You’ve not only recognized the impact you can make with your unique gifts, you’re bravely taking the steps so many hesitate to take by honoring them. You’re no stranger to forging ahead in the face of uncertainty, fueled by an undeniable calling to make a difference in the world and live the dream life you deserve.
You might be wondering… how do I stay motivated to live the life I crave while creating a purposeful and profitable coaching career?
what IS possible?
Keep reading because your quiz results will serve as a personal tour guide to help you find your path. Ready to take the first steps?
Confidence As a Coach

Trust me. I can relate. When I offered freebies as a new coach, people agreed mainly —well — because I’d offered. I was working with people who weren’t even interested from the start!
Never coach for free.
Instead of leading with freebies, lead with your passion. Speak about the solutions you provide through your coaching and approach problems as opportunities. The right people will gravitate toward you. Wondering what I mean by “the right people”?
I’m talking about the people who are ready for healing, who’ll resonate with what you’re saying, and believe in what you have to offer so profoundly that they’ll gladly pay for your expertise and support. It might not feel like it right now, but those people are out there.
Many new coaches fall into the trap of thinking they need years of experience and every certification under the sun to be a legit business before they ask to get paid. Unfortunately, that’s where far too many coaching dreams die. I call it the Hobby Zone (and it’s much, much scarier than the Twilight Zone!)
The truth is, you can gain the competence you need to feel confident about growing a thriving coaching business with just a few powerful shifts (stick with me and you’ll soon learn what they are).

Longer term coaching investments are key to generating consistent and higher income. Easier said than done, right? First, you need the confidence that comes with knowing that you can add value to your current or future sessions. Second, you need the “how.”
So MANY coaches report that they don’t feel confident knowing how to work with clients for longer coaching packages or how to get them truly life changing results.
The result? They don’t feel confident offering clients the “big benefits” of longer term coaching investments. (and this is a problem because long term coaching investments are the key to coaches having consistent and higher income!)
So let’s pull back the curtain and talk plainly about getting bigger, more far-reaching results…
Even when we have a modality or approach that we KNOW is really powerful… getting those big, and far-reaching results where our clients experience more joy, empowerment, full-on excitement can often be hard for several reasons.
First, if you use a more subtle or passive healing modality (like energy healing) OR if your approach is very strategy or mindset based…It’s likely you’re not effectively uncovering, diagnosing and clearing away layers of inner resistance on a mind, body, and emotional level.
Inner resistance to change shows up in all humans in many obvious but difficult to solve ways, like: procrastination, self-doubt, paralyzing self-criticism, anxiety, fear or criticism, guilt, self-sabotage.
Knowing that, would you say you’ve learned how to be an expert at effectively uncovering, diagnosing, and clearing away layers of inner resistance on a mind, body, and emotional level?
The vast majority of coaches and therapists admit to struggling like crazy with these EXACT problems themselves!
To truly get life-changing results you MUST be an “inner resistance removal expert”…which is a core piece of training in what I call “Transformational Coaching”.
Secondly, many approaches are focused on only 1 of the 4 healing shifts needed to facilitate real client transformation. For someone to shift the way they feel, act, show up, and speak into an empowered, goal-achieving version of themselves, you need to incorporate all 4 healing shifts. Which brings us to our next step on the path…

What are the 4 shifts needed to bring bigger results?
All 4 of these shifts are clearly defined and addressed in a very intentional way in transformational coaching…and each has a very specific type of Inner Resistance addressed.
If any of the 4 shifts are missing, progress will stall and clients won’t see the results they want or FEEL and see the value of the coaching.
As you read them, note how your own approach fits! For example, most therapy and EFT/Tapping practitioners are mostly working in the Healing Shift focused on healing the past.
Coaches trained in law of attraction notice they are highly focused on the Belief & Possibility Shift, whereas mindset and business coaches are focused on strategies in the Action & Upleveling Shift.
This has answered SO MANY questions even experienced coaches have as to why their results fall short of expectations…and how to change that!
Deeply effective healing focusing on the root sources of current life setpoints – wealth, confidence, joy, health, etc.
*Inner resistance uncovered, diagnosed and cleared – “Resistance Built-in from the Past”
Lead your client to “think and dream big” into the next desired level of empowerment and freedom.
*Inner resistance uncovered, diagnosed and cleared – “Resistance Triggered by Big Goals”
Lead clients to step into a more empowered self needed to reach their goals – powerful, confident, joyful, enthusiastic, fearless and REAL.
*Inner resistance uncovered, diagnosed and cleared – “Resistance To Shining with Confidence”
Support clients steady, enthusiastic progress toward goals while manifesting unexpected support and opportunities.
*Inner resistance uncovered, diagnosed and cleared – “Resistance to Action, Progress, Success”
I have two perfect Quick Start Learning Guides here for you to download designed to teach you EXACTLY how to do these 2 things so you can practice them immediately and see results for yourself!
1. The Simple Formula to Captivate People from the Start
2. How to Do the “Gift of Clarity Exercise” to Wow People with Aha Moments about Why They’re Struggling.
Before you jump over to Gmail, introductions are in order!

“Well you don’t really know me Margaret, sooo…”
You’re right, but the fact that you’re here and that you’re inspired to become a coach — tells me A LOT about who you are.
I’ve witnessed first-hand hundreds of times the magic of watching someone transform before your eyes. (I promise, it never gets old.) I want you to experience the same radical results both in your own life and with your future clients.
Now that you’re a part of my transformation tribe, I’ll be giving you all my best insights on how to launch your career and and next-level life as a thriving coach. Get excited, friend!

Don’t let doubt get in your way.
Don’t let the naysayers nag you.
Don’t for a minute forget that YOU are worthy of a life and a coaching practice that lights you up.
Keep an eye on your inbox — I’ll be sending you a results recap email with additional insights, your 2 bonus gifts and inspiration to kickstart your coaching career.
3 Keys to Truly Transforming Others
(aka. Getting WOW Results)
with Income and Lifestyle Freedom
- How to crack the code to getting real results and catalyzing true transformation
- 3 keys to rare and valuable results as a coach — blast through 4 types of inner resistance and transform others into a more confident version of themselves
- The inner resistance map and my full transformational blueprint to exactly HOW those results are achieved
- Actionable strategies to help you use this information to immediately help others
- And so much more…

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