For coaches, therapists, and Tapping enthusiasts who want
more CONFIDENCE & CLARITY to really help others:
“Margaret, I’ve done tapping before…but never like this!”
The way I do it seems different from other experts, and well … that’s because it is different!
When you know how to work with the layers and meanings of emotions, past events, self sabotage and stuckness — you never get stuck, you always know what to say, and you get big WOW results.
Even as a beginner to Tapping. And those same underlying skills will enhance everything else you do — as a coach, therapist, healer or all around good person!
I can teach you the secret ingredients built into all my programs that drive people to get GREAT RESULTS far beyond their previous experiences with Tapping or other techniques
(It is why I have sold over 6,000 Tapping-based programs AND over 26,000 copies of my book Tapping Into Wealth since 2009!)
As a Coach working with hundreds of success-focused clients since 2007, I discovered the key to getting even bigger, more life-changing results with Tapping. I want to help people not only heal the past more fully, but step into more confidence, courage, joy, and enthusiasm.
I cracked the code on using this Tapping in a heart-centered but step-by-step, intentional way to bring both healing AND empowerment. In 2013, I started teaching people from all walks of life how to use my Tapping Methods so they could START as an EXPERT, confidently getting great results over many client sessions.
My approach is to use Tapping as part of a very practical framework designed to get bigger shifts, aha moments and WOW results — and THAT makes it easy to teach, easy to learn, and easy to follow!
That is why I am inviting you to take this step NOW and see how fast, rewarding, and impactful helping others can be when you START OUT with effective, proven training AND practice!
Helping others — friends, family and clients — will be more powerful and effective when you start out with confidence!
And confidence comes when you understand how inner resistance works and how to guide people through resistance to empowerment.
Hundreds of thousands of people follow along with Tapping audios and videos every day because the technique is simple and effective. This is part of its genius.
But the real power of Tapping doesn’t lie in the technique itself, and when you want to really help others, you need to go beyond the basic mechanics of Tapping.
This is what I always say: You need to know more than the average person about the stress response, the meanings in emotions, the tricks played by our “too smart minds”, and the secrets of our “built-in-human-nature inner resistance” — and how Tapping works on all these levels.
Thankfully, the truth is, this is not complicated knowledge, and it’s fascinating to those of us who LOVE learning about human nature and “how things work”.
You can learn it and I guarantee…YOU WILL LOVE having this knowledge — especially if you love other humans and want to help them! This approach to Tapping answers so many mysteries about how and why people act the way they do and reveals how emotional healing actually works.
Here’s the thing…
Whether you are a new learner or experienced “Tapper”, you need to know WHERE to go to uncover the hidden roots of someone’s biggest complaints and exactly what to do in a compassionate, tuned-in, lead-and-follow flow.
Just as important, you also need to know how to help someone connect the dots for big shifts in self-awareness, aha moments, and clarity about their pain.These hold the keys to their healing process, and to the kinds of shifts that are life-changing!
Without these skills, Tapping — or any modality — can’t really access the fiery energy of empowered transformation. Results in sessions might feel lackluster and inconsistent. You might feel like the work isn’t connecting with clients at a deep level. You might feel frustrated.
But when you master these foundational pieces of understanding human resistance and transformation and combine that knowledge with the basic technique — this is where the magic really happens!
Without these basic tools, we risk what so many people new to Tapping have experienced…
The reality is, MANY people report being introduced to Tapping in ineffective, or “woo-woo” ways that turned them off or just didn’t do just to the real power in the technique. It then took them years to “try it again”.
Because of this, I fear many people miss out on the incredible and truly unprecedented power of the effective, thoughtful use of Tapping.
I don’t want you — or your family members, friends or clients you care about and that you truly want to help — miss out on all the amazing benefits of Tapping!
Instead I want the people YOU care about to be introduced to this powerful, clinically proven technique in a solid, credible, and clear way so they are open to trying it with you.
THEN…I want them to experience your guidance as confidently, clear and full of big aha moments, felt shifts and impressive measurable results, even if you are new to tapping!
THIS is the way to take your first step and learn Tapping WITH my expert secrets behind using it like a pro with the people YOU want to help!
I have been teaching beginners from every walk of life and advanced learners since 2013 how to become MASTERFUL in their ability to transform others using Tapping!
I can wait to teach you all my secrets gained from 13 years of working with thousands of people from 1-on-1 clients to large groups!
Here is what participants said about Transform Others with Tapping:
Thank you, Margaret! Life-changing!
5+ hours Keyword Searchable Video Training with Learning Guide
Learn from Master Coach and Experienced Trainer Margaret Lynch Raniere, author of acclaimed Tapping Into Wealth (2nd highest rated book on general Tapping). Margaret has trained over 1,000 coaches in her results-based Transformational Method of Tapping to both clear away blocks AND tap into confidence, passion, and on-fire Empowerment Energy!
Training Module 1: Start with Confidence & Clarity – How to Read and Handle ANY Client and the 5 Types of “Inner Resistance”
Start this Master Class with the best time-tested approach of introducing Tapping in a practical, grounded and results-focused way. Then take a deep dive into the very nature of “inner resistance” by learning the 5 Types of Inner Resistance that block healing, progress and empowerment and instead create self-sabotage, self-doubt and procrastination.
Training Module 2: Get Fast Results with Most Common Issues – Transform Anxiety, Stress and Scattered Focus Into Grounded Inspired Action
When you truly understand the “fight or flight response” triggers and how to diffuse them, you help clients both calm the mind, balance the nervous system, get better sleep AND enhance their focus, creativity, resourceful thinking and energy to take action.
Training Module 3: Master the Meanings and Layers of Emotional Healing & Empowerment – Using the Empathy Codes to Transform and Empower
Clearly see, diagnose and shift what is underneath the complicated and mysterious struggles clients have with procrastination, self-sabotage, worth issues and confidence. Clients will think you are a mind reader as you compassionately, confidently and expertly guide them through a major transformation. Always know exactly what to say to uncover and move confidently through key emotions that appear or are resisted, even with the most resistant clients.
Training Module 4: Guide Clients with Extraordinary Depth of Compassion – Healing the Roots of the Fear, Self-Doubt and Recurring Patterns
Go beyond the basic “tapping recipes” to hold powerful, safe and sacred spaces to heal painful past events that are secretly continuing to rob clients of confidence, joy, and enthusiasm. These are clear step by step skills that give you incredible way of changing lives as a healer as well as a success-focused coach
Bonus – Training Module 5: From Procrastination to Laser-Focused Action – Reusable Session Clients Will Need & Love Again and Again
Learn this step by step “recipe session” to amaze a new client and keep longer term clients on track and in action. Can be used over and over for many situations, including our own mini blocks to action!
A 5-Day Explosion of Win-Win Awesomeness Partner Practice Palooza
This unique challenge Starts Monday November 16 — and it will skyrocket your confidence as you go to work with clients and loved ones.
Achieve 10 Practice Session Milestones (or more) in 5 Days!
Here’s the thing:
When you take a Masterclass in using a powerful technique, your next biggest problem is… “I need someone to practice on!”
Because you know that without someone to practice on, the skills sit on the shelf, and it’s tough to gain confidence without the chance to apply what you’ve learned in a real-time setting! Without that confidence, it gets harder to help people. And we want you to help as many people as possible!
We’ve solved this problem, because hosting Practice Partner Communities, events, and challenges is one of our super powers!
Partner Practice Palooza is Super Fun 5-Day Challenge for Partner Practice sessions with DAILY live mentoring from Margaret and the support, challenge, prizes and accountability you need to become a brand new Tapping Master!
Wait…WHAT IS Tapping?
Tapping or Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) is an evidence-based self-help therapeutic method and over 100 studies demonstrate its efficacy.
You can think of Tapping as a brilliant combo of the ancient Chinese practice of acupressure and the best of contemporary psychology.
By gently tapping on different acupuncture points while exploring and honestly naming emotional experiences, the nervous system is calmed and re-set. Stress levels drop measurably including a reduction of the stress hormone cortisol, even within a few minutes. Energy feels more balanced, old emotional wounds can find healing, and the brain can actually be re-wired from reacting in old fight-or-flight patterns to a new state of profound possibility and empowerment.
Tapping can be used simply as a quick in-the-moment technique to reduce fear, stress and even anger so one can feel calm, centered and more resilient. This alone has convinced millions of people to “try it” when they need it.
But for those that are looking for bigger, more life-changing results, Tapping can also be used in a more intentional, systematic way to solve seemingly unsolvable problems.
With a clear understanding of the meanings and layers of inner resistance and emotions, Tapping can be used to navigate from deeper healing to brand new levels of personal confidence, empowerment and action.
5+ hours Keyword Searchable Video Training with Learning Guide
Learn from Master Coach and Experienced Trainer Margaret Lynch Raniere, author of acclaimed Tapping Into Wealth (2nd highest rated book on general Tapping). Margaret has trained over 1000 coaches in her results-based Transformational Method of Tapping to both clear away blocks AND tap into confidence, passion, and on-fire Empowerment Energy!
Training Module 1: Start with Confidence & Clarity – How to Read and Handle ANY Client and the 5 Types of “Inner Resistance”
Training Module 2: Get Fast Results with Most Common Issues – Transform Anxiety, Stress and Scattered Focus Into Grounded Inspired Action
Training Module 3: Master the Meanings and Layers of Emotional Healing & Empowerment – Using the Empathy Codes to Transform and Empower
Training Module 4: Guide Clients with Extraordinary Depth of Compassion – Healing the Roots of the Fear, Self-Doubt and Recurring Patterns
Bonus – Training Module 5: From Procrastination to Laser-Focused Action – Reusable Session Clients Will Need & Love Again and Again
5 Day, Explosion of Win-Win Awesomeness Partner Practice Palooza
Starts Monday November 16
Achieve 10 Practice Session Milestones (or more) in 5 Days!
Super Fun 5-Day Challenge for Partner Practice sessions with DAILY live mentoring from Margaret and the support, challenge, prizes and accountability you need to become a brand new Tapping Master!
Copyright © 2020 | Margaret M. Lynch | All Rights Reserved