Thriving Coaches Action Plan: The Step by Step System to
Transform Your Clients & Practice

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379 thoughts on “Thriving Coaches Action Plan

  1. Janet

    I’m really enjoying this series. In this video, though, it felt weird to be encouraged to coach around finances while we are struggling with finances. That said, I’m going through the Tapping into Wealth Kindle book and it’s been powerful! I’m excited about finding out more in the next video.

  2. Galina St George

    Thank you so much, I’ve had many ‘Aha!’ moments listening to this. And working on ourselves first is a must.

  3. Sydney Allen

    I love how you have honed in on the different levels . Your coach training just gets bigger and deeper every time~
    Thank you Margaret

  4. Hena

    Margaret is one of the few coaches who actually explains what could be quite complicated in the most simplest of ways. I never leve her videos confused, the way that I do other coaches who do masterclasses or videos.

    Thank you Margaret for being so authentic.

  5. Ulrike

    This is just getting better and better. I am on a mission to change myself and then change the world.

    1. Laurie - Team Margaret

      Hi Sarah,
      We are so happy you are enjoying Margaret’s training video’s. Please make sure you complete the handouts as well. To get more of Margaret’s training and to join our FB Community go to (YOU MUST ANSWER THE QUESTIONS TO BE ACCEPTED INTO GROUP)

      We look forward to seeing you there.

      Laurie Johnson
      Client Concierge
      Team Margare

  6. Simone

    Your pdfs are so beautifully set out and designed. Have loved the training so far. Very well explained and incredibly helpful.

  7. Christine Hover

    I really appreciate what you have to say. You really do have the inside track on building a coaching business. However I am at a place in my life that I cannot give this program the time or concentration that it deserves. I Hope you will offer this again in the future.

  8. vincent mills

    Hi Margaret,
    you hit it on the nose with the pitfalls of the hope and help model. Ive been doing that for yrs . Also Ive been wondering what stops people from committing when they have had some positive experience from one of my workshops or even from a conversation. Your insights and expertise have shed some light on both. Thanks!!!!!

  9. Valerie

    Margaret is amazing! The work and thought she puts into everything she does show’s how much she cares. She has always resonated with me.
    I am so grateful for all of the information she put’s out there whether gratis or purchased. All of it is always of value!
    Thank you so much Margaret for being you!

  10. Heather McTavish

    I have listened to this before ..but for some reason i actually GOT soooo much from it this time ..
    Thank you so much for keeping me on your mailing list .

  11. Rebecca

    Thank you so much for the wonderful clarity around the coaching process Also enjoyed listening to all of the testimonies:) Each one offered such a great perspective to how your coaching methodology has impacted their life and business.

  12. Alok srivastav

    hi ,, its very interesting and mind blowing coverage.
    compells one to jump on the wagon..

  13. Stuart Juggler

    Thank you Margaret for a wonderful and informative introduction to your coarse.
    I have been a certified hypnotherapist since 1996 and have successfully introduced tapping into my sessions for many years.
    My first introduction to EFT was Gary Craig original coarse on cassettes. then Nick Ortner World tapping summit, which was where I first heard you. I bought your Tapping into wealth book ( audio edition ) However, I have always struggled to earn a decent living from my efforts.

    The Question I have, is could this coarse be adapted to be completely on line ? eg social networking and Zoom calls.
    If it could I would be very interested, Thanks

  14. Whitney Valentine

    I just feel like I’ve been given the battle armor I needed to begin my successful journey towards being a transformer person, then dare I say it, a transformational coach!!! I’m so deeply grateful for knowledge that’s been shared with me in this community! 💝

  15. Rosie

    I love the sound of this Margaret, thank you as always.
    I’ve loved your products I’ve invested in so far, your work is so loving and powerful.

  16. susan Hagan

    Margaret, great video. I just don’t see how to use the earlier gift of clarity exercise for my niche, of women who are stressed and worn out, but are usually employees, not entrepreneurs.
    I love your calm, clear leadership energy!

  17. Lisa Boinais

    I love working with Margaret. I am very excited to be working with her again. This video was a great tool!

  18. Nitza Rich

    Love your stuff.
    It is clear and easy to follow.
    For me it is a little too long. I get impatient after awhile

  19. Melissa

    This content is so amazing. I can’t wait to utilize it with clients and it inspires me to want to do the full course!

  20. Patricia

    This is such helpful information and I am sure it will enable me to move forwarded unhindered and with more confidence

  21. Candace Wilson

    Margaret, I LOVED your chakra manifestation program! I make chakra healing paintings and I definitely need new approaches to sell the work. Because they are so different than “regular” art I have tended to elaborate on the “modalities”. BUT I hear you…that doesn’t work!! I’m “in” for whatever you’re putting out.
    The chakra/tapping approach is so different than any other work and I found it to be extremely powerful. It allowed me to release the final bits of shadow that have been hiding in the darkest corners. Thank you for your incredible work!

    1. Laurie - Team Margaret

      Hi Candace,
      Thank you for your comments and commitment. We are so happy that Margaret’s training is helping you. Thank you for joining us. To get more of Margaret’s training and to join our FB Community go to (YOU MUST ANSWER THE QUESTIONS TO BE ACCEPTED INTO GROUP)

      We look forward to seeing you there.

      Laurie Johnson
      Client Concierge
      Team Margaret

    1. Laurie - Team Margaret

      Hi Juliana,
      We are so happy that Margaret’s training are helping you. Thank you for joining us it is great to have you here. To get more of Margaret’s training and to join our FB Community go to (YOU MUST ANSWER THE QUESTIONS TO BE ACCEPTED INTO GROUP)

      We look forward to seeing you there.

      Laurie Johnson
      Client Concierge
      Team Margaret

  22. Ma

    Wow, love learning new ways to earn a living, especially this uncertain times! I would love to learn more new skills, techniques etc. Thank you so much!

  23. Marti

    It’s always so inspiring to hear you weave together the threads of the layers of this work with a slightly new way of seeing it come together! Love hearing it and seeing the steps and phases with new little insights and meaning … it challenges me to always grow in my integration of this work! Thank you, as always!

  24. Linda Wells

    This was both a refresher and taught me some new things. It was so inspiring because even tho I’ve been a TIW coach since 2014, I think that sometimes my work becomes robotic when taking clients thru the processeand this video in particular rekindled the flame.Thank you so much for this. I’m proud to be one of your coaches!

  25. Joy Griffiths

    Always great to have your updates to the coaching Margaret – thank you!!
    One question: how is the latest version of the TIW Coach Program different to the original one?

    1. Laurie - Team Margaret

      Hi Debs

      We are so glad you are getting so much from Margaret’s training. Thank you so much for your comments and commitment.

      Laurie – Team Margaret

    1. Laurie - Team Margaret

      Hi Vinay,

      We are so happy that you are enjoying Margaret’s training.

      Laurie – Team Margaret

  26. Yael Shimoni

    I like the 4 step, 2 phase system Margaret. It’s much clearer than when I did the training. I think you have created a powerful approach that really can help both coaches and clients.

    I love the development of the 6 money blocks, and I am excited about the new processes you have developed Margaret.

    I can see the value of the clarity – clear back and forth in the first phase, as well as helping to get the client’s buy in over and over and helping the client see results over and over again. Powerful!

  27. Marie-Noël

    Thanks for these insights. I was wondering: is it really essential to find the origin of people’s blocks to help them release these blocks? Because oftentimes, these blocks may be “transgenerational” and it may be impossible to find where they come from, in particular as you don’t necessarily know your ancestors’ story. Besides, do you have European students in your program, French in particular? Thanks for your answers.

    1. Laurie - Team Margaret

      Hi Diane,

      We are so glad you are here and enjoying Margaret’s training. Thank you for joining us. Please complete the handouts and stayed tuned for the next video. To get more of Margaret’s training and to join our FB Community go to (you must answer questions)

      We look forward to seeing you there.

      Laurie Johnson
      Client Concierge
      Team Margaret

    1. Laurie - Team Margaret

      Hi Daniel

      We are so excited that you are getting some clarity. Thank you for being here.

      Laurie – Team Margaret

    1. Laurie - Team Margaret

      Hi Inga,

      We are so happy that you are enjoying Margaret’s training. Thank you for joining us. Please complete the handouts and stayed tuned for the next video. To get more of Margaret’s training and to join our FB Community go to (you must answer questions)

      We look forward to seeing you there.

      Laurie Johnson
      Client Concierge
      Team Margaret

  28. Martha

    Its amazing and worth trying it i will try this with my modality. hypnotherapy. And try this new modality with Yuen Method… commitment Engagement. Long term….

  29. Abraham

    Excellent video with excellent tremendous information and guidance. It has brought in clarity and better understanding about the various steps by steps to go ahead with. especially, the 12 blocks as fragmented into two group of 6. very useful insight, I like it and very informative and full of important infos. great job!

  30. Jubilee

    I loved this video so much! I had all of these steps swimming around in my head that I needed to sit down and organize, but, Margaret just did it for me 🙂
    I also got further clarity on exactly which painful and expensive problems I want to focus on. Looking forward to hearing more about the Tapping Into Wealth Coaching program!


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