseling clients.
    If I can’t get past these blocks I will continue to use my skills in therapy, but not reach a wider clientele of successful people who need a little help in reaching their dreams.

  243. Kathleen

    Thank you Margaret. I am at the beginning of this journey. Feeling totally stuck. Finished a degree in a medical field but want to do more toward whole person, mind, body, and spirit healing.

  244. Caryn Nash

    I lack confidence. I know the modalities work & I’ve seen them work on people but it is hard for me to talk to people about the great work it does. I’m looking for more paying clients

  245. Jo Cantle

    I’m a Life Coach and EFT Practitioner – I’m finding my feet with everything but have struggled to gain one to one clients I think through my own lack of confidence in being certain I really can solve their problems. I love to help high achieving women who doubt themselves shine their light

  246. Alta Schwab

    I’m a neurosomatic therapist and wholistic methylation practitioner, I’m also working on some energy healing. I’m passionate about helping intelligent, determined, and passionate men and women struggling with pain, fatigue, brain fog, and chronic illness to break through the blocks keeping them stuck there so that they can fully engage in live, love, and work.

    What are the BIGGEST problems you’ve encountered when trying to HELP people and follow your dream? (I want all the juicy details!)
    The biggest problems I’ve encountered in trying to help people is when they have energetic, emotional blocks preventing my hands on techniques from working, which is why I started doing some energy work. My biggest issue is that I don’t have a system to take them through just a system to go through individual sessions. I also struggle with advertising myself

  247. Jackie

    Hi, I was a lawyer in the corporate world before finally leaving just over a year ago to pursue my passion to help others through reiki. I now run my own reiki business, which I love, but I’m struggling to attract as many clients as I’d like. I really want to help women like me who are either still in the stressful corporate world or have left but in each case feel as if they have lost themselves along the way. I’ve lived that life and have found my true self after years of receiving reiki treatments. Clients who come for reiki love it but only a few book regular repeat sessions which would help them get the best results.
    The biggest things holding me back are knowing how to market myself – should I use social media more or are there better ways to get my message out there? If I can’t get past the difficulty in attracting more clients I’ll still have only a fledgling business and not be able to help the people I know would really benefit from this work.

  248. Janne Sjursen

    I am a coach and kinesiolog but do not earn enof for a god living. I am Also a yogateather and meditation teatcher and i want to do more Courses in that aria🙏

  249. kit

    1) I’m also a former career engineer turned helper healer coach 😀 I help men and women in transition, discover their purpose, excavate and express their best version of themselves, so they can create a legacy, craft a kick ass joyfully rewarding life, and physically manifest their deepest desires.
    2) Problems: A) Tactical: Which distribution channel shall I use to market? When to post, how much blah blah blah. You know, that whole ‘data’ thing we do. Must have spreadsheet! Project Plan it! hahahaha!
    B) Substantive, content related: Crafting the client journey. It’s challenging to see my stuff objectively enough to ‘downsize’ it sufficiently for a succinct description of client journey for marketing material. I’ve simply been ‘snippeting’ from my program but that seems…inadequate. Not ‘markety’ or ‘jazzy’ enough. I have sooooo much content. Even when I start to write, more inspiration comes streaming through. Yay and Argh!
    3) If I don’t remedy these ‘potholes’ on my road to upscale, my work won’t get to the people who need it. Who are best served by what only I can deliver.

  250. Aisling

    Thanks, Margaret, for your great videos. I’ve been training in various modalities to help others for decades, but never made the switch from my regular job, which pays the mortgage, to doing what I love. Looking forward to learning more …

  251. Yael

    I’m also an x-engineer, working with people for 5 years now for creating change and releasing pain and stress,
    what you described fit what I felt totaly,

  252. Joy Griffiths

    Hi Margaret, my name is Joy and I’m stuck at level #3 – wanting to help women really step into their power and shift our world towards a more compassionate vibe. Message would be about getting seen, valued, recognised etc. Of course it’s my story too and I’ve been struggling to get over myself!!! That said, I went down a rabbit hole about identity and am now prepping to move forward again, with new insights to bring to clients. You usually show up when I’m ready to hear your new perspectives – I’ve forgotten exactly what you asked us to answer but maybe this is enough for now….thank you xxx

  253. Victoria Bart-Williams

    My name is Victoia. I would love to be a coach. I would like to coach people of all ages and background. I have tried to help people, but I found it difficult, and I found communication hard, because of the perception I had about people’s behaviour towards me. My dream will become a reality and people will get great results and transformation.

  254. Claudia

    I help my clients, mostly women to reconnect with their true nature, to discover their unique gifts and talents and to ultimately empower them to create and live a life they love. I have never focused fully on my coaching business (normally I run my courses as retreats) and am doing so now for the first time in a fully focused way. I need to attract clients who are committed to their own transformation and are willing to see the value in paying for my role in that. It’s happening already, Id’ just like to accelerate it! So I need to reach more potential clients and be more effective at converting those in my current audience to becoming coaching clients because I can really help them!

  255. Barb

    Hi I am Barb, This is so me, I to went down the energy road, hypnosis, nlp, reflexology, aromatherapy, all certified – I am my biggest obstacle. I can wait to hear more.

  256. Amanda Chambers

    I’m a certified health and wellness coach with a background in social work. I love moving people toward whole wellness in all different aspects of their life. I’ve not been able to build a thriving practice. I’m an introvert and struggle to express what I do and make connections to expand my business. I need to move forward.

  257. Lana Baker

    I’m Lana. I’m still in the feeling called stage. I’ve felt this before, and succumbed to the “get a job” mentality. Now I’m at a life place where I can explore this in depth. Big blocks for me have been lack of support, lack of confidence, not knowing “how” I can help people without going back to school for some kind of counseling education. Right now, I have nothing to lose. I have a place to live for the next six months, and I’m supporting no one but myself. I’m ready to stop being disappointed in myself.

    1. Laurie - Team Margaret

      Hi Lana
      We honor and appreciate you at this time in your life. Thank you for joining. Stay tuned for Margaret’s next video. Make sure you are completing the handouts they really connect all the video’s. Please also join our FB community to get even more of Margaret’s training.
      See you there.
      To your success,
      Laurie Johnson
      Client Concierge
      Team Margaret

  258. Marie Macomber

    I am delighted to have the time right now to participate in Margaret’s course. I have advanced training in EMDR and EFT and have a satisfying level of clients in my practice. I am looking forward to leariing more so I can use these additional skills to be even more helpful to my clients.
    Thank you.

  259. Fanny

    I’m a Bioneuroemotion coach for what I use different methods. I also practice tapping and I was about to get certified in hypnotherapy but it was postponed due to the situation. I love to help people but I don’t enjoy advertising myself. I feel that I have to explain too much and convince them. I wish I can feel really confident about what I can offer to others.
    I can’t wait for your training 🥰

  260. Alta Schwab

    I deal with genetic mutations, pain, and fatigue. I’ve mostly been doing hands on work on patients in my office until this last 6 weeks, so now I’m working on transitioning to dealing with these things at a distance but am struggling to find the clientele. I am using a lot of my own experiences from when I was struggling with those same symptoms.

  261. Becky

    I coach kind-hearted hard-working women entrepreneurs who feel invisible, disorganized and stressed from giving so much how to claim their worth and use their unique powerful-self energy to create a profitable business.

  262. Lauralee Smith

    I began my journey 7 years ago when I knew I would be leaving my marriage of 35 years. I wanted to find why I made the choices I had, why life seemed harder than it should be and I needed to find a way to heal physically from the health problems that plagued me. But I also needed to figure out what I wanted to do to support myself now and had no real marketable skills since I had been a stay at home mom for decades.
    I found so many different people and their specialized programs that were so helpful and each time I was lead to the next person when it was time. I was learning so much about myself and it made perfect sense. I knew then that I would like to help others find the same. When I came upon you, I signed up really just to help myself go further into this uncovering process and was thrilled to find that you could lead me down the career path that I so desired, as well.
    I have taken your Mastery Certification in February and attended your Ignite Event in March. So this seems like the next logical step in learning to build my career.
    Thanks so much
    Lauralee Smith

  263. Jackie Jamieson

    I am a therapist working with people from all walks of life. Most with life challenging situations. My biggest challenge is having enough hours in a day lol.

    1. Laurie

      Hi Jackie

      We are so happy you joined us. Though we can’t make more hours in your day. We can help you make the hours in your day count.

      To your success,

      Laurie Johnson
      Client Concierge
      Team Margaret

  264. luisa

    I work as a healer (chakra work, spiritual path and tapping (EFT and fastereft) )and I do have clients who show interest and appreciation for what I do, but they do not pass on the information to other people, not as much as I would expect them to do. Once a client told me that she had such a wonderful experience working with me that she wanted to keep it for herself; another one told me that finding me was like finding a wonderful place at the seaside, or like when you happen to find a very special restaurant, you don’t want to share the information, or you will end up finding it overcrowded, . that was an a ha moment for me, but I do not know what to do in order to change that trend.

    1. Laurie

      Hi Luisa,

      Thank you for joining us. Please make sure you do the worksheets that Margaret included with the video’s. I look forward to seeing your post on the next video.

      To your success,

      Laurie Johnson
      Client Concierge
      Team Margaret

    1. Laurie

      Hi Kiki,

      Thank you so much for joining. We are so glad to have you here.

      To your success,

      Laurie Johnson
      Client Concierge
      Team Margaret

  265. Jane Alpers

    I want to be an instrument of healing for myself and others. I have enrolled in the Grace Space Hypnotherapy School. I haven’t told many people yet about this because of the exact looks you are talking about. I am introducing hypnotherapy into conversations with people to make me more comfortable and to see others’ reactions. Hypnotherapy has helped me so much and I want others to have access to this incredible modality. I signed up for the school mid February and was supposed to go the 3 day beginner training, which is in person with fellow classmates and Grace Smith, in June. With the Pandemic, the class is cancelled and I am planning to ramp up telling people after my first training so that I will have the confidence, more information and feel that I am on my next journey!

    1. Laurie

      Hi Jane

      Thank you so much for joining. Please make sure you check out the handouts that Margaret included with the video

      To your success,

      Laurie Johnson
      Client Concierge
      Team Margaret

  266. Alexandria

    I work mainly with women helping then connect with their inner voice, inspiration, and passion for living while also helping them find their voice and the courage to use it. For some reason, I’m blocked in regard to “putting myself out there.” Without pushing past this, I worry financial success will elude me. Thank you for your generous and helpful video, Margaret.

  267. Angelika

    I would love to get started with Ancestor clearing — don’t have enough time aside from corp job, that I love aswell.

  268. Clare Morrison

    I am an elite amateur athlete and performance coach. I am passionate about helping female athletes and professionals cultivate their best performances. My biggest problem in helping is not believing in myself. I am solidly in “Committed by Struggling.”

  269. Petra - Team Margaret

    Hi Patti, thank you for joining us! Stay with us throughout the series and learn from Margaret what are your next steps, when at level 1. Petra-Team Margaret.

  270. Marie-Noël

    I’m passionate about relationships and solving emotional issues. I’ m a certified life coach with a bunch of powerful (coaching and healing) modalities – some of them quite original – but I used to do another job until now and now want to start my practice as a thriving professional coach doing what I love, i.e. contributing to helping people be “at peace and happy” in their life, expanding their consciousness. I’ve practiced a lot as a “helper” but now wish and need to shift to stage 4 right now!

    1. Laurie - Team Margaret

      Hi Marie
      We are so excited for you to start your coaching practice. Thanks for joining we are so happy you are here. Stay tuned for Margaret’s next video. Make sure you are completing the handouts they really connect all the video’s. Please also join our FB community to get even more of Margaret’s training.
      See you there.
      To your success,
      Laurie Johnson
      Client Concierge
      Team Margaret

  271. Silvia

    I need to feel confident in what I do. I have so many self-doubts that I can’t even start. There’s that voice inside yelling at me :” Who do you think you are?How can you even think that you can help anybody? you should be so far! you should have solved all your problems before you can help anybody, you should be an example to follow.”
    I don’t know how to start, I’m not good at selling myself. I find rejection.

    1. Laurie - Team Margaret

      Hi Silvia
      Thanks for joining we are so happy you are here. Stay tuned for Margaret’s next video. Make sure you are completing the handouts they really connect all the video’s. Please also join our FB community to get even more of Margaret’s training.
      See you there.
      To your success,
      Laurie Johnson
      Client Concierge
      Team Margaret

  272. Petra - Team Margaret

    Hi Marisa, the next training video will be available for you tomorrow. Every day you`ll get access to one training. Thank you for being here with us! Petra – Team Margaret.

  273. Richard

    I too am an engineer by training and a top manager by profession who is looking to follow in your footsteps but is facing the same challenges and concerns. I’m looking forward to learning more about your process.

  274. Darlene

    My passion is to help people live their highest good. Please supply me with instant access to the handout download. I have been booted out twice. Thanks

    1. Laurie - Team Margaret

      Hi Darlene
      Thanks for being patient and for joining we are so happy you are here. Stay tuned for Margaret’s next video. Make sure you are completing the handouts they really connect all the video’s. Please also join our FB community to get even more of Margaret’s training.
      See you there.
      To your success,
      Laurie Johnson
      Client Concierge
      Team Margaret

  275. Deborah Atella

    I work with women ages 40-60ish who are wondering “What the Hell am I doing with my life”. I have grown a free private Facebook community to 460+ women. I show up consistently in the group and deliver tons of value, Live meditations and coaching . None of this is converting to paid clients. I don’t know where I am missing the mark. They love me, can’t get enough of my free stuff but are taking my courses or paid offers.

    1. Petra - Team Margaret

      Hi Deborah, thank you for your share! Stay with us for the upcoming trainings, as Margaret will teach you a special process, the Gift of Clarity, where she`ll show you what you can share for free – how to deliver your potential clients clarity and not freebies. Thank you for being here with us! Petra-Team Margaret.

    1. Laurie - Team Margaret

      Hi Fay
      Thanks for joining we are so happy you are here. Stay tuned for Margaret’s next video. Make sure you are completing the handouts they really connect all the video’s. Please also join our FB community to get even more of Margaret’s training.
      See you there.
      To your success,
      Laurie Johnson
      Client Concierge
      Team Margaret

  276. Robin

    I watched the video and have been trying to leave a comment for the last two hours to be able to move forward. System keeps telling me “this is embarrassing we don’t know what you’re looking for”
    My name is Robin and I have been suffering from depression and addiction my entire life due to abusive/dysfunctional childhood and subsequent relationships. Even with nine years sober I found myself with a “dirty John” and finally escaped November 2019 spiritually and financially broken. The last six months I’ve been doing tapping and I did a chakra online healing course with you in the beginning of the year. My biggest problem is I don’t have any financial savings to purchase any of the programs being offered. I’ve been sitting here month after month depressed/suicidal at times because I feel stuck-I’ve been doing positive affirmations, tapping, mind movies, motivational tapes, reading The secret, Abraham Hicks, eckert tolle, and don’t know how to move forward. I am a registered nurse and currently work in a soul sucking job for a corporation that pays me barely enough to make my bills for myself and two teenage sons. Can you please help me? I want to be a transformational healer-I am willing to do the work… I know I’m meant to help others suffering like I did and I just don’t Have time/money for years of schooling…
    Thank you-
    Robin Dargis
    PS-I just turned 48 in March-I don’t have Facebook or Twitter or know anything about running a business or even what business I could have.. but I am determined before I leave this world to be a success -I just need time and hope you will help me 🙏

    1. Laurie

      Hi Robin,

      Thank you for your comments. I am sorry that you had issues leaving a comment. Please keep an eye out for Margaret’s next email.

      Laurie Johnson
      Client Concierge
      Team Margaret

  277. Glen

    I am interested in developing a private practice helping clients heal from addictions. I am a health care provider employed in rehabilitation.
    Problems involve lack of marketing skills.
    In 6 months if nothing changes, I will still be wishing ….

    1. Laurie

      Hi Glen

      Thank you so much for joining. Margaret has included some worksheets to help along with these video’s be sure to check them out as well.

      To you success,
      Laurie Johnson
      Client Concierge
      Team Margaret

  278. GMP

    I am interested in developing a private practice helping clients heal from addictions. I am a health care provider employed in rehabilitation .

    1. Laurie

      Hi GMP,

      Thank you for joining. We look forward to seeing you on the next video. Make sure you check out the handouts that Margaret is giving with her video’s.

      To your success,

      Laurie Johnson
      Client Concierge
      Team Margaret

  279. Jewell

    My biggest challenge is defining the value I bring to clients. I’ve worked with a few clients, but don’t have clear outcome messaging. Makes it hard to market my services when I’m not effectively communicating that.

    1. Laurie - Team Margaret

      Hi Jewell
      We are here to help you get clear. Thanks for joining we are so happy you are here. Stay tuned for Margaret’s next video. Make sure you are completing the handouts they really connect all the video’s. Please also join our FB community to get even more of Margaret’s training. (you must complete the questionnaire)
      See you there.
      To your success,
      Laurie Johnson
      Client Concierge
      Team Margaret

    1. Laurie - Team Margaret

      Hi Jo
      We are so excited for you!! Thanks for joining we are so happy you are here. Stay tuned for Margaret’s next video. Make sure you are completing the handouts they really connect all the video’s. Please also join our FB community to get even more of Margaret’s training. (you must complete the questionnaire)
      See you there.
      To your success,
      Laurie Johnson
      Client Concierge
      Team Margaret

  280. Maria

    I m passionate about healing, education and expanding consciousness. I am also a writer .
    Regularly I do sessions and workshops on healing and relationships but I NEED TO HAVE MORE CLIENTS PAYING AND COMING BACK.
    The majority people come to solve health issues and emotional issues. It is possible to solve for example a pain and a health issue in one or 2 sessions and sometimes they don’t come back
    Before corvid19 I worked with a bunch of modalities, all with transformational intent face to face with clients. I also held workshops sharing skills and toolS for those wanting to help themselves and others ( energy healing mostly).
    In 6 months time, if I don’t radically change my business around i WONT HAVE THE MONEY AND THE BRILLIANT LIFE i DESERVE.

    1. Petra - Team Margaret

      Hi Maria, thank you for your share and for being with us! I invite you to stay with us during the whole training series. You`ll get a ton of practical information on HOW to attract clients as well how to work with them inside your sessions, so that they COMMIT for LONG-TERM work with you! Petra-Team Margaret.

  281. Roz

    Been a coach for 4 yrs, dabbling. Now launching for real. Changed niches a few times, and now have settled on this:

    I help professional women in midlife who feel like the rug’s been pulled out from under them in the New Reality. They struggle with managing transition and worry about what their role will be moving forward. Whether personal or career related, I coach them on how to be grounded and resilient, examine options, make decisions with confidence and land on their feet.

    Although I’m a PhD and retired college professor with many years in the field of education, I struggle with technology and have had to learn a lot about social media. I have a Facebook social learning group, “Midlife Women Crushing It”, and I’m working on filling the group, to be able to help more people and to have a couple of hundred people in it so I can eventually sell in the group with educational challenges, mini courses, erc. but am overwhelmed with all the marketing I have to do…FB lives in the group, on personal page, posting in LI and FB, yadda yadda, y’know?? Planning an Eventbrite webinar. Mostly I need to take the plunge and “get out there more”. If I don’t build this biz and have success to create supplemental income, my hubby and I, now retired, will be living a very modest lifestyle and that’s not what we want. I’ve already invested thousands in coach training, courses, intensives, a mastermind (total waste), bootcamps, you name it! Now is my time and I’m determined to launch and have a lucrative practice!

    1. Laurie - Team Margaret

      Hi Roz
      We are here for you as you transition from dabbling to creating your business. Thanks for joining we are so happy you are here. Stay tuned for Margaret’s next video. Make sure you are completing the handouts they really connect all the video’s. Please also join our FB community to get even more of Margaret’s training. (you must complete the questionnaire)
      See you there.
      To your success,
      Laurie Johnson
      Client Concierge
      Team Margaret

  282. Patti McDonald

    I have been fascinated with Tapping since the first webinar I learned about it. I have read several books, and practice it myself when I feel the need. I actually helped a storeowner I know one day when I was drawn for some reason to go see. She was so mad and stressed out that she didn’t even see me when she stormed past me and out the back door. Although I don’t know her well, I followed her and I asked her if she would be willing to do a quick exercise, and after 10 minutes of Tapping, she was amazed how much better she felt and I was thrilled she felt better also. I have the passion to help people and during this pandemic, I see where people are begging for help dealing with depression and anxiety on a local neighborhood website. I responded to a post and offered to go to their homes and do a 10-15 minute Tapping exercise outdoors since it’s 70 degrees and sunny this week. Something I would be thrilled to do to help them…unfortunately no takers so far. This is where I’m at, but it is my desire to have clients one day and a regular thriving practice…

    1. Laurie - Team Margaret

      Hi Patti
      We are here for you on this journey. Thank you for joining we are so happy you are here. Stay tuned for Margaret’s next video. Make sure you are completing the handouts they really connect all the video’s. Please also join our FB community to get even more of Margaret’s training. (you must complete the questionnaire)
      See you there.
      To your success,
      Laurie Johnson
      Client Concierge
      Team Margaret

  283. Judy

    Have worked with many clients over the years and usually had great results with my modality but it’s like they ‘forget’ what happened and the changes that occurred. I have felt for some time that I needed some sort of follow up system and feedback form for clients to anchor the results.

    1. Petra - Team Margaret

      Hi Judy, thank you for sharing and for joining us! I invite you to stay with us throughout this training series and see the Blueprint, Margaret`s system of working with clients, that can be used with any modality or niche, that enables coaches to facilitate a complete deep transformation. You`ll learn about the KEY ELEMENTS that need to be built into every session to guarantee the results and clients seeing and feeling them! Petra-Team Margaret.

    1. Laurie -Team Margaret

      Hi Lisa
      Thanks for joining we are so happy you are here. Stay tuned for Margaret’s next video. Make sure you are completing the handouts they really connect all the video’s. Please also join our FB community to get even more of Margaret’s training. (you must complete the questionnaire)
      See you there.
      To your success,
      Laurie Johnson
      Client Concierge
      Team Margaret

  284. Linda

    Wow. You described me to a tee while describing your initial discoveries about the different modalities you tried. I enjoy Reiki and I can do tapping and quantum touch. I haven’t really had any success with building a business and I pretty much stopped trying after several years. I am at a point where I am just trying to figure out what my next steps are because I don’t even know where to begin at this point and, I don’t even know what I am passionate about anymore because I just haven’t succeeded at anything. So, here’s to hoping again!

    1. Petra - Team Margaret

      Hi Linda, thank you for being here with us and for sharing some of your struggles. Stay with us and learn exactly what to do to succed! Margaret will teach you her framework – a system of working in your sessions, no matter the modality, that will deliver in session – results to your clients, making them see your value and gifts. Petra-Team Margaret.

  285. Marisa De Jong

    Hi I’m Marisa, I’m a certified EFT practitioner and a Heart IQ coach. I’m so passionate about being able to help people think outside of the box, of who they are. I want to transform their thinking and to show them the possibilities they have that they could have never imagined.
    The blocks I run into is that I am lacking a structure and don’t know where to go next after the first few sessions.
    If I don’t get my blocks resolved I’ll still be doing what I’m doing today. Making very little money from sessions with people who book only a few sessions.

    1. Laurie - Team Margaret

      Hi Marisa,
      Thanks for joining we are so happy you are here. Stay tuned for Margaret’s next video. Make sure you are completing the handouts they really connect all the video’s. Please also join our FB community to get even more of Margaret’s training. (you must complete the questionnaire)
      See you there.
      To your success,
      Laurie Johnson
      Client Concierge
      Team Margaret

  286. Abhijeet Desai

    Margaret, I have been your follower since you started your videos long time back.
    Since then, I am using your methodologies and they are fantastic. Love the way you teach the techniques.
    Thank you.

    1. Laurie - Team Margaret

      Hi Abhijeet
      Wow thanks for your amazing work we are so happy you joined us. Stay tuned for Margaret’s next video. Make sure you are completing the handouts they really connect all the video’s. Please also join our FB community to get even more of Margaret’s training. (you must complete the questionnaire)
      See you there.
      To your success,
      Laurie Johnson
      Client Concierge
      Team Margaret

  287. Debs

    Hi. I’m Debs. I love Tapping. I’ve studied many modalities, but I think Tapping is the best. And I really want to help people transform so they no longer suffer emotional and physical pain (like I have) and they wake to their own beautiful meaningful and precious life…and they live it! I struggle with how people seem so stuck, and so unable to begin to get free of what is holding them back. And how enamoured and attached people are of their own drama and pain… sometimes it baffles me ….

    1. Laurie - Team Margaret

      Hi Debs
      We are so excited to have you join us. Stay tuned for Margaret’s next video. Make sure you are completing the handouts they really connect all the video’s. Please also join our FB community to get even more of Margaret’s training. (you must complete the questionnaire)
      See you there.
      To your success,
      Laurie Johnson
      Client Concierge
      Team Margaret

  288. Naomi

    I’m a retired socialworker. I loved my job , was doing well with helping my clients change, solve problems and improve their lives. I was convinced.that I would automaticly have a thriving privat clinic, as I always had some privat clients who were very happy with my work, refered others and actually admired me a lot.
    What happend was very different and my clientel shrunk and is down to just a few poor clients, who either pay very littel or nothing. I love working with them, but still feel I’m a failiar. They make huge changes, heal, and solve problems, but I need wealthy, paying people to hire me, to feel good.
    I understand that I am making mistake 2, but I enjoy my work and feel good helping peopel and I don’t beliieve people will come and pay. I even tried advertising in different ways, but did not get any clients through it.

    1. Laurie - Team Margaret

      Hi Naomi
      Thanks for joining we are so happy you are here. Stay tuned for Margaret’s next video. Make sure you are completing the handouts they really connect all the video’s. Please also join our FB community to get even more of Margaret’s training. (you must complete the questionnaire)
      See you there.
      To your success,
      Laurie Johnson
      Client Concierge
      Team Margaret

  289. Kati Liebeskind

    I can solve a lot of Problems for my Clients because I am very good in solving Problems. I overcame a lot of obstacles in my life. I healed myself from Cancer and back pain and overcame Money issues. I helped my Clients with their health, with their relationships and with their Money issues. I also had Clients that worked with me for 1 year and 6 months. But right now, i do not have any Clients. I offered free Webinars, but I would love to have new Clients who pay me very well.

    1. Laurie - Team Margaret

      Hi Kati
      We are so happy you joined us and that are ready to add paying clients to your business. Stay tuned for Margaret’s next video. Make sure you are completing the handouts they really connect all the video’s. Please also join our FB community to get even more of Margaret’s training.
      See you there.
      To your success,
      Laurie Johnson
      Client Concierge
      Team Margaret

    1. Laurie - Team Margaret

      Hi Evie
      Thanks for joining we are so happy you are here. Stay tuned for Margaret’s next video. Make sure you are completing the handouts they really connect all the video’s. Please also join our FB community to get even more of Margaret’s training.
      See you there.
      To your success,
      Laurie Johnson
      Client Concierge
      Team Margaret

  290. Fay Robertson

    I’m passionate about helping women who are struggling to integrate newfound spiritual growth into their everyday lives. I’m a transformational card reader and specialise in showing these women how they can identify tiny practices that they can incorporate into their day to day lives as they carry out their responsibilities and live out the roles they value to stay aligned with their sou’s growth.
    Before corvid19 I worked with a bunch of modalities, all with transformational intent face to face with clients. I also held workshops sharing skills and toolkits for those wanting to help themselves and others (Tarot and energy healing mostly).
    In 6 months time, if I don’t radically change my business around, I’ll still be sitting here at my keyboard pumping out the marketing and wondering how I can expand whilst broke!

      1. Jasmine Lothien

        Providing service to trauma survivors to overcome limitations from impact. While having successfully treated hundreds in a clinical setting, I am having difficulty attracting clients into my private practice or charging the value they received. Thiis leaves me financially stressed.

      2. Jessica Bredero

        Hi Margaret, I am an intuative person. Since childhood have enouters with Mother Mary and how the sacred feminine apears in different cultures. Like Shakti, The Black Madonna. I have a strong linage to the Andes where I yourned some years ago. There I encoutered the Great Mother in the form of Lady Titicaca, the voice of Pachamama and the Puma. Once back home I recieved an unknown symbol combined with the call to share this with the world.
        The symbol is the answer to my sole heart prayer: Let me be of service.
        Because I did not know the symbol and nobody else did, I had to figure out its meaning. It turn out that it has many storie to telll about human awareness and its healing powers are incredible. I friend of mine once put the image under a glass water container just to d=see whetre it worked on micro plastic reduction. And it did! Up to 95% reduction in only 22 hours.
        You can imagine that with such a story I encouter a lot of sceptism or worse. Nevertheless I never gave up my calling. But this far it has been a very long hard lonely road. I prayed and cryed for help. I fell, I stumbeled, but I never gave up.
        Now I reach out for help. I want to go beyond friends and family who keep me in a low position because they know me only that way.
        I hace a message for the workd. I want to share the symbol, wich is all about metafysics. But it seeems impossible to overcome my own limiting botomline that I am a nobody, or even an somewhat arrogant faillure. It makes my heart acke and the calling is alway present.
        he symbol is a gift from the Mther for all her children, but no one cares to listen.


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