Captivate from the Start: Compel the Right People to Say "Yes"

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If you had a Step-by-Step Action Plan to build a stable, thriving practice helping others...
  1. What would your ideal life and business look like?
  2. How would it affect both you AND your clients to be more confident and earn a consistent income doing what you LOVE?

Click Here To Comment Below

440 thoughts on “Captivate from the Start: Compel the Right People to Say “Yes”

  1. Pam Nyden

    I know I’m very good at what I do as a coach. My struggle is getting the leads and closing them. Your video was eye opening. If I had the scripts and tools it would completely accelerate my business and confidence. I have already changed lives and I know I am meant to make more of an impact. Having financial freedom along with that is a dream come true.
    Thanks for everything you do!

  2. Meniyka Kiravell

    What would your ideal life and business look like? I’d have plenty of time to do all of the things I love including working on my art, spending time with my loved ones and creatures and be helping people in a powerful way. Having the income and flexibility to travel more.

  3. Daniela

    I´m still working on my action plan, which I know feel much more prepared to do with your help and guidance. I woul love to have a stable financial income, and be able to work with clients online, so that I can work anywhere, and have my own schedule. I would really love to help people rediscover their own value and help empower them.


    If you had a Step-by-Step Action Plan to build a stable, thriving practice helping others…
    What would your ideal life and business look like? I would wake up at 7:45 a.m. get excited about going to my office to prepare for the set of clients I would work with today, FINISH UP AT 3:00 PM – then take the last 2 hours of the afternoon and DO SOMETHING FUN FOR MYSELF AND BEGIN PLANNING MY NEXT VACATION EITHER BY MYSELF OR WITH MY HUSBAND – I WOULD PLAN A VACATION FOR MYSELF ONCE A QUARTER and take a few days’ cruise, or fly somewhere in the US, or drive in my beautiful new car and stay EXACTLY where I wanted to stay and PAY the price of a 5 STAR HOTEL – THEN I would be able to get back to my clients and NEW INCOME coming in to begin planning MY NEXT VACATION!!
    How would it affect both you AND your clients to be more confident and earn a consistent income doing what you LOVE? If I CAN HELP SOMEONE feel better about themselves and THEIR lives and THEIR choices about THEIR careers and / or education, AND EARN MONEY (AT LEAST $10k-20k A MONTH) HELPING MY CLIENTS, I WOULD FEEL SO FREAKING AWESOME ABOUT MYSELF ALSO!!!

  5. Jane C

    I would help mainly women in business create a life they truly love AND help them clear their blocks and limitations in the way of that.

    My life would change dramatically in that I would focus on my clients and business rather than having too many irons in the fire in order to make a living. I could do what I love and make a great income doing it.

  6. Kavitha

    I would be helping women empower by turning their expertise into online coaching business and earn consistently, and thrive. I too would live in thrive, happy and helping more women become financially stable. I have a dream project wherein I encourage my clients to adopt a village and help the women there to find a means to earn by selling their artisan products.

  7. Sandra Mohabir-McKinley

    I am listening / watching this video because I really need a clear action plan so that I can set up my coaching practice and be successful in gaining and helping clients from the start. This is really helping to build my confidence! Thank you, Margaret!

  8. Evie

    My action plan was to get trained, certified and the clients would come – like Field of Dreams – right?!?
    When I work with clients and I’m loving the process my energy infuses the session.

  9. Carolina Senic

    I would be more confident in making myself available to help others. A process makes all the difference. Consistency in steps that work.

  10. Emily

    I would help mums with raising self-esteem and financial independence – mirrored in my own increased self-esteem and financial independence of course! A win/win. Great teachings, thank you so much

  11. Lottie

    I would love a thriving business that helps people be empowered and be their best self. I’m not sure who those people are yet. I would love the freedom and lack of fear that a successful and business would give me and my family

  12. Sher

    The clarity we were able to receive/get after simple but powerful exercises…was great. I want to do more of that.!

  13. Sher

    I feel excited to attend the workshop this month. After working in the health care field for decades, giving up the help and hope model will feel great! How to market with Covid meeting limitations remains a seeming challenge!

  14. Sher Sauve'-Demos

    To have approaches or scripts (like we did in this video) to create ah ha moments would be exciting and rewarding. I too have done deep trauma, IC and body release work…and to assist people to move to this deep awarenesses earlier in the therapy process and feel safe and excited about their learning would be great.
    My life would be different if I then had more energy and confidence and could see restarting groups and assisting people to appreciate what they have to offer and grow. Making even more money would be helpful as I plan more for retirement …but the most fun would be facitiating this work AND assisting people to feel empowered to live their best life and know they can freely do that. !

  15. Danijela Strauss

    Thank you so much for this! I realized how much I complicate EVERYTHING in my business!:(
    I would know how to transfer my knowledge to my clients that struggle with Infertility and teach them how to overcome it, and have their miracle babies, the same way I did.

    I would feel fulfilled knowing that my teaching is helping women and get them results they want

  16. Yasmin Gadhia

    If I have abundant income from what I love to do, have my own schedule and a community of satisfied, fulfilled and growing clients, then,
    1. I will approach maximum people who need this healing and teaching.
    2. I will transform my clients who have potential for healing and transforming to trainers, who will help me to access maximum people who need this.
    3. I will learn more, introspect more, meditate more to enhance my true self
    4. I want to leave this world after giving it legacy of abundant knowledge and key to live fulfilled and abundant prosperous life.
    Thanks you

  17. Karan

    Its quite a helpful information which we deal day in day out in some or the other. The examples are most relevant if we analyze. Thanks a lot.

  18. Janet

    If I could have such a step-by-step system, I’d be so excited to know I could help people with my coaching and get paid a good salary! I probably focus on middle-aged women and helping them to live authentically – to release those unconscious blocks that make us think we are “happy” when we are not – and help them reach self-actualization and harmony. To be able to do this and make a good living at it would give me such a feeling of relief, of freedom, of happiness. I would buy healthier food, I’d go on a week-long vacation, I’d hire people to clean my house so I don’t have to, and I’d be generous with my son, my family, my friends, my church, and with organizations that help vulnerable people. Oh yeah and I’d spend more time focusing on finding a partner since I wouldn’t be spending as much time figuring out how to make a living!

  19. Wanda Carter

    i have tried to come up with the “elevator’ pitch with other processes but resonate with this – thanks. My passion to working with professional males to transform their hidden blocks and live a life of passion and purpose. I don’t have any problem charging m worth, just have trouble attracting. If I could serve, earn and income it would mean clearing m debts, living in abundance and flow

  20. Florencia

    Daily new membership members to have access to basic to VIP content.
    I will be getting sustainable income, provide massive content that adds a lot of value, will have weekly contact with the community, through groups, chats and weekly live calls about the topic of the week.
    Discounts in events, I will enjoy doing and giving to them as well.

  21. Darice Cairns

    I would have lots of those WOW moment where my client feels like I have really connected with them and see their issue and I get the wow moment knowing I have broken down a huge barrier for them. This would be so amazing for both of us.

  22. Maria

    Thank you for this informative presentation. I will use the techniques suggested to become more effective at helping clients to achieve the shifts they want. When I feel more confident I will attract more clients and therefore earn more income.

  23. Angelique

    I would use it to cut down on time and get right to the heart of the matter. I help clients overcome their blocks to achieving their dreams (pregnancy/baby, confidence, wealth, success)

  24. Donna Allen

    Thank you Margaret,
    Your training has given me so much more clarity and confidence to take action!

  25. Linda Duncanson

    If I had access to a step by step process to help me get more clients, and use my modilites to help more clients. I would feel , be more confident and enjoy my career have knowing that each one of my clients are getting the results they came for. I would feel and know for sure it is truly a win-win for both of us. I will be able to make good money, while marketing myself for what I’m truly worth. My life would be different because I will be able to travel, schedule clients on my time, and again have more confidence in my ability…

  26. Renee

    It would affect my life most by giving me the time to digest and process life at my own natural pace rather than the frenetic rhythm that our tech rovolution culture tries to impose. I would spend more time in the garden and time with my dog. Who knows, I might even have a friend of two that I could visit and walk with in nature.

    This would improve the quality of my work because I would be coming to each client fresh and rested with my full capacity available to assist them. When I work with people it stretches me on every level to give them the high quality guidance and feedback that I am fully capable of, and I need down time to process and integrate everything that is related to it. Without that downtime, I rush off half baked to the next client who only gets a reduced portion of what I could give. In my natural timing I really enjoy this work, but when I am rushed through it, I just want to run away, and NOT to do anything to bring more people knocking on my door, so to speak. I already reached this point in my practice just before COVID hit so I have been grateful for the break in rhythm. But I have not yet picked back up, and currently have no active private clients. Working now to get ready for my next steps.

  27. Dawn

    This was really great. If I had the confidence and consistent income, I would be able to reach way more people and contribute so much more.

  28. kit

    I love this approach and fresh perspective on what appears to be an ongoing lack of understanding about a holistic approach to the practice of coaching. Looking forward to more! 😀 Gratitude!

  29. Csilla

    Thank you! The visualisation exercise was absolutely great.
    If I had more paying clients I would be able to give up consultancy work in international projects.

  30. Maria Melnikova

    Margaret, thank you so much for such a helpful information! During the first exercise I have manged to identify my ideal audience and during the second one I had a very deep insight about the feelings and the old beliefs that sabotage my professional growth. It was amazing!

  31. Beatrice

    If I had access to a step by step action plan to both getting amazing results with lots of happy clients, and a real income from those clients, I would get involved in and support projects that would change the educational system in the world, so the next generations would learn in schools about the mind-body-soul connection, would learn to know and understand themselves better, the way we all human beings function energetically, so we won’t have to waste half of our lives living unhappy or fake-living, and the other half trying to repair and let go of what we’ve been wrongly taught, so we can focus on our creative nature and live our life with purpose.

  32. Ulrike

    The movie is a wonderful tool. I intend to use it many times for myself to get clarity. It should also help me to determine my ideal clients. And I se it being useful for getting clarity on other issues.

  33. Denise

    Awesome 2 processes! Thank you, Margaret! My life would be different in that I would have financial security to fully enjoy life and be an example to my clients of what is possible.

  34. Sandy

    Thank you for your valuable advice Margaret! So much gratitude for the work you are doing for us.

  35. Heike

    Thank you so much for this amazing video! It takes away a lot of the uncertainty on the “how to’s” that keep me from moving ahead.

  36. Carol

    This process is healing and constructive in the process of becoming. I want to focus on parents who want to help their children thrive and success as learners, especially divergent learners. I want to help them learn to facilitate their child’s evolution as learners. I would feel so happy to know the parents benefit and the children/students benefit – and therefore our education system will benefit. And oh, to be doing what I love and earning a reliable income debt-free – such a gift!

  37. Isabelle Dicaire

    Start watching the video and even though I am a successfull practionner I still find myself sometime trying to convince some clients for other modalities such as cranial sacral and always find myself feeling awkward doing it and thinking why am I doing this?…wanting to help and hope… Thank you for this insight!

  38. george

    Α step by step action plan puts things in the right channel,easier to follow,allows corrections if and where needed,gives strength,self confidence stability and clarity.
    Thank you for “speaking to me”

  39. Gabriela Luchsinger

    confidence = success. Confidence as a practitioner will increase my ability to help my perfect client. As I help others step into their new and improved life, I will be doing the same for myself.

    1. Laurie - Team Margaret

      We are so excited that you are getting meaning from Margaret’s training video’s. Please make sure you complete that handouts for each video. To get more of Margaret’s training and to join our FB Community go to (YOU MUST ANSWER THE QUESTIONS TO BE ACCEPTED INTO GROUP)

      We look forward to seeing you there.

      Laurie Johnson
      Client Concierge
      Team Margare

  40. Simone

    Truly brilliant how you have integrated your scientific background into the healing and coaching field to create systematic processes that structure everything while still allowing a large degree of freedom. Thank you Margaret for blessing the world with these gifts so that others can become part of your ripple effect and heal forward to create the waves of change that the world so desperately needs at the moment.

  41. Karen Helton

    Hi Margaret,

    In this rural community there appears to be a lot of underlying sadness, maybe even hopelessness. There are young people with self-worth issues… drug issues and weight issues. The elderly folks are dealing with depression and growing old. As a result, I don’t yet have clarity on my focus. If I were confident enough, I wouldn’t be stuck around this issue.

  42. Saundra

    With an action plan, I would be able to speak with clarity on what I do. I would help professional women find their voices, be heard in meetings so they receive the promotions they deserve, get the credit they deserve and clearly communicate so they can create better relationships and earn the money they deserve. Life would be different because they are visible, heard and they too can remove limiting beliefs that hold them back. This would free them to earn that promotion and income they dream about.

  43. Nancy

    I love structure and this sounds like a perfect way to approach my business end of coaching. I believe it would truly set me on a path of earning a good salary.

  44. Maria Hall

    thank you for the video, very simple and idiot proof. Very informative. look forward to being part of your community. can you send me all printouts for the 4 videos.

    thanks again lovely Margaret

  45. Amanda Davis

    Thanks again and Bless U Royally Margaret!!! I am gaining clarity and confidence with each step of your process.

  46. Angie R Nelson

    Wow this was amazing! Huge aha moment for me! I can’t wait to work through this more. Thank you thank you thank you!

  47. Gill

    I’ll be able to empower more women to live a life of self love, emotional freedom and joy. My own life will have increased opportunities for travel as I work, and earn a ‘full time’ income in just 2 days a week.

  48. erika

    Thank you for giving me clarity. I was feeling so lost on where to even start. I was feeling frustrated, but this training has shown me the possibilities.

  49. Anne

    It would look like the coaching practice I’ve dreamed of for nearly 20years my clients would get results and I would be living authentically.

  50. Irina

    High Margeret,
    I ve got a big smile on my face, when you explain
    how to describe what i can do, because it is simple
    and genieous.
    Also i realize what it is not clear who exatly i like to help
    find their way for being who they are
    🙂 Irina

  51. Celine

    I’m slowly learning that freedom is important to me. I enjoy having a different schedule every day yet having a bit of a routine to keep me from feeling completely unproductive. I still need a bit more experience, but I’m starting to feel that my approach is helping my students thrive in a way they couldn’t before. It’s a slow process but it feels so amazing to see them bloom when their time comes!

  52. miriam

    Again, I appreciate getting clarity for the client. I relate so much to the frustrations expressed. Thank you.

  53. Melanie Moorehead

    I want to help women who are smart, creative, wanting to make a difference in the world, who sense there’s more in them, and they want to confidently step up to work that’s both more aligned with their values than what they’re currently able to do in their job or business, and that also pays them very well for what they have to offer.

  54. Ruth Rieckmann

    The family of origin rule I must not break is that I don’t deserve love, happiness, being valued and supported.

  55. Linda

    I would finally be able to have a business. I would be able to do as little or as much as I wanted so that I could have the life I want. I could feel that I was FINALLY making a difference for others. For others, I would finally be able to help people when I hear them talking about the things that they feel are wrong in their life.

  56. Michael Wolff

    I realize that I just had a modality without a proper step by step access plan. This is going to make a massive difference to my marketing. I am totally thrilled with the information you have provided and I cannot wait to get to the next video. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

  57. Marti

    Although this content is not at all new to me, the clarity and detail of this video was such an inspiration and model I wish to watch and listen to over and over for my own sense of “marketing” clarity. Although I am coaching with one client presently (my second client, period ), I deeply desire to work with far more women who are ambitious, bright and long to live their passion and purpose, yet struggle to effectively speak up and often feel unheard and not taken seriously or are dismissed by whoever they speak to. Speaking effectively and confidently to more people using this strategy from within my own place of clarity will enable me to not only earn more income with ease, but to magnetically reach and inspire more women who will discover they too can tap into their own innate power and gifts to share in the world through the powerful mentoring and coaching I will bring to their lives.

  58. Susan Hagan

    I’m excited to move into more perceptive mid-life women step from feeling stressed and overworked into experiencing their lives with peace, presence, and clarity about their joyful impact. Thank you Margaret and team for helping show us a better way!

  59. Joy Griffiths

    I would focus on women like me – “middle” aged, professional, feeling unrecognised and undervalued – and help them to become really seen and rewarded as the stars they are. My life would be different because I’d have the satisfaction of achieving all my financial goals (creating freedom) and always having a diary as full as I want it to be, plus I’d be growing the number of strongly empowered women in our society who are motivated to change their world. My clients would step into their greatness (whatever that means for them), so their lives would have improved exponentially and they will encourage their friends to step up with them by working with me.

  60. Kim Plaster

    What would your ideal life and business look like? I would be more confident in making myself available to help others. A process makes all the difference. Consistency in steps that work.
    How would it affect both you AND your clients to be more confident and earn a consistent income doing what you LOVE? I have no clients at this point as a true beginner. A consistent income doing something I love would be like play. I believe there is also a great sense of satisfaction in knowing you are a part of helping others help themselves.

  61. katr shapland

    When I can get past my self doubt and self sabotage I will be empowered to spend my time productively and happlily helping people, while feeling good about myself. My big aim is to be free of the guilt of charging appropriatley for my time

  62. Jo Cantle

    I would help high achieving women who doubt their self worth and struggle to really shine their gifts. My life would be deeply fulfilling and I’d absolutely LOVE shining my light helping others!!

  63. Cathy

    I would love to be able to help people struggling with confidence and knowing what to do with their lives. I step by step approach would help me get to the root of their problems and work through them effectively using EFT and other modalities

  64. Theresa Matsas

    I helped a relative in a disability home, get out of stress and start living again. I would love to do that for others in disability care homes

  65. Stuart Juggler

    I have been a hypnotherapist for over 25 years and I include several modalities in my practice including EFT(tapping). the Sedona method, and Visualizations.
    and while I have done OK in the past, getting new clients has always been a struggle. I am looking forward to using this new approach.

  66. Clare Muldowney

    I want to work with parents. I want to guide them to discover just how much they teach their children and how much more they could do, to bring their children to be what they were born to be, and how they as parents can do that for themselves.

  67. Mary

    I would help those affected by adoption, addressing issues of shame, unworthiness, lacking a sense of belonging. These are issues I am working through. As I do, I am experiencing more freedom, self worth and accepting the idea of a plan and purpose available for my life. Going through this myself would bring some credibility and connection to future clients, making them trust and value my coaching.

  68. Marie Macomber

    Thanks Margaret,
    You have been able to use your engineering mind and combine it with your heart’s desire to help people.

  69. Marie Macomber

    Thanks Margaret. An amazingly designed program.. You have been able to use your skills as an engineer and combine it with your heart’s desire to help people.
    I’m looking forward to the next video.


    Thank you for this eye opening video. There were many concepts I have been thinking about, and this video confirms my ideas. I would like to help people find more about their essence, what blocks and restrictions are preventing them from expressing their full potential and live a fulfilled life. I would help, any human being, that wants to or is ready to understand more deeply how much impact their energetic essence have in their lives, and how unblocking beliefs that don’t serve them anymore will develop their potential to living a happy and fulfilled life.
    There are many issues people have, I would address them individually.
    I am going through a very difficult time in my life, and has already serve me to grow and understand myself, others and situations. Having more paying clients will give me the freedom I need right now, and in the future I’ll be able to do what I want. Freedom of choice is very, very important for me.
    Again, Thank you.

  71. Angelina

    I have no idea where to start with offering reiki sessions. I have thought about starting a website but it’s a lot of money and I myself is not good at doing it on my own.
    I don’t know how to attract clients and with family and friends I can see how I can help them in my mind but I freeze when I see them. This is mostly because they don’t believe in reiki or me.
    Thank you 💕

  72. Clare Morrison

    I would hep high-achieving women (athletes, execs, professionals) with unsatisfactory results – missed promotion, career inertia, mean-making, stress/overwhelm, in other words, PERFORMANCE problems.
    My life would be different in that I wouldn’t spend time and energy doubting myself. My clients would benefit from my clear confidence by trusting that I had a process to take them through to get results.

  73. Jackie

    I’d be able to help more women like me who reach middle age and feel overwhelmed from too many responsibilities and unsure of their own purpose. I know how to get through it and I’d love to be able to share it with those I know would be helped by it.

  74. Marian

    Your tools are wonderful! You are right on the pulse of those of us who are beginning. Thank you for making it possible for us to avoid so many pitfalls.

  75. vincent mills

    Hi Margaret, I would have a thriving business teaching higher spiritual information, stress management and meditation seminars in schools, colleges and universities, senior centers ….. provide healing sessions for groups and individuals. helping people overcome traumas, addictions and health issues . Help people overcome physical, emotional and mental health and spiritual issues.

  76. Claudia

    I help women who have experienced the same struggles as me in their lives by guiding them through step-by-step process that helps them to reconnect with their true nature and create and live a life they truly love.

  77. Anna

    If I have a step by step action plan, I will happily follow it and do my best to complete and get results. And if I will be successful I can help much more people and make the world a better place. Thank you!

  78. Darlene

    Hi Margaret: Can I please get the handouts with this video. For me I like to listen and read at the same time. Is it possible to get the handouts now? Thanks

  79. Jand

    My life would be transformed! I would have a flexible schedule for my clients and myself! I’m at Stage 2 and experiencing many of the scenarios that you talk about. I think this is so key to getting started confidently! Thank you

  80. Jill Giddings

    I miss you Margaret! I can just see myself helping middle aged women that have lost their purpose and their joy due to divorce, trauma or life experiences that have fully wiped out their motivation to move on. to get back on track and get excited about living, thriving and finding joy again! You hit the nail on the head with me as I have been stuck with rules that I can’t seem to break from my past. Nothing would delight me more than to be able to break free myself and to bless others with breaking off the chains of limitation, doubt ,fear and sabotage. My dreams for the next 10 years are residual income by satellite working ,some at home ,some out and about. But most of all to liberate myself and then liberate others to create my dreams that I have thought about for years with coaching; l to shine at the highest imaginable level by shaking off the chains that are taking way too long to break!! the notion of that delights me beyond comprehension! This video’s been a huge blessing and I look forward to learning more from you. You are always a blessing..truly

  81. Jubilee

    If I had a clear action plan, I would focus on women struggling with self- doubt, nervous tension, money issues and relationship disharmony.

  82. Kylie

    It is certainly making me look at myself first even before I work with my clients. Thank you for your fantastic advice.

  83. carol diamonde

    I am so thrilled to be a part of this learning. I’ve learned so much and realized how far off I was.

  84. Marie

    Hello . Thank you so much for sharing this information. I really struggle with confidence getting started. We all could amazing things if we had 3 x the confidence.

  85. Patricia

    I found this video sooo helpful. I will work on my own issues so that I can help clients who are living small lives,lacking confidence and feeling lonely and isolated as they try to hide who they think they are from the world.

  86. alex

    I want to work with women’s who is feeling stuck and eager to make changes in their life, help them see that they are deserve to be happy.

  87. Carol Bradley

    My ideal clients would be those seeking to align their present self with their future idealized self, using freedom from past issues.
    Ultimately I would be liberating many people from painful patterns and finding fulfillment in and income from my coaching certificate.

  88. luisa

    I like very much this approach of not selling but compelling. English is not my first language, I usually understand it, but I am out of practice woth speaking and writing, so I’ll keep my comment short, but I am grateful for what I am learning and I know that by following these teachings I will become more succesfull and this will set an example for other people. things are getting cleaer and clearer in my mind. thank you very much!

  89. Kelly

    Thank you for all you do!!! My ideal life would be living the life of my dreams, sharing my gifts from the heart with a healthy work-life balance. Applying life-changing principles to help myself and others live their best lives and go from surviving to thriving and beyond.

  90. Mary

    Margaret is so awesome and gives so much of her experience freely. I know if I would incorporate her information, I could be more confidant and successful in starting my coaching business!

  91. Monica Ford

    If I had this awesome plan Margaret talks about I would be more proactive toward my business. I would focus on people with trauma issues deal with their grief, anxiety and depression. My life would be different with 3x more confidence because I would actually act on my dreams more and dio so more confidently. If I had consistent income doing what I love, which is helping people, I would be overjoyed and feel more fulfilled. My clients would sense my love, confidence and sincerity, and therefore be more honest with themselves and more thoroughly be cleansed and relieved of their issues.

  92. Jennifer

    If I had a clear action plan for myself, I would be magnetic to those people who want to work with me and keep coming back for more.

  93. Deborah

    I have not been clear about who I am serving, and what I am helping people achieve. This video has been very eye-opening for me.
    I can help women who are struggling with emotional baggage, physical illness and energy blocks achieve permanent and complete healing.

    Thank you, Margaret.

  94. Lu

    Thank you so much for sharing.
    I feel like I now have more clarity to help me and my clients to reach our goals.

  95. Simone

    My ideal life and business would be a scalable business model with multiple passive income streams so that I could truly enjoy and focus on face-to-face contact with clients (post-Covid-19!) and have true freedom to choose my working hours so that I could still attend further self-development seminars for my own growth while still helping and inspiring others at the same time. I am already fortunate enough to earn a small income doing what I love. Being able to earn more would enable me to employ additional people and invest more in the systems and look of my business to help me have a positive impact on more clients worldwide.

  96. Janet Rhodes

    I would help my clients by offering them clarity in what I offer and how I can help them achieve their vision of their life. With more income I would be able to build my vision which is growing my business from being an Empowerment Coach to an Equine Gestalt Practitioner which involves buying horses, buying land etc. In that being able to help more people.

  97. carol

    This is great information and a wonderful process that you can use in any business. I will start using in my work at home business. Thank you Margaret.

  98. Anka

    Hi Margaret

    I would love to have more clarity and consistency when working with clients. and faster results.

    thank you

  99. Susan Fitzpatrick

    Thank you for guiding me through the 3 biggest mistakes and explaining the help and hope method that I have been living! LOl

    It makes sense how to compel using your method!! Thank you

  100. Catherine

    Thank you for providing this information. I do not have clients but can see that this process will be very helpful in starting working with people.

  101. carol diamonde

    thank you for this intense knowledge that you have graciously shared with us. it’s worth a fortune to me.

  102. Maureen Nuccitelli

    Hi Margaret,
    I would show people who struggle with thyroid (and other autoimmune) issues how to make improvements to their health (physical, mental/emotional, nutritional, environmental and spiritual) so they can regain their health, lose weight, gain energy and vitality. In this way, I would help people live a better life and therefore they would value and pay me for my expertise and other skills and talents. I would feel such satisfaction, not consider this “work” and enjoy great financial success. Additionally, I would feel a great sense of redemption since I feel that maybe I have frittered away a large part of my adult working life.

  103. Pamela Silsby

    Highly recommend all of Margaret’s courses & programs, particularly her chakra work. Her book is also phenomenal & I love being one of her authorized tapping into wealth coaches. She’s all value. No fluff.

  104. Mike

    I realize now that underneath my awesome referral system (that failed after a decade of success) is a Help and Hope attitude… and I need to shift this asap!

  105. Claire Caulfield

    I would be working part-time hours and helping entrepreneurs with their visibility blocks & self sabotage. I would have more time at home with my daughter and I would be serving my clients more powerfully by not doing ad-hoc sessions any more. Thank you for these wonderful tools and I’m excited to use the downloads!

  106. Sydney Walker

    I love the way you conceive f finding my ideal clients and what I want for them. In the past I found that question very difficult, like I can work with anyone.
    Having a stable practice earning good enough money to feel my work up until this point has been worthwhile and not just selfish or self indulgent would be such a relief! I am already 62 and didn’t know how to run a business but kept trying.
    The step by step guidance sounds excellent. So much happens intuitively, but I related tot he fact that wheile my patients felt good from the extras I was giving them, they hadn’t really bought in and I was looking for a way to find that buy in.
    You really have a great roadmap.
    I would love to be proud of myself and a stable living would help.

  107. Renee

    I’m tired of the help and hope model. Thank you so much for sharing a better way to get clients. No more “Ick!!!!”

  108. naomi raanan

    Thank you Margaret. you really voiced my fears! Going on 70, I don’t know , if I really want to build up a business now. Having more well paying clients is more about my self image, I know I am a good therapist, but I feel such a looser!

  109. Daniela Jansen

    Thank you. Very much interested in the handouts. I need to go though it more slowly in order to see if and how I can use this

  110. Marie-Noël

    I would inspire my clients and get them acknowledge that they have the power to change their lives for the better, improving the relationship with themselves and with others, getting to know themselves better and using their emotions to their benefit. Besides, I would thrive doing what I love and contribute to helping people thrive, too. Thanks for your gifts!

  111. Debs

    A step by step action plan will take the waiting and the hoping out of the process for me … proactive rather than reactive, and increase my confidence a hundred fold. It’s recognising that I really do have skills that really are needed by so many people. I already know that really, but I can be brought down by skeptics way too easily. So I would love to have the confidence to be able to show people how transformative the work I have learnt to do really is. And I would love the freedom that earning consistently would offer me. Even though I want this so badly, I have been unable to bring it into reality so I cherish the solutions that Margaret is offering here. It all makes so much sense … so thanks you.

  112. John

    Access to the action plan would very likely accelerate, and make much easier, starting again a solo natural health care practice, after many years of being a clinic employee. I see people with painful conditions, chronic disease, and especially lifestyle-related conditions – which means my most important role in working with them is to help make the changes they really want to make. I feel most useful in this world when helping others to realize their power and responsibility in health, and to help resolve their illness and discomfort. Thank you for such valuable material in these videos.

  113. Irina

    Thank you Margaret for this valuable information. It would definitely help me to start my business if my confidence grew 3x and I could help others in a positive way.

  114. Silvia

    I would love to help people to tranform their limiting patterns so they can thrive in life. Being more confident would help me to really believe that I can make a difference in their lives.
    Thank you Margaret for your work. You are amazing!

  115. Judy Davidson

    I would LOVE to help more people achieve their dream of business ownership. By inspiring them, it will help inspire me 🙂 As a single mom, by helping more people I can easily pay my son’s college tuition and pay my house off!

  116. Fanny

    I feel that you really opened my eyes and at the same time that your telling me what I already know and I was trying to even think about.

  117. Christine Hover

    If I had more confidence I could avoid all the mistakes I made in the past and this program has some great concepts to help with that. I would help people improve their relationships and thus create more harmony in their lives. My increase in confidence would make me more effective with those with whom I work.

  118. liz

    My ideal life would be more of what I already have with less stress and financial worry. Being able to learn more and help more people. Creating a bigger and more positive impact on everyone around me.

  119. Amanda

    Seriously awesome video! I would use this stuff to actually start my business. I am always afraid I’m not good enough and that if I charge what I’m worth, people will think I’m greedy or asking too much. Some idea that I should give more away. Thanks for the insights!

  120. Tricia DeBenedetto

    It would be so amazing to be able to help people get to an aha like I got to today while watching the second video! My money relationship has a direct correlation to my mother… I have known this for decades! Today, the aha was that if I were to own that I am beautiful, smart, funny, abundant in all areas of my life and powerful, my mother would not love me if I were those things. Bam! Tears of gratitude for Margaret’s work!

  121. Marisa

    I would want to work with people who want help with decluttering their closets and their lives. I would help them with letting go of old baggage, internal and external. This would be my dream job, I would feel so happy, I could live a more flexible lifestyle and I can travel when I want to.
    My clients would see outer and inner changes.

  122. Sarah

    If I had a step-by-Step action Plan to build a stable, thriving practice helping others, I will feel more efficient; confident, powerful and free !
    I could feel the power of the two exercises ! I can’t wait for the next videos.

  123. Marie

    Thankyou so much Margaret
    Great information
    I would probably help my clients transform deeply their lives
    I would increase my clients

  124. Eva

    Thank you very much dear Margaret, for your valuable support and for sharing your experience and knowledge.
    Since I will become self-employed in the field of energetic treatments and coaching, your valuable experience comes in very handy and supports me excellently.

  125. Cynthia H

    If I was able to clear my blocks to earning more and didn’t have to be afraid to market myself, I would use my modality of financial planning to help women who don’t know how to budget, save for retirement, and build an investment portfolio. I would be different if my confidence grew 3x by truly enjoying my work, feeling that I am actually helping others in a lasting positive way.

  126. Mandyy

    I really loved the exercise you shared! It was such a great way to show them the value in working with you and getting them to the point of actually committing because they now realize what’s been holding them back, how much it’s costing them and they now have the awareness and are either choosing to move forward or to stay stuck. Thank you for this Margaret!

  127. Nell

    Thank you for these clear steps, Margaret. After the exercise, I look forward to having greater impact with more clients and having it come even easier.

  128. Nico

    If I would have a clear action plan + confidence, I would be able to help a lot of people and to enjoy having the life that I dream of.

  129. Roz Levbarg

    I would help professional women in midlife who feel like rug’s bee pulled out from under in the New Reality. I would help them with the struggle they’re having with stress as they worry about what their role will be or should be moving forward. I coach them on how to make the best decisions for themselves with confidence and land on their feet. (issues of stress, worry, decision-making, finding a direction,confidence). This would impact them by giving them peace of mind during this transition, and creating a positive, growth mindset and confidence which they can utilize now and moving forward. Impact for me: tremendous. I’d finally get my business launched, attracting the right clients and doing the work I love. It will help me augment my financial security as I move forward in my retirement.

  130. Ally

    i would be satisfied that I am affecting people tn a way that helped them be at their highest potential.

    It would help me and my clients understand that we can create and live the life we want.

  131. Daniel Sonntag

    People who come to me are often running their own business or have a bigger position in their company.
    They are usually trying to feel their confidence at a deep spiritual level.
    I help them find that deep inner connection so they feel calm confident clear and happy.

    Ideally I can help key clients at a schedule from home that works… I would know that each business part that I do matches my exact clear plan.

  132. joao oliveira


    1. Liliana Cruz

      Olá João! Se precisares de alguma ajuda, posso partilhar contigo algumas dicas me ajudam a manter focada e positiva e que me ajudam a melhorar o meu coaching practice. Se quiseres, deixa aqui um mail ou outra forma de contacto. Boa sorte! Não desistas!

  133. Victoria Bart-Williams

    I would have a life I have always dreamt of; that is being a leader, and helping people. This will help to bring my clients am I a life of transformation, and live confidently and continue to help my clients.

  134. Renee

    I’m an infp healer, so my ideal business would include reiki healing, as well as EFT stress relief sessions from the stage. Encouraging people to heal naturally and improve themselves has always been a life vision. My ideal clients love themselves enough to heal off the beaten path, using color and energy. I’m a healing soul catalyst, bridging the world of human and spirit, holding a nonjudgmental space of listening with love and joy.

  135. Aisling Isis

    Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge and experience. Realise I was totally lacking clarity, which has been holding me back in so many different ways.

  136. Maria

    I get clarity with your model and it was not easy for me to have it.
    I want to shine the light in Them and in me. Thank you.

  137. Rebecca

    I didn’t have a step by step plan and this was stopping me moving forward. This is amazing. Thank you.

  138. Kerry

    I would impact my clients by getting to the root of their issue, not selling but by identifying their problems and bring those to the surface to show that I truly understand their pain points. Thank you for sharing the download link.


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